
Need recursive function for generating unique combination of strings

I have some(say 9, no not definite) unique strings from database(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) and I want to create unique combination of these fields to populate the listbox so that user can select single or different combination of these string fields like A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AG,AH,... ABC,ABD,ABE,ABF,ABG,ABH,ACD,A...

How to call Inline Table Function with output parameter from scalar function?

Hi guys, I would like to know if it's possible to call a inline function with an output parameter from a scalar function? For example: My inline function is called test_1(input parameter format bigint), the following example works great: SELECT * FROM MM.test_1(4679) But now I would like to use it with an output parameter ...

C# Function Awareness?

In a multi-thread app. is there a way to programatically have thread-B check what function thead-A is currently in? ...

Is it possible to replace (monkeypatch) PHP functions?

You can do this in Python, but is it possible in PHP? >>> def a(): print 1 ... >>> def a(): print 2 ... >>> a() 2 e.g.: <? function var_dump() {} ?> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare var_dump() in /tmp/- on line 1 ...

How can I use user defined functions?

I have a table Users, so some rows specially in field Full Name are in different upper/lower case, so i found this function: CREATE function properCase(@texto varchar(8000)) returns varchar(8000) as begin --declare @texto = 'hola' set @texto = lower(@texto) declare @i int set @i = ascii('a') while...

Store a Lua function?

Calling a Lua function from C is fairly straight forward but is there a way to store a Lua function somewhere for later use? I want to store user defined Lua functions passed to my C function for use on events, similar to how the Connect function works in wxLua. ...

Do well thought out method/function names create a DSL?

I was thinking, method names and their calls seem to create a DSL in your code, by wrapping up the generic stuff and naming it appropriately for what you're trying to achieve. You know, so it's easy to reason about what the following means if (a.isSubReportOf(b) || b.isSubReportOf(a)) { // do stuff } but the code in the methods m...

What would you define a function?

If you were told to write a routine, would you take that as to write a function or pseudo code or what? ...

How do I extract a specific function from a C/C++ source code file for subsequent processing

I am looking for an easy way to print out a specific function from within some C/C++ source code. For example, assume that test.c has several functions defined within it. I want to be able to print out the source code associated with only one of those functions. Edit: Sorry, I should be a bit more clear about my end goal. I want the fun...

Testing a C# Function Pointer (Delegate) for Null

I am testing a function pointer called ErrorLoggingMethod in a C# DLL to prevent exceptions due to a null value, as below, but it seems that at runtime, the function is actually being executed when I really mean to test its delegate for null. I am inadvertently getting a null exception as a result--just what I am trying to avoid! My or...

Passing jquery selector to sub-function within a plugin

Hi There I'm trying to make a quick jquery plugin (as a learning exercise) for making a simple pager from a list of items (LIs in this case) and have run into a problem when passing the current selector (this) to a sub-function. The code is below. The problem is when creating the dynamic nav (the plugin requires jquery 1.3) and I need...

VB Type Mismatch issues - inArray()


dll problem

FOLLOW-UP question : i'm calling the function repeatedly in a loop. when there are multiple items needed to to processed using that function, the application crashes. it works fine when only one item is processed. what to do? [solved] i have a function in a dll that involves reading and writing a file. i'm calling the dll function in ...

C# delayed function calls

Is there a nice simple method of delaying a function call whilst letting the thread continue executing? e.g. public void foo() { // Do stuff! // Delayed call to bar() after x number of ms // Do more Stuff } public void bar() { // Only execute once foo has finished } Im aware that this can be achieved by using a tim...

Is returning a whole array from a Perl subroutine inefficient?

I often have a subroutine in Perl that fills an array with some information. Since I'm also used to hacking in C++, I find myself often do it like this in Perl, using references: my @array; getInfo(\@array); sub getInfo { my ($arrayRef) = @_; push @$arrayRef, "obama"; # ... } instead of the more straightforward version: my ...

Is this still a closure?

The testit() method is a closure. aString has fallen out of scope but testit() can still execute on it. testit2() is using a variable that hasn't fallen out of scope (mystring) but which was also not been passed into testit2(). Is testit2() considered a closure? string mystring = "hello world"; Action testit = new Action(delegate { st...

Shorten function code and convert variable.

I have this AS2 code that does some simple animations when I rollover a mc using TweenLite. I feel that I have a lot of repeating code. Is there a way to be able to just specify a function like this boxLink(a); and have the rest of the code, with the path to the target movieclip in the function instead of in the function variable? H...

How to dynamically call a php function in javascript

Hi guys, I have an index.php with the following js function: function returnImageString() { return "<?php include 'inc/image.functions.php'; echo getRandomImages(7); ?>"; //This isn't dynamic; this will always return the same images. How do I fix this? } However, when the page loads, the php script is called and the result...

What is a "static" function?

Ok, I understand what is static variable is, but what is a "static" function? And why is it that if I declare function let's say "void print_matrix" in let's say a.cpp (WITHOUT a.hpp) and include "a.cpp" - I get "print_matrix@@....) already defined in a.obj", BUT if I declare it "static void print_matrix" then it compiles? UPDATE Just...

How can I reference an encapsulated javascript function from another encapsulated function?

I'm new to object oriented javascript. I have a set up method that I want to a) check if an element is null and if so wait and call itself again and b) observe the click event of a button. ErrorBox.prototype.setUpErrorBox = function(btnClientID) { if (btnClientID == null) { setTimeout("setUpErrorBox()", 1000) return...