
Jquery remove. button within div to be removed

I have an list item with a button inside of it. The button is attached to a jquery function to remove the list item. //Delete Button - delete from cart $('.ui-icon-trash').click(function() { $(this).closest('li').remove() }); <li> content here.... <a href="#" title="Remove from cart" class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash">Re...

In Ruby, how do you refer to a function without invoking it, because foo is the same as foo() so it is already invoked

In Ruby, how do you refer to a function without invoking it, because foo is the same as foo() so it is already invoked. for example, puts.class is the same as puts().class ...

Error when using array_filter with static functions in class

i have a class like this class im_a_class { static function not_empty() {...} function render() { return array_filter($array,'self::not_empty') }; } this code works in php 5.3.0 but doesn't work in version 5.2.8. i had to put it out and use it like this function not_empty() {...} class im_a_class { function render() { return...

programmatically optimizing expressions (by removing redundant computations)

I had a pretty big equation that I needed to use to solve for a given variable. So I used an online tool that was capable of rewriting an equation in terms of a given variable. It gave me some huge 700 character equation. I tested it, and it does work. I can see some pretty obvious redundancies in the equation where it's recomputing a v...

Lua function return string with C++

Is it possible to add a function to Lua via C++ that returns a string? -edit- Ok, this code wont work. Any help? int flua_getinput(lua_State *L){ if(lua_isstring(L,1)){ cout << lua_tostring(L,1); cin >> input; cout << "\n"; lua_pushstring(L,input); }else{ cin >> input; cout << "\n"...

[PHP] Using a Loop Inside a Function

Hello, I'm still learning functions and how they work. I know what I'm doing wrong just not how to fix it. I am writing a function to pull image data out of a database and return it onto the screen. It works but if there is more than one image it will return the last image only. I know the problem is that $project_image is only returni...

Function Composition VS Function Application

Do anyone can give example of function composition? This is the definition of function composition operator? (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c f . g = \x -> f (g x) This shows that it takes two functions and return a function but i remember someone has expressed the logic in english like boy is human -> ali is boy -> ali is hum...

Doing file path manipulations in XSLT

I'd like my generated output file to contain file paths that point to a path relative to the stylesheet. The location of the stylesheet can change and I don't want to use a parameter for the stylesheet. My solution for this is to get the full stylesheet URI: <xsl:variable name="stylesheetURI" select="document-uri(document(''))" /> Now...

Is there any (old) programming language featuring an 'upfunc' function or keyword?

Some days ago I've heard from someone telling me that back in his days they were using an upfunc function/keyword (don't know what it is). I didn't ask him what it was and what it did, but I can't get this upfunc out of my head. Must be 20-25 years back, when he was programming. So I'm asking the programmers here: Is there any (older) ...

JavaScript - create element and set attributes

I've got these functions to create elements and change their attributes. Could you give me an advice on how to modify them? function create(elem) { return document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(" xhtml", elem) : document.createElement(elem); } function attr(elem, name, value) { if (!name || name....

Pass Eval as javascript function parameter in gridview

I have the following: <EditItemTemplate> <asp:Button ID="wrqst_need_ind_btn" runat="server" Text = "Create WR" onClientClick="javascript:popUp('popup_createWR.aspx')" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("dvc_nm") + "|" + Eval("data_orgtn_yr") %>'/> </EditItemTemplate> I want ...

java script function does not work .

hi .. This is my chats' sign out function. It works perfectly when I open the chat on a page alone.e.g. But when its with other elements in the same page using iFrame it will not This is my code <script type="text/javascript"> function singout(){ data="user=" + ""...

convert a python code to a perl code

can you convert this python code to perl code (i search about it but dont find a good result) for i in xrange(20): try: instructions except : pass Thanks ...

Pass on function arguments to a second function.

I have two functions, one which parses all the arguments sent to the function and another that actually does something with that information. So function1() can take in any number of parameters and then uses func_get_args() to get them all and process them to come up with a string. However, I have a function2() which I want to have a si...

Will creating a function within a constructor function use more memory than referencing a prototype function?

Possible Duplicate: JavaScript: Setting methods through prototype object or in constructor, difference? I guess this is a question about the browsers implementation of closures really. I know about the numerous ways to emulate Class-like functionality within JavaScript including using various libraries. This is more a questi...

Haskell Type Error From Function Application to Function Composition

This question is related to this which answered by antal s-z. How you can get this ? map has type (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] head has type [a] -> a map head has type [[a]] -> [a] Why the following code has type error for function composition ? t...

Haskell operator vs function precedence

Hi I am trying to verify something for myself about operator and function precedence in Haskell. For instance, the following code list = map foo $ xs can be rewritten as list = (map foo) $ (xs) and will eventually be list = map foo xs My question used to be, why the first formulation would not be rewritten as list = (map fo...

Difficulty in naming functions

Possible Duplicate: Anyone else find naming classes and methods one of the most difficult part in programming? Sometimes it seems i cant really find any name for a function i am writing, can this be because the function is not cohesive enough? What do you do when no good name for a function comes to mind? ...

cannot access child element - jquery

Hello. I have a HTML like <div class="a"> <div class="b"> something </div> <div class="c"> <div class="subC"> i want to access </div> </div> </div> and jquery like $('.a').hover(function(){ $(this).children('.subC').fadeOut(); }) I Want to access the class "subC" but above i...

Wordpress function returns white screen in plugin

I am brand new at writing Wordpress plugins, so to start I am trying to create a simple one that just modifies a string. I wrote the script a while ago, and know that it functions. But to use it for Wordpress I want to apply it to the post titles. When I replaced the string with the function "get_the_title()" it returns a white screen. I...