
php function convert curly quotes and em dashes into " and -

Has anyone got a function to convert convert curly quotes and em dashes into " and -? I've tried writing one but it fails when copying stuff from MS word into a textarea. Thanks ...

How do I run an object's method onEvent in javascript?

Hello, I just started using javascript and I'm missing something important in my knowledge. I was hoping you could help me fill in the gap. So the script I'm trying to run is suppose to count the characters in a text field, and update a paragraph to tell the user how many characters they have typed. I have an object called charCounter...

How can I change function argument's value

I have used a decompiler that outputs Jasmin. How can I change the value of a function's argument? Example: .method public constructor <init>(Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/S...

Jquery - Adding a function to element within Iframe?

I tried a lot of ways but non of them worked. For example that one works: $('#iframeid').ready( function() { alert('Hello'); } ); but following doesn't (alerts hello but do not focus.) $('a:link').click( function() { alert('Hello'); var iframeRef = document.getElementById("if...

Call a package function from C#: PLS-00306

Hi, I'm trying to call an Oracle package function from C#, but I keep getting the same error: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'F_CTCPREPAREP151HEADER'. This is the function declaration in the package: function f_CtcPrepareP151Header ( as_codjal in varchar2/*, ad_datdoc in varchar2, as_codfnr in varchar2, ad_dt...

Where can I find a list of .NET unicode (wide) functions?

I would like to get a list of the "wide" functions for unicode - i.e. AscW, ChrW, MessageBoxW, etc. Is there a list of these somewhere? ...

Does Browser load a whole block of JavaScript Before its execution?

Below is valid javascript code: <script> foo(); function foo() { alert("foo"); } </script> The function foo is invoked before its declaration. So, I think browser must load the whole block script before its execution. By "whole block", I mean a open tag to a clos tag or a external javascript file. Is this true? ...

How do I optimize

What I'm trying to do is take this code: char naive_smooth_descr[] = "naive_smooth: Naive baseline implementation"; void naive_smooth(int dim, pixel *src, pixel *dst) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) dst[RIDX(i, j, dim)] = avg(dim, i, j, src); } and replace the function call avg(...

function call with actual code...

what I'm trying to do is take this function call... assign_sum_to_pixel(&current_pixel, sum); and replace it with the actual code that it calls which is this... /* * assign_ sum_ to_ pixel - Computes averaged pixel value in current_pixel */ static void assign_ sum_ to_ pixel (pixel *current_ pixel, pixel_ sum sum) { curr...

Minimizing a function dealing with seconds and minutes.

Can I shorten this function? $mins = $secs - time('u'); function minutes($seconds){ return sprintf( "%2.2dm %2.2ds", floor($seconds/60),$seconds%60);} $mins_left = minutes($mins); echo "Resets in $mins_left."; ...

Applying jquery function to more than one div?

The code below will show / hide a div on click. It works perfectly for the first div listed, but doesn't work for any of the others. Is there a way to have the function apply to all the elements with the same class names? It should, of course, only open / close the div to which it's being applied (i.e., clicking on the Second Div togg...

c function call

I'm trying to take this code ... char mysmooth1_ descr[] = "my smooth1: My smooth1 replaced avg() func. and assign sum to pixel"; void mysmooth1 (int dim, pixel *src, pixel *dst) { int i, j; int ii, jj; pixel_ sum sum; pixel current_ pixel; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { initialize_pix...

error in function returning structure

#include<stdio.h> #include "amicablenumber.h" int i,j; struct amicable { int **amicablePair; int size; }; main() { int startnum = 250; int endnum = 1000; struct amicable* ami; ami = getAmicablePairs(startnum, endnum); printf("{"); for(int i = 0; i<ami->size; i++) { printf("{%d, %d}",ami->amicablePair[i][0], ami->amicab...

Zend Framework a common file to put functions in that can be accessed from a view

I need to have a place to put some common functions that various view scripts will use such as creating some html by passing it a variable. I know about using helpers, but I want to be able to put many functions inside it not just one helper for each function. Is it a plugin that I need to create? thanks ...

jQuery plugin scope of settings passed in

I feel like this must have been asked, but I'm unable to find it through my searches. Here's a complete example of the issue that's confusing me: <html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $.fn.test...

Scala extra parentheses printout

Hi, I wrote my first sample scala program and it looks like this: def main(args: Array[String]) { def f1 = println("aprintln") println("applying f1") println((f1 _).apply) println("done applying f1") } The output is applying f1 aprintln () done applying f1 Can someone explain why the extra () appears? I thought j...

Using Embedded Dictionary for iterative charater replacement

I'm trying to understand an iterative function that that takes a string "12345" and returns all the possible misspellings based upon a dictionary of keys close to each character in the string. outerDic = {} Dict1 = {'1':'2','2':'q'} outerDic['1'] = Dict1 Dict1 = {'1':'1','2':'q','3':'w','4':'3'} outerDic['2'] = Dict1 Dict1 = {'1':'2','2...

jquery trigger event on match of element on page load

I've created a custom jQuery function and I want to call it for every match of an element on the page when it loads. The syntax I'm using to call the function: $(document).ready(function() { $("div.class1.class2").fixClassesForIE6("a","b"); }); That syntax does nothing. The fixClassesForIE6 function is never called. I think I may...

Where hardcoded values are stored ?

Hi For an investigation i need to know where hard-coded values are stored. Question : A function having hard-coded values inside it , and this function is called by many threads at same time , is there any chance that that hard-coded value will be corrupted. For example : myFunc is called by many thread at same time . c...

jQuery style function defaults using objects

I have a project that I am working on where I am not able to use jQuery. Since using jQuery, I have become very acustomed to the way that parameters can be set in a function. It is very nice doing it the "jQuery" way, so that it does not matter the order, or even if you use all defaults like a normal function method would need. So, my ...