load method in FileReference
Can I implement the "load" method in FileReference in other way? My client use FP 9 and this method is implemented in FP 10. I am using BlazeDS + Spring and I want to upload images. ...
Can I implement the "load" method in FileReference in other way? My client use FP 9 and this method is implemented in FP 10. I am using BlazeDS + Spring and I want to upload images. ...
Is there any way of applying a ColorMatrixFilter to one rectangular area of a DisplayObject, leaving the rest untouched? The DO is a container, and the user interacts with objects in it, so taking snapshots to change its appearance isn't an option. ...
Is there a way to get the Flex Builder plugin working on the latest Eclipse running on the Mac? I've read that there is no hope with the Cocoa/64 bit version, but some report it works with the Carbon version. I need the 64bit/cocoa version on the Mac in order to have access to the JDK6 libraries via the embedded maven support in the Ec...
is there any way to execute C language executable file from Flex? ...
What are the benefits of Spring Actionscript considering Dynamic Proxies are not possible in the current version of Actionscript and Reflection is quite limited. So for example I could specify my object creation in an XML application context, but why would I do that when I can simply specify that in code, and hence take advantage of sta...
I using messaging in Flex-BlazeDS. When the AIR client starts it connects to a destination and a specific subtopic. During runtime, the user can use a combo box to subscribe to different sets of live data coming in, this combo box change event changes the subtopic by: messagingConsumer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel; messag...
OK I have an AdvancedDataGrid. The data I feed it is XML that looks like this: <stat associate="Sam Smith" date="07/08/09" customer="James Frank"/> <stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-08" customer ="Amanda Jones"/> <stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-09" customer ="Henry Scott"/> But I am grouping by associate so it ends up look...
Hi there, How do I add post-build actions in Flex Builder? For example, I'd like my build to work as normal, and execute from the bin folder; but I'd also like a copy of the final SWF to be copied to another folder automatically (I'm sick of doing it myself). Thanks! ...
The scribd fullscreen mode is pretty neat (example: http://www.scribd.com/doc/13161906/Java-Lab-Manual-With-Java-Installation-Guide?classic%5Fui=1). The advantage (for RIAs specifically) is that it doesn't (almost) completely disable the keyboard the way the 'default' fullscreen mode in Flash Player does. Seems to also work when embedded...
I have a flexbuilder project (project1) that builds 2 modules. This project has a source path that includes project2 (another flex project that builds an application). When I build project1 it will not copy an xml config file to my tomcat deployment without the 'copy non-embedded files to output folder' option set. However, with that ...
I have overcome a problem, but my solution seems really inefficient and clunky. Please consider this problem: I have an array collection with articles in. This array collection is filtered to a currently selected article category. There is a cursor bound to a view that shows the current article. When a category is deleted I need to ...
I've just recently learned the PureMVC framework, and am a little confused as to the coupling between Proxy and Mediator objects. The links on this page connect to some documents describing the framework. (Please note, the links on the aforementioned page open PDFs.) The diagrams and examples of PureMVC I've examined often show a dire...
Hi, I have two questions. How do I change the corner radius of a Label component in Flex. Tried applying style name, and the setStyle('cornerRadius',9) methods, but doesn't work. How can I change the arrow image in the combo box control to a different image? Please give your suggestions. ...
I have a drag-and-drop event form in a flex project. I need to run a validator right after the item is dragged into the dataGrid. In it, I fire off a function through dragDrop="verifyEventUsers()". In the validator, I compare the contents of the two arrayCollections, but it appears to be running the checks prior to completion of the d...
I have a TileList that's loaded with data from Flickr. The tilelist uses an imageRenderer to make a bunch of thumbnails. I'm trying to create a custom drag and drop function, but I want to get the image source of the tilelist mouseEvent target. Here's what the code looks like for the drag handler: public function onPicMouseDown(e:Mou...
I have a HorizontalList that is resized at runtime. The problem is that the items are not adjusting their height to the height of the HorizontalList. I use an item renderer (vBox) which has its height set to 100%. But the items always stay at their initial size. ...
I did an application to show a datagrid with a custom column in Flex 3 how can I access to the method loadDetails in this code?: <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ public function loadDetails(id:String) : void { // Some code here } ...
I have two air applications and installed them in desktop and executed them and two air processes are listed in taskbar manager.Now how can I execute some method of one air application from another air application? ...
Hi People :) , I am Totally new to flex and Action script.. I have a List control in my Air application. When I install the application I want a file created automatically on the local folder, and then when I start using the application .i.e. start typing in the List control, after exiting the application I want this data saved in that ...
We have Flex applications that connect to our ASP.NET 3.5 Web Applications and usually download lot of data. Now considering XML as transport, for every item, it transmits meta data twice for example.. instead of transferring int value as <Customer CustomerID=23/> it transmits <Customer><CustomerID>23</CustomerID></Customer> .. now here ...