
Is this design for dependency injection easy to understand?

I'm working on a project with a large existing codebase and I've been tasked with performing some re-engineering of a small portion of it. The existing codebase does not have a lot of unit testing, but I would like at least the portion I'm working on to have a full suite of unit tests with good code coverage. Because the existing codeb...

Creating a factory method in Java that doesn't rely on if-else

Currently I have a method that acts as a factory based on a given String. For example: public Animal createAnimal(String action) { if (action.equals("Meow")) { return new Cat(); } else if (action.equals("Woof")) { return new Dog(); } ... etc. } What I want to do is avoid the entire if-...

combo with search and button-reusable in extjs

i am using a factory function (which has grids within windows called using button handler)within one form. so when i click the button and open a grid and than close it,it works correctly, but say for example in a situation: if i open both grids and close , and than try to open other grid the previous grids contents are loaded,but as...

Factory pattern and class templates in C++

I have a hierarchy of class templates. At the top of the hierarchy is an abstract base class (interface). I won't know which concrete implementation to instantiate until runtime, so it seems like the perfect situation to use the factory pattern. However, virtual member function templates are not allowed in C++. How can I achieve a le...

What is the value of Exception factories?

In looking at some code reflected from the WCF libraries, I'm seeing a pattern used to create exceptions: if(argument == null) { throw Error.ArgumentNull("argument"); } Null arguments being the simplest example, with other types of exceptions available through the static error class. What is the value of this factory pattern? Why...

How do I use androids LayoutInflater.Factory to create a custom view class instead of a built in class?

I am using a custom class based off RelativeLayout but it obviously doesn't render in the Eclipse layout editor. I have found this article regarding LayoutInflater.Factory and it sounds like what I need to be doing but I can find no guides to using LayoutInflater.Factory. http://www.macadamian.com/blog/post/android_-_custom_classes_fro...

Factory pattern in Python

Hi, I'm currently implementing the Factory design pattern in Python and I have a few questions. Is there any way to prevent the direct instantiation of the actual concrete classes? For example, if I have a VehicleFactory that spawns Vehicles, I want users to just use that factory, and prevent anyone from accidentally instantiating Car...

Is there a way in scala to produce a generic instance without an example instance?

I was playing with creating a generic factory as follows: trait Factory[T] { def createInstance():T = new T() } val dateFactory = new Factory[Date](){} val myDate = dateFactory.createInstance() The 'new T()' doesn't compile, as T is undefined until runtime. I know that I can get it to work by passing in an instance of the class to so...

Is it wrong to call a class a FooFactory if it doesn't *always* create Foo objects?

Is it wrong to call a class a FooFactory if it doesn't always create Foo objects? For example if I have the following interface: public interface IFooFactory { Foo Create(); } and implement it as follows: public class FooFactory : IFooFactory { public IFoo Create() { return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IFoo>...

Rx Need help in writing hierarchy for the classes

I used 101 samples of Rx Framework ( http://rxwiki.wikidot.com/101samples#toc47 ) last example and created a class like below and usage like in the test function. private void Test() { var order = new Order(); order.ObservableOrder.Subscribe( ord => Console.WriteLine("Order progress "), // subscribe to onnext event ...

How to set runtime license key on ActiveX object from .NET

I'm trying to load an ActiveX COM object into a .NET project. It uses licensing (ie FACTORY2). Things work fine on the development machine since the Design License is available. But of course I need to se the runtime license so it will load on other machines. I'm stuck on how to set the runtime license. I have imported the COM object ...

How can a class be designed to mock an unknown type?

I've seen examples of this where an interface is provided to a factory and it generates objects that implement the interface. This isn't that complicated to me, but what I don't get is how that can be used to implement behavior. Take for example the ChannelFactory in WCF... when you generate a channel from an interface it exposes met...

Some doubts about what Factory does

Hi, I'm not really sure to understand completely the factory pattern. Let's say I have a class Customer which has basically the following methods: CreateCustomer - static, creates a customer from scratch and adds it to the database, LoadCustomer - static, loads an instance of a Customer from the database, KillCustomer - not static, r...

object factory that generates an object or list of objects

I have the following code: def f(cls, value): # cls is a class # value is a string value if cls == str: pass # value is already the right type elif cls == int: value = int(value) elif cls == C1: value = C1(value) elif cls == C2: value = C2(value) elif cls == C3 # in this case, we convert the string into...

make sure object only created by factory (C#)

How do I make sure that a certain class is only instantiated by a factory and not by calling new directly? EDIT: I need the factory to be a separate class (for dependency injection purposes) so I can't make it a static method of the class to be instantiated, and so I can't make new private. ...

Flexible application configuration in C++

Hi, I am developing a C++ application used to simulate a real world scenario. Based on this simulation our team is going to develop, test and evaluate different algorithms working within such a real world scenrio. We need the possibility to define several scenarios (they might differ in a few parameters, but a future scenario might als...

Wrapping a complex linq query with a Try-Catch block and catching the correct Exceptions

The below code is a factory class that is delivers objects of type IGraph that have the GraphTypeAttribute implemented. Inside the static constructor of the GraphFactory, a list is built by using Linq to collect the appropriate classes to be delivered by the Factory. Normally without Linq I had a buch of loops and if-then's that could be...

Could not reset the android device to factory.

I am stuck into resetting an android device to factory. This happens when Unlock pattern is set. ICheckinService service = ICheckinService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("checkin")); This line of code returns 'null'. So a dialog showing an error message "No reset was performed because the System Clear service is not availa...

Sending data received in one Twisted factory to second factory

Howdy! I am trying to write a simple program using Twisted framework and I am struggling with resolving (or even with imaging how to write it) issue I couldnt find any relevant documentation for: The main reactor uses two factories, one custom, listening for TCP connections on given port (say, 8000) and second one, to log into given IR...

Generic Factory for classes?

I am trying to create a class that uses a factory to find the right class and then calls methods on that class. I am doing something wrong though because the intellisense in Visual Studio keeps alerting me to errors and when I try to access the methods that should be within the class the factory returns they are not available. Can anyon...