
Why am I able to make a function call using an invalid class pointer

In below code snippet, although pointer is not initialized the call is still made successfully temp *ptr; ptr->func2(); Is it due to C++ language property, or it is VC++6 compiler which is foul playing? class temp { public: temp():a(9){} int& func1() { return a; } bool func2(int arg) { if(arg%2==0...

Confusion in function tag of TLD

Hi, I've made an application to understand the EL expression. In the TLD file firstly I used just the function name and its return type like- "int length( String x )", then it gives and error but when I replace it with " length(java.lang.String)" the code runs fine. Moreover there is another function where there is no parame...

Using a variable to represent a function in C

This has the functionality I want (and it works) #include <stdio.h> //includes other libraries needed int foo(); int main() { while(true) { while(foo()==1) { //do something } //does other unrelated things } } int foo() { // Returns if a switch is on or off when the function was called...

Are there any programming languages where variables are really functions?

For example, I would write: x = 2 y = x + 4 print(y) x = 5 print(y) And it would output: 6 (=2+4) 9 (=5+4) Also, are there any cases where this could actually be useful? Clarification: Yes, lambdas etc. solve this problem (they were how I arrived at this idea); I was wondering if there were specific languages where this was the de...

Access a function pointer without parenthesis

I have this code: #include <stdio.h> int getAns(void); int num; int main() { int (*current_ans)(void); current_ans = &getAns; // HERE printf("%d", current_ans()); } int getAns() { return num + 3; } However, is it possible to have something in the // HERE spot that allows the next line to be printf("%d", curre...

Ruby Maths Function Memoization

Hi All, I wrote some code that looks like this: def get(x, y) @cachedResults.set(x,y, Math.hypot(x, y)) if @cachedResults.get(x,y).nil? @cachedResults.get(x,y) end Where @cachedResults contained a 2D Array class i wrote (in a few minutes) and the purpose of this function is to make sure that I never have to call Math.hypot twic...

jQuery form submit

hi there, i have this files: JAVASCRIPT $(document).ready(function(){ $('a').click(function(){ $('div').load("formular.html",function(){ $('input[type="submit"]').click(function(){ $('form').submit(); }); }); }); }); formular.html <form action="gigi.php" name='formular...

How to see the code for built in functions in MS Access?

Hi, How to see the code for built in functions in MS Access? I am specifically looking for the code of the function "LIKE" thanks ...

Changing context of a function in javascript

I'm trying to understand why in javascript, you might want to change the context of a function. I'm looking for a real world example or something which will help me understand how / why this technique is used and what its significance is. The technique is illustrated using this example (from var object...

Format an SQL Query using a function

I have a SELECT query that returns multiple lines for the same record due to a group by on a field that has many different results e.g. ID Name x 1 test a 1 test b 1 test c How do I create a function that takes the current record id in the select statement and returns all the values of x in one field? ...

Javascript error: * is not a function

I'm using javascript to call functions that have been put into an object like so: generatewidgets['mywidget'] = function (mystring) { code } Later on, i loop through this object and call each function with a string parameter. argument = 'abcdefg'; for (this.key in generatewidgets) generatewidgets[this.key](argument); This works...

Create a function for given input and ouput

Imagine, there are two same-sized sets of numbers. Is it possible, and how, to create a function an algorithm or a subroutine which exactly maps input items to output items? Like: Input = 1, 2, 3, 4 Output = 2, 3, 4, 5 and the function would be: f(x): return x + 1 And by "function" I mean something slightly more comlex than [1]: ...

Stand-alone animate function (like Jquery)

Hi all, I am currently using JQuery to perform a single task: animation of width on a div. I really hate to be loading in the entire JQuery library for this single task and was wondering if anyone knew how to do a standalone function like: div.animate('56'); Where 56 is the percentage of the width I'd like the div to animate to. If...

Prevent Function Execution in Javascript and JQuery

Hi, I have such a code block and when code founds an error attribute which is set to error, then it should prevent further execution, how can I prevent it from execution : $(document).ready(function() { $("#SendMessage").click(function(e) { var elements = $("#contact-area input:text[error=error]").get(); for (var i ...

What is the correct way to use the stat() function to test if a DIRENT is a directory or a file?

I'm having some trouble with the 'if(S_IFDIR(stbuf.st_mode))' line. Is this the correct way to test for a directory to recurse into? The function at the moment seems to do it right for 1 or 2 loops and then fails and segmentation faults. I've tried the following and probably more as the condition. S_ISDIR(st_mode) ((st_mode & ST_IFMT) ...

Is there a way to get the function a decorator has wrapped?

Suppose I have @someDecorator def func(): '''this function does something''' print 1 Now, the object func is an instance of someDecorator. Is there some way I can access the function it holds, i.e something like func.getInnerFunction(). For instance, if I need to retrieve the doc string of func(). ...

difference between (defalias 'A (symbol-function 'B)) and (defalias 'A 'B)

I was reading subr.el and saw this code: (defalias 'backward-delete-char 'delete-backward-char) (defalias 'search-forward-regexp (symbol-function 're-search-forward)) Interestingly, the first line doesn't use symbol-function while the second line does. The only difference I know of these two ways of using defalias is that the help for...

jquery event capture

i have some images loaded viad load method, something like this: <ul> <li><img src="1" alt="" /></li> <li><img src="2" alt="" /></li> </ul> on mouseover i want to append a div inside that <li> with a greater z-index than the img so that div comes "in front" of the image(like a bar with links for image editing).On mouseout i want...

Defining private module functions in python

According to Like most languages, Python has the concept of private elements: Private functions, which can't be called from outside their module However, if I define two files: __num=1 and: import a print a.__num when i run it pr...

Is there any native DLL export functions viewer?

Is there any free native Windows DLL export functions viewer, which shows the function name, and a list of their parameters? Thanks. ...