
Jump to function definition in vim, without using plugins or ctags

is it possible to jump to function definitions in vim without using plugins or ctags? and if so, how? a related question: ...

vim run perl script with word under cursor as argument

is it possible to send the word under the cursor to a perl script by typing a shortcut? how do i do that? ...

Length of arguments of Python function?

Possible Duplicate: How to find out the arity of a method in Python For example I have declared a function: def sum(a,b,c): return a + b + c I want to get length of arguments of "sum" function. somethig like this: some_function(sum) to returned 3 How can it be done in Python? Update: I asked this question because I wa...

Passing function as a parameter in invoke method of system.reflection

I have got a variable which contains function hierarchy like: string str= "fun1(fun2(),fun3(fun4(fun5(34,33,'aa'),'value',fun6()))" // this hierarchy is coming as a string from database I have imported System.reflection and used invoke method to invoke it, but it's only working if I have a only one function fun1. With above functi...

No "add esp,4" for virtual functions returning std::string

I've been looking at DynObj and decided to do my own experimentation with vftables. I'm working with Visual Studio 2010 and created a console main that instantiates an object with a virtual function that returns an std::string. The test code in main attempts to call the object's public virtual function using a pointer obtained from the...

passing a function which returns void but has integer arguments to another function as an ARGUMENT itself

hello , I have recently started working on OpenCV using c++.I am having a problem with the following code. #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" int g_slider_position = 0; CvCapture* g_capture = NULL; void onTrackbarSlide(int pos) { cvSetCaptureProperty( g_capture, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos ); } int main( int argc, ch...

JavaScript/JQuery - can you pass a reference to a function and then execute it?

Based on the JavaScript example below, is there a way to pass a reference to function f to the promptForProceed function and have it conditionally executed in promptForProceed? Could you also do this if the ffunction took some parameters (ie: f(a, b, c) { ... })? function f() { //Do stuff.. } function promptForProceed(myFunction) ...

Is there a way to wrap all JavaScript methods with a function?

I want to wrap every function call with some logging code. Something that would produce output like: func1(param1, param2) func2(param1) func3() func4(param1, param2) Ideally, I would like an API of the form: function globalBefore(func); function globalAfter(func); I've googled quite a bit for this, but it seems like there's only ...

Kohana 3: How to provide API functions in template/view like WordPress?

I'm working on a project which allows the advanced user to define their own way of showing the information and access some basic API. For example, I provide a show_search_box() function so that the user can call this function in the view file when they want to show the standard search box, or they could call the function with parameters ...

Basic Python Function and Constant Help

I'm not sure where to even start this assignment: In shopping for a new house, you must consider several factors. In this problem the initial cost of the house, the estimated annual fuel costs, and the annual tax rate are available. Write a program that determines and displays the total cost of a house after a five-year period and execu...

Efficiency. Function return values versus output parameters

Hi, Function return values versus "output" parameter, which one is faster? I think I best explain using what I am currently working on. // specify identifier and return pointer. SceneNode* createSceneNode(const String& desired_identifier); // f1 // auto-gen identifier and return as string. String createSceneNode(SceneNode*& out_ptr_...

config file in php

hi all, i want to create a user defined config file,which contains some variables with constant values, now i want to access those values in many pages of my can use those variables using functions..what is the best way to do this without using classes. ...

jQuery each function not working

I've got some p tags with the class PointsToggle <p class="PointsToggle">POINTS STATEMENT - AVAILABLE 7AM TOMORROW</p> <p class="PointsToggle">SOME OTHER TEXT</p> And some jQuery like this $('.PointsToggle').each(function() { if ($(this).text = 'POINTS STATEMENT - AVAILABLE 7AM TOMORROW') { $(this).css('width', '510px'); } else ...

jQuery live function not working

Further to my last question I need to add in the .live() function as i'm adding the content dynamically This is what I have now $('.PointsToggle').live('each',function() { $this = $(this); if ($this.text() == 'POINTS STATEMENT - AVAILABLE 7AM TOMORROW') { $this.width(510); } els...

May a compiler optimize a reference to constant parameter to constant value ?

Consider following function: void func(const char & input){ //do something } Apparently it makes sense for the parameter to be constant value not reference to constant regarding size of the char type, Now may a compiler optimize that to constant value so that it'll be the same as following ? void func(const char input){ //do someth...

Let a function "return" the super function?

Hi, Given is the following code: function two() { return "success"; } function one() { two(); return "fail"; } If you test the code by calling function one(), you will always get "fail". The question is, how can I return "success" in function one() by only calling function two()? Is that even possible? Regards ...

JavaScript: how to return false to link without breaking function?

Hello, I have a question (surprisingly ;) ): How can I return false to a link without breaking the function? I did this previously without jQuery, back then I set an animation to execute after an interval and returned false. This time I need the function to continue running. function initNavLinks(){ navLinks = $("div#header a").cli...

How to setup get_head(), get_foot(), and other files like wordpress uses.

I am trying to migrate my site to PHP and use a WP theme on my site with out modifying the theme too much. So my problem is that I want to create a functions.php file like in Wordpress that contains some code that can be called to load the header and footer of my sites theme from each page. Also I want to keep some constants in another f...

Callback functions from kaltura html5 video

Can anybody help me how to call video callback functions from kaltura html5 video player. ...

What is method inlining?

I've been trying to understand what that really means : inline function In C++, a member function defined in the class declaration. (2) A function call that the compiler replaces with the actual code for the function. The keyword inline can be used to hint to the compiler to perform inline expansion of the body of a...