
python instance variables as optional arguments

In python, is there a way I can use instance variables as optional arguments in a class method? ie: def function(self, arg1=val1, arg2=val2, arg3=self.instance_var): # do stuff.... Any help would be appreciated. ...

Why is this C function crashing at fclose?

Hi guys! Please help me understand why this function throws an exception when it reaches fclose : void receive_file(int socket, char *save_to, int file_size) { FILE *handle = fopen(save_to,"wb"); if(handle != NULL) { int SIZE = 1024; char buffer[SIZE]; memset(buffer,0,SIZE); int read_so_far = 0; int re...

Function Parameters in Powershell

Is there any reason to use the "Param( ... )" construction inside a function definition? My understanding is that you should use this for specifying parameters to scripts (and scriptblocks). I see a lot of examples on the web with parameters listed this way instead of just listing the parameters after the function name. Example: f...

Problems with setting up Function Pointers in Templated Class

I am trying to create a generic menu button class that is templated to a class, so I can make this button in any class. I want to create a void function pointer to different functions in that class, so when you click on the New Game button, it will call the NewGame() function etc. I'm still a little new to the idea of creating function...

Objective-C Default Argument Value

Hey there, quick question here. I'm sure there's a simple answer. Coming from PHP, I'm used to declaring a function with a default argument value like this: function myFunction ($array, $sort = FALSE) { } I the sort parameter wasn't filled, the function would continue with the default value of false. In Obj-C, is there a similar t...

Is there any temporary created while returning an object from function ?

when ever a function has a object passed by value it uses either copy constructor or bit wise copy to create a temporary to place on stack to use inside the function,How about some object returned from function ? //just a sample code to support the qn rnObj somefunction() { return rnObj(); } and also explain how the return value is ta...

Enumerating DLL functions?

Hello guys, Is it possible to enumerate every function present in a DLL ? How about getting its signature ? Can I do this in C# ? Or do I have to go low level to do this? Regards and tks, Jose ...

Functions Property Question

Is this proposition true? For all functions f f(a+b) = f(a) + f(b). If yes then why? If no then what are those special functions called and what property do they have? EDIT: Wow i think floor/celing functions do not hold the property.? I can think of counterexamples but could somebody please prove this. But what are the functions ...

Find unused function in vc2008?

how to find unused functions in a c++ project vc2008 ...

C++: Function wrapper that behaves just like the function itself

How can I write a wrapper that can wrap any function and can be called just like the function itself? The reason I need this: I want a Timer object that can wrap a function and behave just like the function itself, plus it logs the accumulated time of all its calls. The scenario would look like this: // a function whose runtime shoul...

C++: How to implement a timeout for an arbitrary function call?

I need to call a library function that sometimes won't terminate within a given time, unfortunately. Is there a way to call the function but abort it if it doesn't terminate within n seconds? I cannot modify the function, so I cannot put the abort condition into it directly. I have to add a timeout to the function externally. Is it may...

How to match two email fields where one contains friendly email address

One table has "John Doe <[email protected]>" while another has "[email protected]". Is there a UDF or alternative method that'll match the email address from the first field against the second field? This isn't going to be production code, I just need it for running an ad-hoc analysis. It's a shame the DB doesn't store both friendly and non-fri...

Conflicting types with char*

I have a small program to test passing char* pointers in and out of functions. When I compile with cc, I get warning and errors saying I have conflicting types even though all my variables are char* . Please enlighten #include <stdio.h> main() { char* p = NULL; foo1(p); foo2(); } void foo1(char* p1) { } char* foo2(void) ...

How do I create a file that only contains functions in objective-c?

I want to make a file that contains useful functions for my project. Well, I know that I can define a function inside my class implementation. But I don't really get it... I mean: I don't want to create a "class", just functions. Or are functions always part of a class? My objective-c knowledge is pretty limited, and my nice big book on ...

Call an Object inside of a function

So I'm not to OOP in PHP. Here is my issue I have a object that I can call a function from and it provides back an arrary. So here is the code. $obj = new OBJ(); function go($url){ $array = $obj->grabArray($url); echo $array['hits']; } go(''); This gives me the error Fatal error: Call to a member...

Explode function in C++.

I am new to programming. I have been trying to write a function in C++ that explodes the contents of a string into a string array at a given parameter, example: string str = "___this_ is__ th_e str__ing we__ will use__"; should return string array: cout << stringArray[0]; // 'this' cout << stringArray[1]; // ' is' cout << stringArra...

How do I make a default value for a parameter to a javascript function

Possible Duplicate: Is there a better way to do optional function parameters in Javascript? I would like a javascript function to have optional arguments which I set a default on, which gets used if the value isn't defined. In ruby you can do it like this: def read_file(file, delete_after = false) # code end Does this work...

What is the difference between a function object and a callable object?

I recently saw the presentation about the changes in ECMAScript 5. And there was a slide with this statement: Function vs Callable typeof f === 'function' // → f is Callable ({}) === '[object Function]' // → f is a Function Can anyone explain to me what the difference between Function and Ca...

How do I store javascript functions in a queue for them to be executed eventually

Hi, I have created a Queue class in javascript and I would like to store functions as data in a queue. That way I can build up requests (function calls) and respond to them when I need to (actually executing the function). Is there any way to store a function as data, somewhat similar to .setTimeout("doSomething()", 1000); except it...

python factory functions compared to class

Just working through learning python and started to look at nested/factory functions (simple example): def maker(N): def action(X): return X * N return action Are there any advantages of factory functions over creating a class? performance? memory? clean up? ...