
MySQL: select on a table with tablename from a recordset

I would like to do this in one step so I would like to know how can I: table a (documents) has: pk, document_id, template_id table b (templates) has: pk, template_id, template_table_name table c (template_table_name_1) has: pk, document_id, document_specific_columns so... I would like to query table a, get document_id and template_id...

Selecting table using case clause in from clause

I have 8 table that contain different specific value for computer peripheral they are glpi_device_ram, glpi_device_hdd, glpi_device_gfxcard, glpi_device_sndcard. Each table has the same designation column in each table that contain device name. i have table glpi_computer_device that contain FK_device that contain id for each 8 table abov...

iOS - Initialising an Array from a file

Hi, I am trying to initialise an array from a file This is the file containing an array of strings .. this is the xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <plist version="1.0"> <array> <string>ccccc</string> <string>ddddddd<...

remove html <tags> from database-driven text within a wmd text-editor TEXTAREA

looking at this issue on stackoverflow, i got going in the right direction to what i'm looking for: i have a textarea similar to the following: <textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane" style="height:300px;"> <table><tr><td> <b>...

how to consume wf4 service from wpf

I'm not sure if I really understood what workflow foundation is. I recently started working on it and I was really amazed to be able to code using flowcharts. My requirement is to send xml request to wf4 service using pretty much any kind of soapclient. It could be xmlhttp or from a wpf application. Currently I added a xbap project and...

MySQL COUNT in two tables same time.

Hello! My question is not so hard, i just really can't find the answer anywhere. I've got 3 tables. webshops, webshop_category and webshop_item. My query is: SELECT,,, webshops.contact_name, webshops.contact_email, webshops.contact_phone, webshops.contact_address, COUNT(, CO...

jquery remove from dom based on variable

Have a script to add / remove options from a select field -- the "value" of the option I want to remove should be equal to the "class" of the link clicked. I've tried several different versions of this script and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to properly get the variable delText into the function to remove it. help pls! ...

I have a html list item. When I drag and drop the item to the webpart zone , a image should load .

I have a html list item and image control on the webpart zone . I'm using jquery to drag and drop the item from the list.When I drag and drop the item from the list to the webpart zone , a image should load on the webpart zone. ? Plese let me know how to achive this . ...

Object name from String in Objective-C

Hi, i want to set the name of an object like UIButton from a string. NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"someString"]; UIButton *(string) = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]retain]; My goal is: UIButton *someString = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]retain]; how can i solve this? ...

Valid characters in "From:" display name for emails

Hey, I am using PEAR Mail to send emails, and I found that if the "From:" field is something like From: Dragoş <[email protected]>, PEAR returns an error: Validation failed for: Dragoş <[email protected]> But, if I remove the ş, PEAR returns true and sends email. I tried to search on Google and StackOverflow for valid characters, but...

Variable number of fields in form using struts 1.X

Hi, I need to build a form that loads a table that in each row contains a checkbox and an input text (the number of rows is variable, because it's loaded from a db). So my questions are: What fields should the associate formbean have ? ArrayLists ? One HashMap ? How can I know (once the form is submitted) what checkbox was selected so ...

How to upload an image from iPhone into ASP.Net web server

Hi all, i want to upload images from my iPhone into web server. Iam new to iPhone developemnt. Please help... ...

Calling WCF Service from MS Access

Hi all, I want to create a create a WCF Service which is invoked on the button click of MS Access Form. Please help me out. Kind Regards, Shahid Hazoor ...

Extjs validation of form with multiple panels

I'm creating a form with 6 panels. On the top of the form there is a combo. based on the selected combo value i'm showing one panel and hiding the remaining panels.If i declare vtypes for all panel fields,When the time of submission it will validates the fields of panels which are not visible also. I want visible panel fields should be...

phpmailer can't add a reply to address

Hi, I am trying to add a reply to address to my php mailer and it just puts from "me" and replies to my address. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have added the $mail->AddReplyTo. I want it to reply to the sender of the web form. $name = $_POST['name']; $telephone = $_POST['telephone']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['...

Sharepoint upload image, upload to missing items

Hello! When I access my site with address like in central administration (ex: mysite:7777) list of "upload to" does not contain all elements. It only consists of images, documents and pages. (I upload from some page, edit and then insert image from computer) When I access my site with ip address (ex: or other addr...

facebook wall post from wordpress

How to post on facebook account wall when any blog post made from wordpress. I allready tried with various wordpress plugin like "wordbook", "wordbooker" etc but none of them working fine........ any idea or alternative way? ...

broadcast to ICECAST from multi sources

Hi all I am trying to create an Icecast server that will be able to get multiple sources from deffrent radio stations meaning we want to broadcast from few diffrent computer with diffrent ports to a single Icecast server , and we need to have a deffrent link to each station , can anyone help ? ...