
Python: obtain & manipulate (as integers) bit patterns of floats

In Python V.2.5.4, I have a float, and I'd like to obtain and manipulate (as an integer) the bit pattern of that float. For example, suppose I have x = 173.3125 In IEEE 754 format, x's bit pattern (in hexadecimal) is 432D5000 . How can I obtain & manipulate (e.g., perform bitwise operations) on that bit pattern? ...

Relative positioning + Absolute positioning VS Floats Left an Float Right (Which approach do you use in your CSS)?

Some websites use a DIV with relative position and then they apply absolute position to the child element in order to place the element in the desired position (e.g. left 0 or right 0). Others use floats, for instance float: left or float right. Which one is better? or in what kind situations they are better? Since I use fixed layouts,...

Converting random byte (0-255) to a float in PHP?

I am reading random bytes from /dev/urandom, and I want to make a random float out of it/them. How would I do this? I can convert the byte to a number with ord(), and it's between 0 and 255. It's obvious that 255 is 1.0, 127 is 0.5 and 0 is 0.0, but how do I calculate the rest? Also, I think one byte is not enough to give lots of preci...

ImageView and TextView float (left/right) Android

Hey, I am searching for a way to position my text around my imageview (so like the css float left/right). How can I do this in Android? I have used android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" (to position my imageview left) and android:layout_alignParentRight="true" for my textview but the textview comes next to the imageView and doesn't cont...

IPhone Float to String issue

I can't live another day without knowing why this is happening. I have an iPhone application using Corelocation and here is the issue: GPSLocation.m - sends long/lat coordinates which are floats to class UserSettings.m (which is a singleton class) _ UserSettings.m - Then cast the values into a predefined strings from a f...

Center float except last row

I need to center some floated divs inside a container. The code I'm using works but I need the last row of floated elements to be aligned to the left and not centered. It's a photo album and all the thumbnails are automatically generated by a gallery script. This is what the code produces This is what I need I don't think this is pos...

Split Div Into 2 Columns Using CSS

Hi Everyone: I have been attempting to split a div into two columns using CSS, but I have not managed to get it working yet. My basic structure is as follows: <div id="content"> <div id="left"> <div id="object1"></div> <div id="object2"></div> </div> <div id="right"> <div id="object3"></div> <div id="object4...

IE7 CSS Float Issue

Hi. I have a problem with a page. Its using CSS floats. Everything looks fine in IE8 and 6, and Firefox, Chrome etc but in IE7, the bottom 3 boxes "float" above some of the main content box. I cant for the life of me figure out how to stop this. Ive tried a few things such as adding clear:both; below the main content div, and also differ...

css positioning

Can't seem to figure out why my navbar isn't floating left. Been messing with it for a good hour now, not sure what happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated. http://ithacawebdesigners.com/temp%5Fdata/wildfirewp/ ...

XAML, similar to float in HTML?

Image and Text, "float" and "clear" in HTML, gives possibility to build Text flow. How to do this in XAML? With a sample if possible. ...

HTML CSS - fieldset containers do not line up

I am trying to move away from tables but it's proving too difficult. This is the webpage "http://outsidemma.com/index.php" I don't understand why the two green boxes don't align properly on Chrome and older versions of Opera. This works perfectly well with firefox 3.5 and IE8. I would like to know the reason behind this strange behav...

Clear float in IE 8

I am trying to build a page in .NET MVC (not that this matters) where a div is divided into left and right containers using a float. When I try to clear the float using anything other than a <b> tag (such as <div> or <br>), IE8 will not render the page correctly (it's as if it ignores the style in the tag). If I use the <b> tag, Chrome a...

How to vertically center a child element of arbitrary size inside a floated parent element (of known size)?

Well, the title says it all. How to vertically center a child element of arbitrary size inside a floated parent element (of known size)? display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; no longer seems to work when the element is floated. I created an SSCCE here: http://mathiasbynens.be/demo/center-vertically-inside-float Without float, e...

How can a sum of a column in sql server where values are 2 decimal places result in 0000000000087?

I have a table that contains a float column. There are many records in that table. When I do a Group By it shows that the float column has only the values: 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 But when I do a SUM it results in: 58.350000000000087 Where does the 0000000000087 come from? Is it because I'm using a float type instead of a decimal/num...

Converting double to float without relying on the FPU rounding mode

Does anyone have handy the snippets of code to convert an IEEE 754 double to the immediately inferior (resp. superior) float, without changing or assuming anything about the FPU's current rounding mode? Note: this constraint probably implies not using the FPU at all. I expect the simplest way to do it in these conditions is to read the...

covert javascript float to positive

Hay how do i covert a negative float (like -4.00) to a positive? (like 4.00). Thanks ...

comparing two floats to see if they're both negative, or both positive.

Hay guys, i have 2 floats, which both comes from input boxes. I need to compare these 2 floats, if one is negative and one is positive thrown an error. If they're both positive, or both negative, thats fine. Any ideas? Thanks ...

How can I convert a string to a float with Perl?

Is there any function like int() which can convert a string to float value? I'm currently using the following code: $input=int(substr($line,1,index($line,",")-1)); I need to convert the string returned by substr to float. ...

CSS container doesn't stretch to accomodate floats

<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .container { width: 900px; border: 2px solid #333333; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; } .container_left { border: 2px solid #FF00FF; width: 650px; float: left; } .container_right { border: 2px solid #0000FF; width: 225px; ...

Internet Explorer 7 css/html float bug

The problem is a footer on a web page that seem to not follow the correct flow like it does in FireFox. The problem feels like it is an Internet Explorer related bug, because the layout will "magically" snap into place when i move the mouse over the link "Legg til i handlelisten". On pages where the "description" part of the page is long...