
What does this type of function mean in javascript?

In the below, I'm confused by the syntax (function (h,j) { }) What does it mean in javascript to have a function sit inside ()'s like that? function myfunc(c, b) { try { (function (h, j) { //do a bunch of stuff }) } catch (e) { myerror(e) } }; ...

Convert simple code from Perl to PHP (issue)

Possible Duplicate: Convert a Perl code to PHP Hello all, I don't know much in Perl and I'm having problems converting a simple code from Perl to PHP: here is the code: pack("SSA12AC4L", $id, $loc, $name, 'ar', $get->getIP), time))...

How to explicitly specify the size of an array parameter passed to a function

I have a function which accepts a parameter named IV. Is there anyway that I can explicitly specify the size of the parameter IV to be 16 ? public AESCBC(byte[] key, byte[16] inputIV) { //blah blah } The above is of course not working. Is it possible? I know I can check it inside the function and throw an exception but can it be ...

Is there any javascript function, or even on the jQuery Library that does the same as PHP print_r() ?

Hi all, is there any javascript function or even in the jQuery Library (i suppose yes, because jQuery has JSON Library and is able to serialize) that does the same as PHP print_r() function? I've googled about this but I've found only functions to print mono-dimensional or bi-dimensional arrays. thanks in advance... José Moreira EDIT...

Anonymous function in array

I have declared $func = array( 'a' => array( 'b' => function() { echo "hello"; } ) ); I try to call in this way but it doesn't work $call = $func['a']['b']; $call(); I get a error Fatal error: Function name must be a string How can I call the anonymous function? I'm using PHP 5.3. Update It wor...

Convert a Perl function to PHP

Hello, I want to convert the perl function below to PHP function, if someone could help a little bit I'd appreaciate it: sub encode32 { $_=shift; my($l,$e); $_=unpack('B*',$_); s/(.....)/000$1/g; $l=length; if($l & 7) { $e=substr($_,$l & ~7); $_=substr($_,0,$l & ~7); $_.="000$e" . '0' ...

Django calling a function that returns a value doesn't work

Hello I;m having a problem in calling a function that returns a result, from another function To make it clear, my functiona are: def calculate_questions_vote(request): useranswer = Answer.objects.filter (answer_by = request.user) positive_votes = VoteUpAnswer.objects.filter(answer = useranswer) negative_votes = VoteDownAns...

function to return index of largest neighbor

F# function Problem: given a list of items e.g.: ["5";"10";"2";"53";"4"] and a Search Index, I require a function such that it compares the current given index against its neighbor, returning the largest index Example: Given Index 1 will return Index value 2 (because 10 is greater than 5). Given Index 4 will return Index 4 (beca...

scala foreach und map initializers

Just seen an interesting possibility to initialize code blocks in Scala for high order functions such as foreach or map: (1 to 3) map { val t = 5 i => i * 5 } (1 to 3) foreach { val line = Console.readLine i => println(line) } Is this some documented feature or should i better avoid such constructs? I could imagine, ...

Django iterating problem - calculating a sum

i;m trying to iterate through some values, and calculate a rank. i have a calculate_rank function where i calculate a sum of values. The problem is at the second function. I want that a user's rank to be the sum of all the user that in a follow relation with him. I am doing an iteration in the second function here where i try to add the...

[C] Is it legal to take the address of a function parameter?

Is this code snippet well defined in ANSI C? On my system (Linux x86_64) it seems to run just fine and print an address, but will it always be the case? E.g. the parameter might be passed via a register, and taking the address of that doesn't seem right. #include <stdio.h> void foo(int a) { printf("%p\n", &a); } int main(void) { ...

John Tukey "median median" (or "resistant line") statistical test for R and linear regression

Hello guy, I'm searching the John Tukey algorithm which compute a "resistant line" or "median-median line" on my linear regression with R. A student on a mailling list explain this algorithm in these terms : "The way it's calculated is to divide the data into three groups, find the x-median and y-median values (called the s...

'if' statements don't function correctly

I am writing some jQuery code that involves jumping from several functions. In one function, an 'if'-statement is used to select where the code will go next. The condition for the if statement is the value of a variable that was passed from the previous function. So, to clarify, a function passes a variable to another function, which the...

TDD - What tests should I write for this function?

I've read that I should be writing the simple, basic tests first and gradually moving up to the harder ones. What tests (in order) should I be writing for the following function? function List.syncWithList(lst) should add any items to the list that are not in the list but are in lst should delete any items in the list that are not in ... Module returning data like a function

How could I call a module or something else to return data to me after its ran. I don't want to make my form1 code all messy. Thanks! Example by what I mean return: Public Function Test() As String Return "Tes34t" End Function Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ...

How to pass data to many functions

I am new to C++ programming. Now I have a program that consists of millions of lines of code in thousands of files. But when I saw the main() (command line) it was very small. Now how to pass data to so many million functions from such a small main()? There was no text file for parsing or array of structure that contains a function poin...

Exit batch script from inside a function

Hello, I have a problem with my batch file. It builds several programs automatically by doing something like this: set some compilation flags run 'gmake all' call the "check error level" function and if errorlevel 1, exit So it looks like this: set FLAG=1 ... gmake all call :interactive_check set OTHERFLAG=1 ... gmake all call :int...

Writing PHP into Javascript or Javascript Into PHP

i have this code var myChart = new FusionCharts("../themes/clean/charts/hbullet.swf", "myChartId", "400", "75", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataXML("<chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' caption='Revenue' subcaption='US $ (1,000s)' numberPrefix='$' numberSuffix='K' showValue='1'><colorRange><color minValue='0' maxValue='50' color='A6A...

function pointer

Possible Duplicate: What is the point of function pointers? How pointer function work, and where is the difference ( not abstract like encapsulatin ) from methods ...

How to assign a link to a div and have it open in a new window

I have my click function set up to look for the first link in the div and assign that link to the entire div. $('.article-excerpt').click(function() { var newLink = $(this).find('a:first-child').attr("href"); if(newLink != "" && newLink != "#") { window.location.href = newLink; } return false; }); How can I also make that link...