
why is there a call to a function in a variable in a jquery plugin

Hello, I want to try to understand the use of these constructs because I don't. If I see this in a plugin function configuration(user_settings) { //Override the default settings with the user settings defaults = { time_in_seconds: 3600, time_format: 'ss', tick: function(timer, time_in_seconds, formatted_time) {}, buzzer: fu...

[PHP] Find out where a function comes from?

From time to time, I'm handed bloated, undocumented, buggy PHP code to fix. I have several tools I use to fix such code as quickly as possible. One thing I'm not sure how to do that occasionally causes me grief is finding where a function is located (in which file it is defined). Note that I don't want to know where a function is called...

What is a hook function?

Id like to know what excatly is a hook function. Explanation and example in php, c++, or java is fine. ...

On State Change

I have a button with a click event of "currentState='someState'". Is there a way to tell component to do some function like for example "Function()" when the state changes to "someState"? So execute a function when the state is changed. Thanks, ...

Return dynamic array in C++

I need to return a unsigned int* from a function. The code below will compile but will crash at run time on a Windows 64 bit machine. I know I am making a silly mistake somewhere and can someone point it out for me. :p. I also have declared the function in my header, so I know its not that error. Please note I have censored the variable...

How do I use C functions that have "this" arguments in a C++ program?

I want to copy and paste a C function I found in another program into my C++ program. One of the function arguments uses the "this" pointer. void cfunction( FILE *outfilefd, const VARTYPEDEFINED this); The C++ compiler errors here on the function prototype: error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'this' How do I make this...

Summing values of recursive functions in XSLT

I have XML like this: <assessment name="Assessment"> <section name="Section1"> <item name="Item1-1"/> <item name="Item1-2"/> <item name="Item1-3"/> <item name="Item1-4"/> <item name="Item1-5"/> </section> <section name="Section2"> <item name="Item2-1"/> <item name="Item2-2"/> <item name="Item2-3"/> <sec...

header function " for download the files"......problem.

hi all, I wanted to ask here is my problem. I had implemented the code main task is to raise the files uploaded to the server my site .... And you want to do now is add a function header that will help me and give me the download feature. Because in the my code is not contain header fu...

Count how many times functions echo a statement.

I have a function that calls two other functions: class myClass{ function myFunc(){ for($i=0;$i<500;$i++){ $this->func1(); $this->func2(); } } function func1(){ // Does some stuff // echos statements, and can vary the amount of echoed statements while($so...

Python pass in variable assignments through a function wrapper

So I know that you can wrap a function around another function by doing the following. def foo(a=4,b=3): return a+b def bar(func,args): return func(*args) so if I then called bar(foo,[2,3]) the return value would be 5. I am wondering is there a way to use bar to call foo with foo(b=12) where bar would return 16? Does this m...

Simple question regarding an equation inside of a function

Hey, so basically I have this issue, where I'm trying to put an equation inside of a function however it doesn't seem to set the value to the function and instead doesn't change it at all. This is a predator prey simulation and I have this code inside of a for loop. wolves[i+1] = ((1 - wBr) * wolves[i] + I * S * rabbits[i] * wolves...

What is the golden rule for when to split code up into functions?

It's good to split code up into functions and classes for modularity / decoupling, but if you do it too much, you get really fragmented code which is also not good. What is the golden rule for when to split code up into functions? ...

Is it better to do verification of data at every level that it is used?

If you have a chain of functions that operate on some data, is it better to have each function verify the data is valid before using it, or do that verification at the start of the chain and have every function in the chain just "trust" that it is valid? ...

Null check always returns null, if removed returns Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I have some code which gets child items for a menu via the GetChildren function which takes a list of menuData: Dim builtMenu As New List(Of MenuData)(_rawData.FindAll(Function(item) item.GroupingID = 0)) For Each menuData As MenuData In builtMenu If menuData.Children IsNot Nothing Then menuData.Children.AddRan...

how can python function access its own attributes?

is it possible to access the python function object attributes from within the function scope? e.g. let's have def f(): return SOMETHING f._x = "foo" f() # -> "foo" now, what SOMETHING has to be, if we want to have the _x attribute content "foo" returned? if it's even possible (simply) thanks UPDATE: i'd like the fo...

Cannot find Function Definition of an Event Observer class in Magento

For anybody who has seen / used Magento, can you please tell me where can I find the following 3 function's definitions of the Catalog Product's save action's Event Observer class:- setBundleOptionsData() setBundleSelectionsData() setCanSaveBundleSelections() Please pardon me, for asking such a silly question, but I am really helples...

Calling function in the first view from the other viewcontroller

Hello everyone, I hope that you will succeed in at least a little to clarify me how and what to do, I'm sure I'm wrong, so I really need an expert opinion. I have two viewcontroller together with nibs what I want is to call function that is in first class from another ViewController, the problem is that another viewcontroller manages to ...

name for a function that transforms assignment statements to expressions

update Since one effect of these functions is to provide a way to use method chaining on methods that would not normally support it *, I'm considering calling them chain and copychain, respectively. This seems less than ideal though, since the would-be copychain is arguably a more fundamental concept, at least in terms of functional pr...

c++ static function unfound

I have this definition of the function in my class. The .hpp file: class SomeClass { public: static string DoStuff(string s); }; The .cpp file: #include "header.hpp" string SomeClass::DoStuff(string s) { // do something } Compiler says: **error C2039: 'DoStuff' : is not a member of 'SomeClass'** Can somebody help? EDIT: act...

How can a function be triggered with an event?

I have an application wherein I would like a function to be executed in the same thread when an event is fired. For example: SomeCode() { // Do something... // Fire event to run SomeOtherCode(). } SomeOtherCode() { // Do something else... } I do not want to simply call the function because it will hold things up. SomeOthe...