
Does a FileStream object (.NETCF, C#) created using handle returned from Win32 API CreateFile (C++, P/Invoke) prone to .NET Garbage Collection

UPDATED QUESTION Since the ctor is not supported by .NETCF (public FileStream(IntPtr handle, FileAccess access). Could you please suggest other ways of sharing large file in memory between managed and unmanaged code on a limited resource (RAM) platform. Basically I want to map the file in the upper region of 2GB user space (Win CE 5.0) ...

FileStream Append Data at the top

I am working on a utility. I want to append data at the top of the file, but it is overwritting not appending. For eg : Consider the file.txt : Something existing here Now I want to append "Something more existing here" before the current line. Is there a way I can do without using 2 FileStreams ? ...

Perl CGI::Application::Plugin:Stream + Jquery Taconite plugin - Cannot download file

Hi, I am using the Stream (qw/stream_file/) Plugin for CGI::Application within a runmode to read a file from the filesystem and stream it back to the user. The user clicks on a link whose "id" attribute I use in an ajax call using Jquery to fetch the file (/?mode=get_file&fileid=<someid>). I am also using the Jquery taconite plugin to...

Storing images in a Sql Server 2008 database using Filegroups/Filestreams

Has anyone had an experience storing user uploaded images in a MSSQL 2008 Database using Filegroups and Filestreams? I read a few articles that seemed to say they are a good idea because you get all the advantages of storing images on disk and in the db. For example I have implemented this for my current project but it seems like I'm d...

Load binary file using fstream

I'm trying to load binary file using fstream in the following way: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iterator> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { basic_fstream<uint32_t> file( "somefile.dat", ios::in|ios::binary ); vector<uint32_t> buffer; buffer.assign( istream_iterator<uint32_t, uint32_t>...

Getting Original Path from FileStream

Given a System.IO.FileStream object, how can I get the original path to the file it's providing access to? For example, in the MyStreamHandler() function below, I want to get back the path of the file that created the FileStream: public static void Main() { string path = @"c:\temp\MyTest.txt"; FileStream fs = File.Create(path)...

c# - reading from binary log file that is updated every 6 seconds with 12k of data

I have a binary log file with streaming data from a sensor (Int16). Every 6 seconds, 6000 samples of type Int16 are added, until the sensor is disconnected. I need to poll this file on regular intervals, continuing from last position read. Is it better to a) keep a filestream and binary reader open and instantiated between readings b) ...

AS3/Air: PNG > File > FileStream > ByteArray > BitmapData

I want to use to synchronously read image files from disk. I can then get them into a ByteArray with readBytes(), but I can't find how to get that into BitmapData. I know Image can read it as is, but I need BitmapData. Any suggestions? ...

storing images in sql server

I am trying to put together db design for storing images. Many of you might have had experience designing db to store images and the challenges associated with it. The db might store hundreds of thousands of images eventually. I am planning to use SQL Server 2008 db and entity framework. Planning to use FILESTREAM datatype for storing ...

A proper way to access files on different machine using C#

I want to read files off of different windows machine on the same network, NOT part of the same domain though. (ASP.NET C# app) Tried FileStream (can't authenticate), tried FileWebRequest (reverts to FileStream when file:/// is used), and impersonation ( Which says "impersonation failed" on my Vista. Upd...

C#: FileStream.Read() doesn't read the file up to the end, but returns 0.

Here is how i do it: static void Main(string[] args) { string FileName = "c:\\error.txt"; long FilePosition = 137647; FileStream fr = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open); byte[] b = new byte[1024]; string data = string.Empty; fr.Seek(FilePosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); w...

Design for file downloads from a web server.

My web app consists of images stored in the SQL Server db. And, i have a silverlight app on the client side. The web app would allow clients to download file from the server by triggering the download in the silverlight app. The Silverlight talks to the web service to download the file. I am trying to understand the file download logic ...

How do I compare the size of executeables in VB6?

I have a project where I need to compare 2 executeable files and see if they are of the same file size. Unfortunately, this is an addition to an existing VB6 project. I'm not entirely sure how to do it other than compare filestreams? Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance for any help. ...

Trying to stream a PDF file with is producing a "damaged file"

Hi all, In one of my web applications I need to hide the location of a pdf file being served to the users. Thus, I am writing a method that retrieves its binary content from its location on a CMS system and then flushes a byte array to the web user. I'm getting, unfortunately, an error when downloading the stream: "Could not ...

How to check if a file is in use?

Is there any way to first test if a file is in use before attempting to open it for reading? For example, this block of code will throw an exception if the file is still being written to or is considered in use: try { FileStream stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch (IOException ...

Redirect writes to a file to a stream C#

Hello, I wanted to ask if it is possible to redirect writes to a specific file, to a memory stream in my application so I can immediately read it. If it is possible please explain how to do so. Thanks. ...

file system not supported error while adding a file to sql filegroup with filestream

hi i am a beginner with sql server 2008, i was trying to add a file to a filegroup so that i an create a table which uses filestream, but i keep getting an errors. here is the code that i am trying: ALTER DATABASE dbtry1 ADD FILEGROUP dbtry1_fg_filestream CONTAINS FILESTREAM GO ALTER DATABASE dbtry1 ADD FILE ( NAME= 'dbtry1_files...

Accessing Sql FILESTREAM from within a CLR stored procedure

I'm trying to access a Sql filestream from a CLR stored procedure. I've set up a very simple database with a single table which includes a filestream column. I can successfully read from the filestream using a simple console app. Here's some example code for the proc that fails: [SqlProcedure] public static void GetDataFromFileStream(st...

Problem with storing large files in database

I have used linq to sql to store files in a varbinary(max) field. Filestream is activated too, but when I try to store files with 400 or 500 MB I get this error: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown My Code is: Dim ByteArray() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(OpenFileDialog1.FileName) Dim tb As New tb_1() tb._id = ...

Easiest way to read text file which is locked by another application

I've been using File.ReadAllText to grab some csv, but every time I forget to close the file in Excel, the application throws an exception because it can't get access to the file. (Seems crazy to me, I mean the READ in ReadAllText seems pretty clear) I know that there is File.Open with all the bells and whistles, but is there an 'inter...