
MDX Sine Function

Can I use the sine function within MDX? I would like to know the sine of a measure. ...

postgres public schema function aliasing

Hi all, I am currently running postgres 8.4.4 and I have the need to override calls to functions that reside in the public schema of my database. For instance in pg_catalog there exists a function upper(text) I have a function placed within the public schema that overrides upper(text) My question comes down to ...

Is it possible to *safely* return a TCHAR* from a function?

I've created a function that will convert all the event notification codes to strings. Pretty simple stuff really. I've got a bunch of consts like const _bstr_t DIRECTSHOW_MSG_EC_ACTIVATE("A video window is being activated or deactivated."); const _bstr_t DIRECTSHOW_MSG_EC_BUFFERING_DATA("The graph is buffering data, or has stopped bu...

Python : how to prevent a class variable that is a function to be understood as a method ?

Hi all ! I am currently implementing a django app, for this I try to use a syntax that is consistent with Django's... So here is what I am trying : class Blablabla(Model): #this contains Blablabla's options class Meta: sort_key = lambda e: e sort_key is a key function (for sorting purposes), but of course, it is und...

in which segment of the program are function pointers stored?

Hi, I wanted to know in which section of the program are function pointers stored? As in, is it on the program stack or is there a separate section for the same? void f(void){} int main(void){ int x[10]; void (*fp)(void) = NULL; fp = f; return 0; } Now, will the address of x and fp be in the same segment of the program's stack me...

Is the function notation deprecated?

From WolframAlpha: "While this notation is deprecated by professional mathematicians, it is the more familiar one for most nonprofessionals. Therefore, unless indicated otherwise by context, the notation is taken in this work to be a shorthand for the more rigorous ." Referring to f(x) being d...

Adding javascript loops into SQL database

What i am trying to achieve is adding the javascript loops and the named variables into an sql database, some of them are already added to an external script so work fine however some which i have named in the SQL script at the bottom still need adding, however as the database won't accept a colon ":" they won't enter it and is returning...

Is there a better way to write this php code?

return' <li> <a href="' . $username . '"><img class="avatar" src="images/' . $picture . '" width="48" height="48" alt="avatar" /></a> <div class="tweetTxt"> <strong><a href="' . $username . '">' . $username . '</a></strong> '. autolink($tweet).' <div class="date">'.relativeTime($dt).'</div><div class...

Main function's arguments, cant understand this!!!

Why is my code under giving me back "Not a valid command" when i give the argument print ? int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Argument 2 er %s\n", argv[1]); if(argv[1] == "print") { printf("Print kommando kalt"); } else if(argv[1] == "random") { printf("Random kommando kalt"); } else if(argv[1] ...

Fortran90 Error: EXTERNAL attribute conflicts with DIMENSION attribute

I've written a function which calculates the eigenvalues of a 2*2 matrix. It takes a 2*2 matrix as an argument and returns 2 eigenvalues via a 2-element array. I have declared the function in the program unit like this: real, dimension(2), external :: eigenvalues But it won't compile, it comes up with this error: Error: EXTERNAL attr...

Calculating voting power indexes in R

Dear Coding Experts I have a project in which i need to be able to calculate different voting power indexes in R. As a first attempt at this I wrote a small function to calculate the banzhaf index. It takes two arguments, a dataframe that has two columns which must be labelled member and vote, and how many votes are needed for a majorit...

javascript function not running

I have the script below placed in the HEAD of the page. The map should initialize when the page loads. There's two pieces to this puzzle, one is the script within the document.ready which sets all variables and configures the map i am wanting to place on a page. The second piece is the window.onload=initialize_map; that starts the map...

Radio Button producing undefined value in javascript function

I am trying to send the value of a radio button to a javascript function. Eventually the function will do more but my testing it has come to a dead end because I keep getting a returned value of undefined. Here is what I have: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

What's the reason of marking a recursive function as rec in F#?

I am not sure if this is a stupid question but I was going through the tutorial that comes with VS 2010 and there is a function like this: let rec factorial n = if n=0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1) What's the reason of this recursive function to be marked with the rec keyword? Is it so that the compiler is assured of it being recur...

EVAL in jQuery, this is the correct way?

I need to call a jQuery function with EVAL (but I don't know how to do it), then I solve with this solution, but I don't think that this is the correct way... <script> jQuery.fn.customfunction = function (data) { alert( data ); } </script> <div id="eval_div"></div> <form><input role="button" myFunction="customfunction"/></form> <script...

The correct way of using jQuery index() ; ? Its always returning -1

Not sure why this is happening. But everytime I do (elem).index(); , it always returns -1 . Why is that? How can I find the index of an object? ...

do you think i should keep all my php functions in one file?

i was wondering do you think i should keep all my functions in one file, or seperate them in different files!! p.s if i put all the functions in one file, would it be easier for php to process that stuff!! ...

Best way to pass string to function ?

What's the best way from security perspective to pass string to a function. I know I can use globals, session and in function string. Like function test($string). What's the best approach ? If any one knows please let me know. I'm trying to write something like this for example: $url = ''; function test() { echo $u...

num_row manipulation in mysql?

i have this function that brings me back a value by query a table in the database! the code: function recycle_check($recycle_id){ $query = "SELECT recycle_id FROM notes WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' and recycle_id ='$recycle_id'"; if(mysql_num_rows($query)== 0) return 0; else ...

Error passing C array as char* function parameter

I'm trying to make a simple code in c language (Stupid question, but I'm learning), I dont understand that this code gives me an error ... I must be doing wrong, I can not know that I have to change...sorry for my English ... thanks in advance to all #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> char* to_up(char* str_); int main() { cha...