
php - Can I integrate functions with same content, different names?

I have a couple of functions inside a class that essentially do the same thing: public function fn_a(){ return __FUNCTION__; } public function fn_b(){ return __FUNCTION__; } public function fn_c(){ return __FUNCTION__; } I need those functions to remain in their current names so I intentionally did not do: pub...

Difference between method and function in Scala

i read In that post he specified Methods and functions are not the same thing. But he didn't explain anything about it. can anyone explain what he was trying to say. ...

[C] this code, its work fine and return what i want, but its hangs before print it ??

I make this program :: #include<stdio.h> char *raw_input(char *msg); main() { char *s; *s = *raw_input("Message Here Is: "); printf("Return Done.."); printf(s); } char *raw_input(char *msg){ char *d; printf("%s", msg); scanf("%s",&d); return d; } What this do is, it print my message and scan for input from the user, then pr...

Javascript/jQuery: Varying parameters on a custom function

I'm writing a plugin that will allow parameters to 'set it up.' But I predict the user won't always want to set up every aspect of the function. function This_Function(a,b,c,d); For instance, maybe they'll only want to set up a and c, but not b and d (they'll just prefer to leave those as defaults). How do I write the function (or the...

Giving my function access to outside variable

I have an array outside: $myArr = array(); I would like to give my function access to the array outside it so it can add values to it function someFuntion(){ $myVal = //some processing here to determine value of $myVal $myArr[] = $myVal; } How do I give the function the right scoping to the variable? ...

Registering a Named Function as a Listener with Jquery

I'm new to javascript/jquery and I've done some poking around the web, but I can't figure out why the following is invalid: var toggleSection = function(sectionName) { // Do some Jquery work to toggle stuff based on sectionName string // (concatenate sectionName with other text to form selectors) }; $('#togglecont1').click(toggleSection...

wordpress my_deregister plugin from page

i try to use the next code to load cforms II plugin only on my CONTACT PAGE ( #/template/functions.php add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', ' ', 100 ); function my_deregister_javascript() { if ( !is_page('Contact') ) { wp_deregister_script( 'cforms' ); } } add_action...

Javascript function programming — receiving elaborate parameters

I'm writing a Javascript function that would manipulate an array written on-the-fly and sent as a parameter. The function is written as follows: function returnJourney(animation,clean){ var properties = {}; // loads of other inane stuff for(i in animation[0]) properties[animation[0][i]] = animation[0].i; // heaps more i...

postgresql error - ERROR: input is out of range

The function below keeps returning this error message. I thought that maybe the double_precision field type was what was causing this, and I tried to use CAST, but either that's not it, or I didn't do it right... Help? Here's the error: ERROR: input is out of range CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "calculate_distance" line 7 at RETURN *...

jQuery Plugin: Adding Callback functionality

I'm trying to give my plugin callback functionality, and I'd like for it to operate in a somewhat traditional way: myPlugin({options}, function() { /* code to execute */ }); or myPlugin({options}, anotherFunction()); How do I handle that parameter in the code? Is it treated as one full entity? I'm pretty sure I know where I'd p...

Semi-generic function

I have a bunch of overloaded functions that operate on certain data types such as int, double and strings. Most of these functions perform the same action, where only a specific set of data types are allowed. That means I cannot create a simple generic template function as I lose type safety (and potentially incurring a run-time problem ...

Jquery hasClass conditional not working

Hey, I have my site going here: I am trying to make it so when a navigation item is clicked, it retracts the news ticker on the right and then doesn't run any of the extracting/timer functions anymore. I got it to retract but it still extracts. How I am doing it is I am adding a "noTicker" class with the nav ...

Accessing C++ Functions From Text storage

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to accomplish the following: Let's say I have a bunch of data stored in SQL, lets say one of the fields could be called funcName, function name would contain data similar to "myFunction" What I'm wondering is, is there a way I can than in turn extract the function name and actually call that function? ...

calling a stored postgres function from php

Just a little confused here... I have a function in postgres, and when I'm at the pg prompt, I just do: SELECT zp('zc',10,20,90); FETCH ALL FROM zc; I'm wondering how to do this from php? I thought I could just do: $q = pg_query("SELECT zp('zc',10,20,90)"); But, how do I "fetch" from that query? ...

calling a stored postgres function from php

I originally posted the question here: I accepted the answer, but, it actually isn't working for me... Here's the original question: I have a function in postgres, and when I'm at the pg prompt, I just do: SELECT zp('zc',10,20,90); FETCH ALL FROM zc...

Javascript function push problem

Hello i've following JS function. responseData:function(resp){ this.jsondata = eval('(' + resp + ')'); this.propList = []; for (var i = 0;i<this.jsondata.length;i++) { for (obj in this.jsondata[i]) { alert(obj); //shows the property name of obj this.propList.push({ obj : this....

fetch fourth maximum record from the table field

Following is the command to fetch maximum salary form empsalary table in mysql select max(salary) from empsalary; but I want to fetch employee who got fourth highest from the list of employee. I don't want to use trigger or function because I know there is direct command to fetch. ...

How to use foreach() in any controller function of Codeigniter

Hey Guys, I’ve stucked with a problem. Can any body help me for….. “How to use foreach() in any controller function of Codeigniter”. Actually, i’ve a piece of codes which are placed in a Controller function in whihc i’m using foreach(). Here is the piece of code….. $this->load->model('board/dboard_members_model'); $data['query4'] = $thi...

How can I remove the head of a main function?

I am trying to move some code from a separate binary and have it inside my main program. Unfortunately I can't mimic the initialization variables for the main function. How can I create argc and argv by hand? Can someone give me some example assignments. since it looks like this: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) I figured I could a...

Vim: Call an ex command (set) from function?

Drawing a blank on this, and google was not helpful. Want to make a function like this: function JakPaste() let tmp = :set paste? if tmp == "paste" set nopaste else set paste endif endfunction map <F2> :call JakPaste()<CR> However this does not work. I have isolated t...