
Closing xul wizard from overlay.js

While developing a firefox extension, I create a wizard window from overlay.js using: this.wizard = window.openDialog("chrome://firenow/content/wizard.xul", "","chrome, dialog, modal, resizable=no", params); this.wizard.focus(); How can I close the wizard from overlay.js? I should call its cancel() function but I can't get it working!...

Extracting File Extension in PHP (image upload script)

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? The file is renamed using a time stamp but the extension doesn't get extracted and placed in the new name. $filenameext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $today = getdate(); $uniqueStr = $today[year]; $uniqueStr .= $today[mon]; $uniqueStr .= $today[wday]; $uni...

Load PowerBuilder extension automatically

Does anybody know whether it's possible to make a given PowerBuilder application (for which I usually don't have the source code) load a custom extension (a nonvisual extension) which I provide? I know that I could add my .pbd to the library list of the PowerScript target in PowerBuilder, but when given a complete PowerBuilder-based GUI...

Firefox api - access from my program

Is it possible to access Firefox info from my program? Specificly I need to read URL of opened site in active tab. Is something like this possible? I guess I can write extension that will allow me to do something like this, but I wanted to know if it is posible with some FF api... ...

Hudson email ext plugin bug?

Hello everyone, I am getting an error using my email ext plugin from hudson. I am trying send an email to the following schema = "< firstName >_< LastName >@< subgroup >.< companyName >.com ex: [email protected] I cannot send emails to this address via the email extension plugin. The regular email generator works wi...

Firefox plugin that ask for some input at startup

I would like to know how to implement a dialog that show up when you first start Firefox to ask the user to enter some input. This input will be stored somewhere temporarily, and should be used later on by the plugin when required. I have full understand of how to implement firefox plugin (this includes understanding of XUL and Javascrip...

IE MIME/content filtering

I'm looking into ways to develop an extension for IE6+ that will allow handling of custom MIME types. As an example, I need to be able to take a document with a custom MIME type that is returned by the server, perform some processing on it, and then change the MIME type back to something that IE can natively handle, such as text/html o...

Plan to make a SO indicator for Firefox

Problem: to show that a Not-SO-page has been discussed in SO when you at the Not-SO-site by a SO indicator at Firefox bottom bar How should the extension work? It should show a colorful SO indicator if the not-SO-page has been at SO. I assume that we cannot use Google (because the addon is apparently against its TOS) SO has no simil...

writing a Firefox extension to show frameless/transparent window

I am currently developing a Firefox extension. In Firefox's extension you can display a window by calling window.open and specifying the XUL file for that window. You can make it a dialog and/or modal. But there is no way to make the window frameless (no title bar and window borders) and I understand that. Also, it is not possible to mak...

Returning unsigned long long from an extension function in PHP

If i need to return a long i simply use the RETURN_LONG macro. But what do i do if i need to return an unsigned long long. If i use this macro the data gets corrupted... ...

Customizing app.config

I'd like to be able to extend ConfigurationManager so that I have an app.config some like the following: <configuration> <databases> <add name="db1" server="someServer" dbName="superDB" userName="" password=""/> <add name="db2" server="anotherServer" dbName="ordinaryDB" userName="dba" password="dba"/> </databases> </configurat...

How can I implement a content converter in Firefox for all page elements?

I'm attempting to port over an Internet Explorer plugin to Firefox, but I'm not sure where to look for what I need. Basically I need to be able to filter all content that is received by the browser with a certain Content-Type header. I tried implementing a stream converter, and this works, but only for the top-level document in the page...

jqmodal and nyromodal will not work w/ Jquery 1.3.2 and Firefox toolbar extension

I've been trying to create my own firefox toolbar with commands that will open and close a modal dialog using either jqModal or nyroModal. In both cases the act of opening the dialog causes errors and I can't find anything out there as to why modals would break. Browser: Firefox 3.0.11 JQuery: v1.3.2 jqModal: r14 nyroModal: 1.5.0 Sampl...

Intercepting mouse over href from Firefox extension

How can I know the url under the mouse cursor from a firefox extension? I need to interact with the href from within the overlay.js file. I'd want a lightweight solution, for example I don't want to attach some event to all hrefs found in a page. I'd rate a mouseover solution but how can't find anything useful for me! Thanks ...

Is there a way to replace the "openwith" name for java apps in windows?

i have a java app in windows, put in the registy the entries for the file extension and for the app. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.xxx -> (Default)=xxxApp, Content Type=..., PerceivedType=... HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.xxx/OpenWithProgIDs -> (Default)=xxxApp HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.xxx/ShellNew -> command=c:\java... -jar xxxApp.jar and ItemName=xxxApp HKE...

Firefox Extension: Get selected text

I am working on a simple Firefox Extension and I want to get the selected text. I tried this: var WordCount = { /* ... */ changeSelected: function() { var selectedText = this.getSelection(); var words = this.countWords(selectedText); this.changeStatus(words, " selected"); //alert(selectedText); ...

Developing a Firefox addon that turns a file's URI into its filename when saving it

I've read some documentation and tutorials about developing Firefox Addons. But never found how to do this. I would like to make an addon that when you try to save a file (via left-click or right-click/save as) it automatically sets the to-be-created-file's name to be the same as the original file's URI. (but with some changes, like mak...

Extension/plugin/module system for a Ruby on Rails application?

What would be the best approach to develop an "extension" system for a Rails application? I mean the same kind of system that WordPress has, like registering functions to hooks, etc. Then plugins could be activated/deactivated from an admin panel. Are there some books/online material about implementing this kind of functionality in RoR...

Can I create a Python extension module in D (instead of C)

I hear D is link-compatible with C. I'd like to use D to create an extension module for Python. Am I overlooking some reason why it's never going to work? ...

getBoundingClientRect IHTMLElement2 - IE extension

In my IE extension I am trying to get the screen co-ordinates of an element in C++/MSHTML. From my IHTMLDocument2, I do the following: IHTMLDocument2:: pDoc->get_all(&pElemColl); IHTMLElementCollection::pElemColl->item(varID, varIdx, &pElemDisp); where _variant_t varID = ("myID", VT_BSTR); //myID is the tag name of the element I'm...