
Oracle, calling PL/SQL issues from within SQL-Plus file x.sql says my_function "may not be a function"

so simple, if I create my fuction as CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MD5_ENCODE it will run smoothly, but if it satys anonymously within the SQL-Plus block as PL/SQL --> "may not be a function" error. what is this Oracle "feature" again??? many thx. in advance... DECLARE FUNCTION MD5_ENCODE(CLEARTEXT IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS CHK ...

Function call in JavaScript

I'm stumped, I can't seem to get this simple Javascript function to get called. Thanks! <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function increase() { alert(" the button was pressed"); } </script> </head> <body> <form action="Test.html" method="post"> <input type="submit" onclick="increa...

Defining Array in template.php Drupal

I have a drupal function that contains an array. I want to redefine one of the variables in that array. Do I just copy paste that entire function into template.php and change the variable to what I want it to be? Thanks. ...

In VBA, how to return an array / or write to cells using a function?

Using this very simple function: Function WriteArray() as Variant Dim array(0 To 2) array(0) = "A" array(1) = "B" array(2) = "C" WriteArray = array End Function I was expecting to see in result the whole array in my Excel spreadsheet, but that's not the case: I get only the first string. I know there is trick to show the whole ar...

How to fill-up cells within a Excel worksheet from a VBA function?

Hello, I simply want to fill-up cells in my spreadsheet from a VBA function. By example, I would like to type =FillHere() in a cell, and in result I will have a few cells filled-up with some data. I tried with such a function: Function FillHere() Dim rngCaller As Range Set rngCaller = Application.Caller rngCaller.Cells(1, 1) = "...

How can I find the number of arguments of a Python function?

How can I find the number of arguments of a Python function? I need to know how many normal arguments it has and how many named arguments. Example: def someMethod(self, arg1, kwarg1=None): pass This method has 2 arguments and 1 named argument. ...

Object oriented programming with Javascript - Constructors

I've seen a lot of this... function myObject(data) { var myData = data; } myObject.prototype.doSomething = function () { alert("I did something!"); } but the intellisense on Visual Studio gives me a .constructor for functions, which would lead me to believe this would be correct... function myObject() { var myData;...

Using functions defined in other MXML files

Hello, I've got a Main.mxml file and a RoutePlanner.xmlm file. The RoutePlanner defines a custom Canvas components, and the Main.mxml uses that custom component. The problem is the RoutePlanner componetns contains alot of events, such as Click() and MouseMove() etc. However the functions those events reference to are all defined in Mai...

Python: getting a reference to a function from inside itself

If I define a function: def f(x): return x+3 I can later store objects as attributes of the function, like so: f.thing="hello!" I would like to do this from inside the code of the function itself. Problem is, how do I get a reference to the function from inside itself? ...

Can I Pass Dictionary Values/Entry and Keys to function

I am writing a function and intended to use a dictionary key and its value as parameters. For example: testDict={'x':2,'xS':4} def newFunct(key,testDict['key']): newvalue=key+str(testDict['key']) return newValue for key in testDict: newValue=newFunct(key,testDict[key]) print newValue I get a SyntaxError: invalid sy...

Why can't I pass a direct reference to a dictionary value to a function?

Earlier today I asked a question about passing dictionary values to a function. While I understand now how to accomplish what I was trying to accomplish the why question (which was not asked) was never answered. So my follow up is why can't I def myFunction(newDict['bubba']): some code to process the parameter Is it simply beca...

javascript open.window returns null in called function

Hi there can anyone help, i have a developed a function that when called should open a window but it returns NULL. If i do the opening window in the original javascript function it works. I suppose its the original function passes control to the other function but for some reason this doesn't work.. Here is my original function, this b...

calling a javascript function (in original function) from called function?

Hi there, Is there anyway to calling a function from another function .. little hard to explain. heres in example. One function loads html page and when ready it calls the original function. I think i need to pass in a reference but unsure how to do this... if i set it to "this" - it doesn't seem to work ANy ideas? order.prototype.p...

Semantics of F# statement

Can someone describe this F# expression to me? val augment: GameGrid -> points -> unit What does the val keyword mean? Is it true that usually type -> type indicates a function that returns the specified type? So does type -> type -> type indicate a function that returns a function that returns the specified type? ...

Javascript function in an object/hash

I can call a function directly (I'll use alert as an example) like so alert("Hello World!"); // pops up an alert window However, when I put a function in an object, calling it no longer works: d = {func: alert}; d.func("Hello World!"); // doesn't do anything d["func"]("Hello World!"); // also doesn't do anything I figured maybe...

undefined lcfirst()

Fatal error: Call to undefined function lcfirst() in C:\xampp\htdocs\allsides\others\basecontroller.php on line 9 How come it didn't find a Text Proccessing function mentioned in the official php manual ( ...

Could you please give me the function of taking print screen and convert in to jpg in javascript or flash.

Could you please give me the function of taking print screen and convert in to jpg in javascript or flash ...

editing a multidimensional array with [index]es, not only [name]s

public $form = array ( array( 'field' => 'email', 'params' => array( array( 'rule' => 'email', 'on' => 'create', 'required' => true, 'error' => 'The email is invalid!' ), array( 'ru...

How to wrap an Oracle stored procedure in a function that gets executed by a standard SELECT query?

I am following these steps, but I continue to get an error and don't see the issue: 1) Create a custom Oracle datatype that represents the database columns that you want to retrieve: CREATE TYPE my_object AS OBJECT (COL1 VARCHAR2(50), COL2 VARCHAR2(50), COL3 VARCHAR2(50)); 2) Create another datatype...

Is this the right place to call the RSS building function?

Is this the right place to call the function that builds the RSS? its for a reddit type of site. function save() { /* Here we do either a create or update operation depending on the value of the id field. Zero means create, non-zero update */ if(!get_magic_quot...