
How to determine Ajax (XHR) request sender?

Hi all, Is there a way in any browser to find out who (which piece of code) actually sent an Ajax request? What I mean: in firebug one can monitor network activity (in the Net tab) but there is no way of guessing where the request was initiated from. Does anybody know firefox/firebug extensions or maybe other browser's extensions to sh...

Calling a PHP page with MySQL query from Javascript function then returning results to another javascript function

I am refactoring some code. I have a PHP page that contains a MySQL query and stores the result in a PHP variable $my_result. This result is then echoed to a Flash SWF during embedding with SWFObject. I now want to call this PHP page that makes the query from a javascript function like so - one change I have made to the PHP is that ins...

Channel disconnected error message again and again - Flash builder 4

I'm trying to use server capabilities Flash Builder 4. But using different ways (i use 5 or 6 tutorial) get one and the same error within a week - "Channel disconnected - Channel disconnected before an acknowledgment was received." I looked up "gateway.php" and there was not even a closing tag ?>. Error repeated on a remote server (of co...

I need to have a flash overlay disappear after it runs

I'm doing a myspace profile for a client, I'd like to run a flash animation as an overlay and then once it runs, have it completely disappear, set to display: none or any other fashion of that. It must be myspace friendly (no javascript). Thanks for your help! ...

Using Amazon S3 to Host Flash Videos... Why does the FlashVar show no file extension?

I'm using FlowPlayer to replace an existing FLV player on my site that plays videos from Amazon E3. I have many pages and each should show a different video. For each page, I have a value stored in my CMS that is the "streamName". The stream name corresponds to a flashvars paramenter in the object/embed tags that show the video player...

TileList Components when loaded externally from separate SWFs do not have separate data

I have 2 SWFs, each containing a different tileList Component and an additional SWF that acts as the master swf for the other two. It seems as if, which ever tileList component i load first will always over write the properties of the second. I have tried including the tileList inside the master swf library, i also have tried using: var...

Is it possible to use a Document class that is above the FLA in the directory structure?

Is it possible to use a Document class that is above the FLA in the directory structure? If so, please explain how. This is how I currently have my directory structure: [d] site │ ├─[d] as3 | | | ├─ Site.as //Document class for site.fla | ├─ SectionA.as //Document class for section_a.fla | └─ SectionB.as //Docum...

Getting static data for Flash app with JSON or XML - caching or not?

Hey, I've flash app and i've static data (like ~18.0KB) for it which aren't changed often so I was wondering how to better get them. The static data may be in XML or JSON. One of my ideas was to put the static data in .js file within a function which would return them in JSON list and the other one was to return them in XML (as I like to...

create a simple live drawing board/whiteboard application using flash as3, and flash media server 3.5.

How do I create a simple live drawing board/whiteboard functionality using flash as3, and flash media server 3.5. ...

How would I implement COMET for my (Flash) browser-based game?

Hi eveyrone, I am currently trying to write a browser-based game that allows multiple users to navigate in a 2D map. It's RPG based and requires COMET as a technique for two users appearing and interacting on one screen, should they happen to appear in the same frame. Also, in the game, I am embedding the maps within the SWF file, but ...

how to get flash's url, height, width in a HTML web page?

I am new to Web C++ programming. I am trying to use IE8's IWebBrowser2 interface to obtain a webpage's embedded flash's url, height, width information. This flash can be generated by javascript. So I did like this: from IWebBrowser2 I got IHTMLElementCollection,then I iterated through the collection to get IHTMLObjectElement2,and finally...

Flash Obsolete, What about html5 or css3 is really that powerful?

i dont claim in any shape or form claim to be a Flash Activist, but apart from its obvious annoyances and discrepancies, any fool can see its couple of uses, that are in a big way reasonably important to the right consumer and website. There has been a lot of talk that HTML5 and CSS3 is the future of the web, so much so that ie9 is actu...

swf in winforms cannot escape from fullscreen

Using the sample in this link, I tried replacing the SWF file with one that has a Fullscreen button. It also has a listener that shows an alert box if ESC is pressed and restores to original size. Clicking on the Fullscreen button shows the SWF in fullscreen, but pressing ESC does not restore the SWF to the original size. The form has...

How do you load a folder full of png files to construct an AS3 movie clip?

I see plenty of AS3 examples of loading 1 image file into a 1 frame movieclip, but how can you take a folder full of images, load them and treat each image as an individual frame of a single movieclip? The essential problem I seem to keep running into is how to create a keyframe during runtime... ...

help converting this as3 code to pixel bender code

Hi, I'm looking for some help converting as3 code to pixelbender code in an attempt to improve the performance of my application. This as3 code goes as follows. I scan through the Number values of a bytearray in chunks. Lets say this chunk lenght was 100 numbers I read 2 numbers (left and right) and try find the maximum values. The numb...

Instantiating a AMF PHP class not working

Hi guys, I am trying to use AMF PHP to pass variables to a flash file, thus far I cannot see anything wrong with my code, but I have very little experience with creating classes, so here it goes, here is my code, index.php: <?php include "amfphp/services/flashMe.php"; $session = true; if ($session == true) { $uid = '12345'; $thi...

Firefox/Flash won't Autoplay on AJAX load unless page is visible

I have a music site that uses a flash program to play music. When a song is done playing, the flash program uses getUrl to call a JavaScript (jquery) function that reloads part of the page using AJAX. It reloads the part of the page where the flash player is, which then selects and starts the next song. Everything works fine in IE and C...

What are the things need to taken care while working with flash playeres?

Hi all, I have been working since a long time on a particular flash(Action Script 3.0) project and did all the test and development under the Flash itself(tested by Ctrl+Enter) . But It should be compatible with the browser, so i exported all these to my localhost, and its working fine. But unexpectedly I got many more errors from swf ...

Best compatible & fast way for publish PDF? convert to flash OR google docs?

i want users to browse pdfs online. but what is the best way? convert it to flash (swftools or flash paper) embed google docs online viewer other way THANKS. ...

Fluorine TransientAttribute and Linq-to-SQL

I've found a workaround, but I had trouble earlier this week working with FluorineFx, where I had a Linq-to-SQL–generated object I wanted to send over the wire to Flash. This object contained a property that Flash didn't need: [Association(Name="User_UserEntry", Storage="_UserEntries", ThisKey="UserID", OtherKey="UserID")] ...