
PHP Function parameters - problem with var not being set

So I am obviously not a very good programmer. I have written this small function: function dispAdjuggler($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'slot' => '' ), $atts)); $adspot = ''; $adtype = ''; // Get blog # we're on global $blog_id; switch ($blog_id) { case 1: // root blog HOME page if (is_home()) { ...

How to run jQuery onClick? Need to pass a variable to run .ajax

I'm trying to run .ajax and insert a data element from the onClick of an item from the page. Whats the best way to do this? Something like this: function grabinfo(foo){ $.ajax({ url: "infospitter.php", method: "GET", data: "id="+foo, success: function(html){ $(#showstuff).html(html); } ...

passing different structs to a function in c

I have different structures that need to be filled out the same way. The only difference is that they are filled based on different data. I was wondering if it's possible to pass different structures to a certain function. What I have in mind is something like: struct stu1 { char *a; int b; }; struct stu2 { char *a; i...

How do I bind functions to all input elements using jQuery?

Hi, let's say I have this set of HTML-markup and CSS #CSS .inputhelp_text { background: #000; color: #fff; } .nodisplay { display: none; } <input class="inputhelp" id="firstname" /><span class="inputhelp_text nodisplay" id="help_firstname">Write in your firstname</span> <input class="inputhelp" id="lastname" /><span class="inputhelp...

Can T-SQL function return user-defined table type?

I have my own type: CREATE TYPE MyType AS TABLE ( foo INT ) and a function receiving it as a parameter: CREATE FUNCTION Test ( @in MyType READONLY ) RETURNS @return MyType AS ... can it return MyType or only TABLE repeating MyType's structure: CREATE FUNCTION Test ( @in MyType READONLY ) RETURNS @return TABLE (foo INT)...

Trouble Shoot JavaScript Function in IE

So this function works fine in geko and webkit browsers, but not IE7. I've busted my brain trying to spot the issue. Anything stick out for you? Basic premise is you pass in a data object (in this case a response from jQuery's $.getJSON) we check for a response code, set the notification's class, append a layer and show it to the user. ...

Superfluous python parameters

I've noticed a discrepancy in the way that python parameters are called. In every other language I've dealt with, you either have foo() meaning either no parameters, or as many parameters as you like, or foo(arg1, arg2,...,argn) where you pass in the same number of parameters to define the function and call it. In python howev...

How do determine what is *really* causing your compiler error

Hi All, I am porting a very large code base and I am having more difficulty with old code. For example, this causes a compiler error: inline CP_M_ReferenceCounted * FrAssignRef(CP_M_ReferenceCounted * & to, CP_M_ReferenceCounted * from) { if (from) from->AddReference(); if (to) to->RemoveReference(); to = from; return ...

Function inside jquery returns undefined

Hello Guys, The function I called inside jquery returns undefined. I checked the function and it returns correct data when I firebugged it. function addToPlaylist(component_type,add_to_pl_value,pl_list_no) { add_to_pl_value_split = add_to_pl_value.split(":"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ds...

small javascript problem

Hi, I have this little function that opens modal window type thing. The problem is that it doesnt work on IE. All other browser its fine, but on IE, nothing happends: function showOverlayBox() { if( isOpen == false ) return; $('#full').css({ display:'block', left: ( $(window).width() - $('#full').width() )/2, top: ( $(...

Javascript function call causes error

I am trying to call a function "makeQuery" and it's not working, FireBug is telling me: missing ; before statement [Break on this error] makeQuery({\n I don't quite understand where it wants me to put the ";" $(".predicate").click(function () { makeQuery({ alert(; } }); function makeQuery(val...

Scala Generic Function Values (Anonymous Function) - Missing Parameter Type (Error)

Hi all, im new with SCALA (Scala code runner version, and i really dont understand why scala requires for the caller the parameter type when we are using high order functions. The sample below , i have one stand alone object ( Util ) that have one function. The Main block, the caller must pass the parameter type to the ano...

Is there any way a C/C++ program can crash before main()?

Is there any way a program can crash before main()? ...

VB .NET Shared Function if called multiple times simultaneously

Consider I have a shared function:- Public Shared Function CalculateAreaFromRadius(ByVal radius As Double) As Double ' square the radius... Dim radiusSquared As Double radiusSquared = radius * radius ' multiply it by pi... Dim result As Double result = radiusSquared * Math.PI 'Wait a bit, for the sake of t...

Is it good practice to name variables differently when defining more than one function?

For example, in this simple function where fun1 takes as input two numbers, adds them together and passes them to function 2 for printing the output. var1_in is local to each function, so is it OK to use the name var1_in in both functions, or is it better practice to call them different things? fun1 <- function (var1_in, var2_in) { va...

call user defined function in jquery

Hi, I am trying to call user defined function in jquery. $(document).ready(function() { $('#btnSun').click(function(){ myFunction(); }); $.fn.myFunction = function() { alert('hi'); } }); I tried following as well function myFunction() { alert('hi'); } but it doesn't seems to work !! Any idea where I am wrong? Regard...

How do I add statements to an anonymous function in ActionScript?

I've created a class that parses an XML document to create an Object. I can successfully create dynamic, anonymous functions that return objects like this: myObject[functionName]=function():Object { return {property1: value1, property2: value2, ...

Get a list/tuple/dict of the arguments passed to a function?

Given the following function: def foo(a, b, c): pass How would one obtain a list/tuple/dict/etc of the arguments passed in, without having to build the structure myself? Specifically, I'm looking for Python's version of JavaScript's arguments keyword or PHP's func_get_args() method. What I'm not looking for is a solution using *...

Why doesn't onkeydown working properly on IE?

function checkEnter(event) { var charcode; if (event && event.which) { charcode = event.which; alert("Case 1. event.which is " + charcode); } else if (event && !event.which) { charcode = event.keyCode; alert("Case 2. event.keyCode is " + charcode); } document.getElementById("text1...

How can you see what functions and variables are currently defined in javascript?

There's a function in PHP where you can get a list of the user defined functions that are currently defined, is there something similar in JS? I'm trying to see a list of functions in Firefox 3, with Firebug enabled. =/ so far none of the answers work out of the box ...