
Directory tree data type?

What would be the return type of the following method? (T) public T GetDirectoryContentsRecursively (string path) { ... } The method will read the contents of a remote directory, and read the contents of each sub-directory and each of that object's sub-directories and so on. I have thought about using List<object>, where object coul...

File Explorer - Altering File/Folder associated icon programmatically

Hi all, Have you noticed modifications to the icons associated with files and folders when using file explorer in windows/linux while having a svn client installed (e.g., TortoiseSVN). Basically, when a folder is saved in a SVN repository, normally there is a tiny green tick icon added to the associated file icon. I want to know how Tor...

Pythonic way to modify python path relative to current directory

I have a project that is structured like this (cut down a lot to give the gist)... State_Editor/ bin/ state_editor/ features/ # .py files io/ # .py files # etc. You get the idea. Now say for examp...

FILESYSTEM vs SQLITE, while storing up-to 10M files

I would like to store up-to 10M files, 2TB storage unit. The only properties which I need restricted to filenames, and their contents (data). The files max-length is 100MB, most of them are less than 1MB. The ability of removing files is required, and both writing and reading speeds should be a priority - while low storage efficiency, r...

How do i find the calling file location?

Hi guys, I am trying to locate the location of file being displayed in php. I have a small file which can be included by any file wither from root or from inside any folder. i need to print out the location of the. for long explanation: my config file is config.php located in root location of website i.e localhost/site1/test/. It con...

Is there a way to know the creation time of a file in ubuntu?

i am using ubuntu and want to know the creation time of a file even when it gets modified or accessed ? ...

php rename behaving weird??

hello, i have this script which i will post absolutely unmodified: <? chdir("data"); $files = glob("*"); shuffle($files); var_dump($files); $i=0; $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); // return mime type ala mimetype extension foreach($files as $file) { $i++; $k = $i; $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file); if(strpos($mime,"gif") ...

Windows 7 programing OSD browse drives

I would like to make a program for windows 7. i would like this program to let me browse local and network drives using OSD and just arrow keys, RETURN KEY and maybe BACKSPACE KEY to go back one level. I don`t know where to start.i need some guidelines. What programming language do i have to study and what to study about? i think i need ...

php find file with highest value in its filename

Consider this file structure: /folder/locaux-S04_3.html /folder/blurb.txt /folder/locaux-S04_2.html /folder/locaux-S05_1.html /folder/tarata.02.jpg /folder/locaux-S04_1.html /folder/dfdsf.pdf I need to retrieve the file which name contains the highest numeric value in a directory. In the above example, it is locaux-S05_1.html I came ...

Which embedded database to use for file indexing applications

Hi, I need to develop a file indexing application in python and wanted to know which embedded database is the best one to use for indexing. Any help on this topic is appreciated. Thanks, Rajesh ...

FUSE was hanging when try to get ppid of context when executing files

Hi, all I've tried to insert a piece of code in a prototype file system written in FUSE that can get ppid from the calling process id (fuse_get_context()->pid). It works well for normal read/write operations. However, if one program is going to execute a file (only on Mac OSX), this fs quits after hanging for a long time. The code is fo...

How can the block size of a file store be portably obtained in Java 7?

I believe the title says it all. I've looked at java.nio.file.attribute.Attributes and java.nio.file.FileStore, but couldn't find a way to discover the block-size of a disk-file. ...

Unique file identifiers on NTFS and $Object_ID

From articles I have found online there appears to be two forms of unique identifiers for files on NTFS: Using Windows API GetFileInformationByHandle(), we can get access to the struct BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION, which contains a volume serial number and a low/high file index.

What is the Python equivalent of Unix 'touch'?

I'm writing a function and I want it to touch a file so that I can write to that file. If the file doesn't exist, I will get an error. How can I say that? ...

server path / vs \

In some documentation, I have gotten the instructions to write SERVER_PATH\theme\ When I check _SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] from php info, it's /storage/content/75/113475/ this renders ofcourse /storage/content/75/113475/\theme\ this looks really weird to me what's the difference anyw...

What are the threading semantics for Cocoa file ops? e.g. NSData read/write methods

If I have two threads in my Cocoa app, and (let's say), I'm reading from file X on the disk with an NSData +dataWithContentsOfFile:, and another thread is concurrently updating or replacing that same file X, with, say a -writeToPath:atomically:? I'm unfamiliar with what Cocoa's standard file read/writes modes are. Could the read operat...

Embedding Flash on Master Page

Hi! My client request a flash header for his website. I'm using and a master page (where the code for the flash header is). My problem is that whenever I go to a page that's not in the website's root, the flash doesn't appear. I've had the same issue with pure css menus on this site... Here's the code: <div id="header"> ...

How to copy a file from Linux System to Windows system using Java program?

How to copy a file from Linux System to Windows system using Java program? Thanks for your help. I want to copy file from linux : /inet/apps/ to windows System1: C:\apps\test We can use following program to copy public static void copyFiles(String fromFile, String toFile ){ FileInputStream from = null; FileOut...

what is extent(in FS)?

Hello, I was playing with Linux's new FS, BTRFS and was doing some research about it. BTRFS like Ext4 implements extents as allocation unit for data and metadata. So my understanding is (correct me if I'm worng) that extent is a variable space size of contignuos blocks. My question one file stored on one extent or multiple...or ...

creating attributes in sysfs

I am just trying to add a simple attribute to a device in the /sys filesystem. Seemed pretty straightforward but none of the helper methods mentioned here or here are exported from the kernel so I can't use them from a module? I must be missing something, can anyone provide some insight? ...