
Can' get couchdb external http handlers to work.

following the instructions here http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/ExternalProcesses this is what I get { * error: "{{badarg,[{erlang,port_command, [#Port<0.2056>, [123, [34,<<"info">>,34], 58, [123, [34,"db_name",34], 58, [34,<<"transfer_central">>,34], 44, [34,"doc_count",34], 58,"39441",44, [34,"doc_del_count",34], 58,"0",44, [34,"...

MySQL Triggers - How to capture external web variables? (eg. web username, ip)

Hi, I'm looking to create an audit trail for my PHP web app's database (eg. capture inserts, updates, deletes). MySQL triggers seem to be just the thing -- but how do I capture the IP address and the web username (as opposed to the mysql username, localhost) of the user who invoked the trigger? Thanks so much. -Ken P.S. I'm working ...

PHP Form POST to external URL with Redirect to another URL

So, what I am trying to accomplish is have a self-posting PHP form, POST to an external page (using CURL) which in turn redirects to another page. Currently, what is happening is that once I click "Submit" on the form (in contact.php) it will POST to itself (as it is a self-posting form). The script then prepares the POST using CURL an...

Flash CS3/AS3 - How to Mask Nested MovieClips in External Classes

I have a number of external class files that make up (or are trying to build) a portfolio. One of the class files for this project is a Menu.as class I tried extends, but I'm yet to use extends to where it doesn't become a ball of tangled holiday cheer. So my main portfolio class (the one where I'm assembling everything) calls an instan...

second external javscript file not loaded

Hi I have these lines in my html head section <script type="text/javascript" src="../behaviour/location.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../behaviour/ajax.js"></script> When I use either in isolation, the code in the external files executes as expected. However, when I use both, I find that neither works correctly. ...

Loading external Swf - sandbox violation

Hello Mates , I need a help ... an urgent one !!! i tried so hard to figured it out .. but i couldn't .. so I appreciate your help so much .. I'm developing an Air App using flash ... the app loads an external SWF file dynamically through an xml ... the SWF file has a movieclip that has a listener (ON click ) function mouseDownHandler...

Active Directory on local server and intranet on external server.

I have a local Active Directory server and a external web server where my intranet is located. $ad = ldap_connect("ldap://ip-address") or die("Couldn't connect to AD!"); ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); $bd = ldap_bind( $ad, "user@domain", "password") or die("Can't bind to server."); When I run this on a local web ...

How do you cancel an external git diff?

I've got vim setup as my external diff tool: [diff] external = git_diff_wrapper #!/bin/sh vimdiff "$2" "$5" Say I have 300 files that have been modified; via bash, I type "git diff". It launches 300 vimdiffs sequentially, how do I abort it? ...

jQuery + External javascript: How to embed videoplayer in div

I just started with jQuery and so far I have a really good impression of the framework. But now I have a problem that I can't figure out on myself. I want to embed an external javascript file that loads a videoplayer and displays it. If I include the <script>...</script> directly in HTML it loads just fine. But when I try to load it with...

Taking random string from text file Cocoa?

Having troubles finding a good way to get a string from a text file (separated by line breaks) randomly. I want to do a setStringValue:@"random string from file here"; pretty much. Thanks in advance. ...

Howto play video with external audio in Silverlight?

Hi all, Is there any proper method to play synchronously video and external audio, other than simply having two MediaElement (one for video source and one for audio) started simultaneously? I need to play video with different soundtracks, but I belive that just two separated MediaElements will be out of sync at some point of time. Maybe...

Xslt external parameter

In my server side TransformerFactory tfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tfactory.newTransformer( new StreamSource("mytext.xsl")); transformer.setParameter("parametro","hope"); transformer.transform( new DOMSource(document), outputStream ); --mytext.xslt-- . . . ...

Internet explorer, Safari and Chrome problems with displaying @font-face rules.

Hy guys, I've a problem with IExplorer, Chrome, Safari etc.. Only Firefox works perfectly with all of this @font-face rules: In Css: @font-face { font-family: Calibri; src: url('Calibri.ttf'); } @font-face { font-family: HAND; src: url('http://www.mydomain.org/css/HAND.eot'); src: url("HAND.ttf"); } #side_text { position:relati...

PHP convert external relative path to absolute path

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to convert an "external relative path" to an absolute one: I'd really like a function that will do the following: $path = "/search?q=query"; $host = "http://google.com"; $abspath = reltoabs($host, $path); And have $abspath equal to "http://google.com/search?q=query" Another example: $path = "top.h...

Launching external console application from Java

Hi in a Java application I need to run an external console application. With the window's ones everything is OK: try { System.out.println("Running..."); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe"); System.out.println("End."); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } launches notepad successfully. But if...

Loading scripts using jQuery

$.ajax({ url: "plugin.js", dataType: 'script', cache: true, success: function() { alert('loaded'); }}); 1) I can't get the script to load, probably due to incorrect path, but how do I determine the correct path? The above code is in init.js, plugin.js is also in the same folder. 2) Can I load multiple plugins at once with the same...

How to catch a moment when the external editor of TOLEContainer has been closed?

Borland Developer Studio 2006, Delphi: I have a TOLEContainer object with AllowInPlace=False. When the external editor is closed and changed my OLE object I have to do something with this OLE object inside TOLeContainer. The problem is I can't catch a moment when the external editor is closed. OnDeactivate event is not working. Prob...

Including JavaScript and CSS in a page (jQuery)

I recently came across the includeMany jQuery plugin to include external JavaScript and CSS files into a page. Although it was released in early 2009 there are NO references in blogs or elsewhere. I wonder if it's usable? What is the experience using it? ...

External USB devices to Android phones?

I would like to use Android phones as a way to do some processing and visualization of a sensor that would be attached to the USB port on the phone. The sensor would plug into the micro/mini USB, and then I would need to read the incoming data from the USB serial port. Is this possible? I have heard of people using Android to steer rob...

Drupal using Solr externally on another machine?

I'd like to use the Drupal solr search module with the Apache Solr Search hosted on an external machine. I know that Acquia offer this as a service. But it's not an affordable option for me. I'd like to install Solr on an inexpensive VPS and have all my various Drupal sites which are on different hosts accessing the search functions. Am ...