
fbjs: get uid of current loggedinuser

i have to use fbjs for my current app. i was using the api.requireLogin function earlier but then i looked over at the docs and found the function has been deprecated and suggested to use FB.Connect.requireSession() instead. I wanted to know how do i get the uid of the current user? ...

How to delete an HTML element inside a div with attribute contentEditable?

Hi have this html: <div id="editable" contentEditable="true" > <span contentEditable="false" >Text to delete</span> </div> need that the span (and all text inside) is removed with a single backspace, is it possible? ...

Looking for an example of fb:tabs and AJAX

I want to use http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Fb:tabs and have the tabs load/change dynamically using AJAX. Are there any examples online or would anyone be kind enough to post an example here? Thanks! ...

How do I get a PHP variable in these single quotes?

How can I get the value of $fbAppPath into the PHP statement below? <? print json_encode(array(array('text' => 'Become A Fan', 'href' => '$fbAppPath'))); ?> ...

FBJS-BRIDGE , Stopped working since yesterday?

Hi, I have a facebook app, which works with fbjs/flash/python. From yesterday I have been getting the following security error. *** Security Sandbox Violation *** SecurityDomain 'http://apps.facebook.com/feline-frenzy/bridgetest/' tried to access incompatible context 'http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z71HX/hash/4h1ls3l8.swf' While...

Facebook - using FBJS to generate flash dynamically?

I have tried using the FBML to display the flash statically. it is simple. and I have used the FBJS to dynamically display normal content. So, how to use FBJS to create the tag for displaying Flash? I have tried setInnerXHTML but doesn't seems working. So, how to do that? ...

Facebook. Problem with Flash calling a FBJS

i use FBML for the FB application I have a flash and the flash suppose to call a javascript on the page. I read so many websites trying to figure it out but still having problem. Here is the Webpage with the javascript: <fb:fbjs_bridge/> <div id="swfContainer"></div> <script> // the javascript to call and change the text of ztest001 f...

facebook flash - Variable FBJS is not defined

I have a simple Flash just put in for an facebook app. it is so simple that only one frame and one text box. that's all. I have this <fb:fbjs-bridge/> <fb:swf swfsrc="http://path/test2.swf" width="100" height="100" /> <script> <!-- --> </script> and I have no error to show the flash in Firefox & Chrome. But in IE, I get this: V...

How to Add facebook "Install App Button" on a Fanpage Tab (Based on working example)

Hello there! For some time now I try to figure out how these guys were able to add "Sign online here" button which is "install App" button on their fan-page tab: http://www.facebook.com/GuinnessIreland?v=app_165491161181 I've read around the web and couldn't come up with any solid solution. The FBML and FBJS documentation left me with...

Facebook app - using Feed forms

My app generates a message and I'd like to post that message to the wall of the person using the app. I'd like to have the app icon there too if possible. I've looked and I just end up finding stuff about FBJS but can't figure out for the life of me how to use it. This is a canvas app by the way and I'm using PHP for server side. ...

FBJS/FBML: Display a textbox on click of radio button

I want to use FBML as a canvas and would like to display a textbox on click of radio button. Can anybody out there help me out on this? e.g. if a user selects other as option it should make appear a text box. Is it possible? how? I'm eager to learn more from the responder. ...

facebook javascript, image picker

im having many img tag dynamically printed from facebook album pictures, like below echo '<'img src="' . $photo_detail['src_small'] . '" id="imageurl" onclick="return false" />'; i need is---- when clicking on image the source of image is should set to <'input type="hidden" id="imagesrc"/> value in the form when submitting the form th...

FBJS security weaknesses

Someone recently told my coworker that our site is relatively insecure from an FBJS standpoint. Since I wasn't there at the time, I wasn't able to ask why. What are some factors that influence the security of an FBJS implementation? Thanks very much, Michael ...

'showing' a facebook fb:dialog

i want to use facebook's fb:dialog tag to display a simple pop-up form for the user to fill in. but i want to show that dialog using javascript (in the ondone handler of an ajax request). is this possible? i took a stab in the dark and tried document.getElementById('dialog_id').show() but show() is not a method. alternatively there is ...

check this script and answer, facebook?

http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php?title=Fb:js-string&amp;redirect=no in the above link, example coding provided "Real example (PHP): " passing variable to how to work with? convert to code how to use in <'?php XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?> tag? ...

Fbml Appllication - Select friend and Post a news on friend's wall - New method

I'm a newbie facebok developer from Italy Sorry, but my english is very poor. I would like to ask you how to create in my facebook application a multi-friend selector to allow my users to post news on friend's wall. How can I let my user select friends, and than send to those friends a news on their wall? I 'don't know ajax, so please c...

regular expression in fbjs

http://jamienay.com/2009/12/a-better-postal-zip-code-validation-method-for-cakephp-1-2/ i want to do the validation for zip code in FBJS for us and canada. suggest some script or how to convert the about php code(in link) to fbjs ...

How can I distribute a bookmarklet in FBML?

I have a JavaScript bookmarklet that I'd like fans of a certain page to take. Unfortunately, the only way I've found of distributing it is giving them the raw JavaScript source, which is then problematic to add as a bookmark. Ideally, I'd use <a href="javascript:/*my bookmarklet*/">Drag this to the bookmarks bar</a> But FBML filters ...

How to Prompt user with permission dialog in iframe application

Hi, I am using Facebook.showPermissionDialog("read_stream,publish_stream, offline_access, email") to show permission dialog. Its working in FBML mode but the problem is in IFRAME mode. The below code also works fine in FBML mode but not in Iframe mode. fb:prompt-permission perms="read_stream,publish_stream, offline_access, email">Al...

Post-Render Fbml (Ajax Callback)

Hi there, i am doing a simple ajax call with FBJS. The server returns a fbml string which i render in one of my DIVs. The Problem: FB doesnt render the prefix for attributes like style, onclick etc. I have seen a function for some kind of post-rendering somewhere. But i cant remember Thanks for helping. ...