
What ways are there to edit a function in R?

Let's say we have the following function: foo <- function(x) { line1 <- x line2 <- 0 line3 <- line1 + line2 return(line3) } And that we want to change the second line to be: line2 <- 2 How would you do that? One way is to use fix(foo) And change the function. Another way is to just write the function again....

How to determine if the variable is a function in Python?

Since functions are values in Python, how do I determine if the variable is a function? For example: boda = len # boda is the length function now if ?is_var_function(boda)?: print "Boda is a function!" else: print "Boda is not a function!" Here hypothetical ?is_var_function(x)? should return true if x is a callable function, an...

Runtime C function details

Hi, Is there any way to find particular C language function's input and output parameters from a framework (apple's ARM) during the runtime or from any method with out knowing the headers. It is a framework and there are no header files for it.I decompile it with IDA Pro and it gives me the function names but not input and output para...

Google GClientGeocoder geocoder function - how to pass extra parm(s)?

I am using Google GClientGeocoder geocoder function. Method getLocations seems to be a a Google asynchronous callback function. I would like to update the record identified with "id" with points found in GLatLng, However I can't figure out how to add id as a parameter to my getGeoCode function. function fnGetEncoding(address,id) ...

Using Regular Expressions to parse functions from a string in PHP

Is there a logical way to strip out function names and their arguments using Regular Expressions in PHP? Currently I have it splitting line by line so that I am able to have each function on each line for easier markup. So: doSomeFunction(arg, moreargs, stuff); breakSomething(); ini_set(include_path, /home/htdocs/); becomes array([0...

Sikuli List of Functions & Operators

Hello, I've just discovered Sikuli, and would like to see a comprehensive functions list without digging through the online-examples and demos. Has anyone found such a list? Furthermore, apparently Sikuli supports more complex loops and function calls as well, and seems to be based in Python(!!). Examples would be great. Thanks. ...

Common and useful Graph functions?

Hi, I'm implementing a simple Graph library for my uni project and since this is the first time I'm dealing with graphs, I would like to know which functions you guys consider to be most common and useful for Graph implementations... So far, I have this: graphInitialize() graphInsertVertex() graphRemoveVertex() graphGetVertex() graph...

slicing behaviour question of a list of lists

I got a function like def f(): ... ... return [list1, list2] this returns a list of lists [[list1.item1,list1.item2,...],[list2.item1,list2.item2,...]] now when I do the following: for i in range(0,2):print f()[i][0:10] it works and print the lists sliced but if i do print f()[0:2][0:10] then it prints the lists ...

Google's 'go' and scope/functions

In one of the example servers given at package main import ( "flag" "http" "io" "log" "template" ) var addr = flag.String("addr", ":1718", "http service address") // Q=17, R=18 var fmap = template.FormatterMap{ "html": template.HTMLFormatter, "url+html": UrlHtmlFormatter, } var templ = templat...

change image use javascript DOM

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var curimage = "cottage_small.jpg"; var curtext = "View large image"; function changeSrc() { if (curtext == "View large image"||curimage == "cottage_small.jpg") { document.getElementById("boldStuff").innerHTML = "View small image"; curtext="View small image"; ...

Django template call function

I'm passing to Django's template a function, which returns me some records. I want to call this function and iterate over it's result. {% for item in my_func(10) %} That doesn't work. I've tried to set fuction's return value to a variable and iterate over variable, but there seems to be no way to set variable in Django template. ...

Default value for file path in function gives SyntaxError. Work around?

for this, import os.path def f(data_file_path=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'temp'),type): ... return data I get this, SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument Is there a way to make this work or do I have to define a variable such as, rawdata_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'temp') and then plug that into ...

How to create a variadic (with variable length argument list) function wrapper in JavaScript

The intention is to build a wrapper to provide a consistent method of calling native functions with variable arity on various script hosts - so that the script could be executed in a browser as well as in the Windows Script Host or other script engines. I am aware of 3 methods of which each one has its own drawbacks. eval() method: fu...

I just learned about C++ functions; can I use if statements on function return values?

What I am confused on is about the isNumPalindrome() function. It returns a boolean value of either true or false. How am I suppose to use that so I can display if it's a palindrome or not. For ex. if (isNumPalindrome == true) cout << "Your number is a palindrome"; else cout << "your number is not a palindrome."; #include "stdafx.h" ...

How to pass specific variable in PHP function

I have a PHP function that requires can take 3 parameteres... I want to pass it a value for the 1st and 3rd parameters but I want the 2nd one to default... How can I specify which ones I am passing, otherwise its interpreted as me passing values for the 1st and 2nd slots. Thanks. ...

Postgres: Using function variable names in pgsql function

Hi I have written a pgsql function along the lines of what's shown below. How can I get rid of the $1, $2, etc. and replace them with the real argument names to make the function code more readable? Regards Peter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION InsertUser ( UserID UUID, FirstName CHAR(10), Surname VARCHAR(75), Email VARCHA...

How can i obtain in C# a specific operator's function?

Is it possible to obtain the function behind a C# operator? For example in F# you can do let add = (+);; val add : (int -> int -> int) Is it possible in c# to do something like this: Func<int, int, int> add = (+); or Func<int, int, int> add = Int32.(+) ? ...

replace selfjoin with analytic functions

Hi Any ideas how i go about replacing the following self join using analytics SELECT t1.col1 col1, t1.col2 col2, SUM((extract(hour FROM (t1.times_stamp - t2.times_stamp)) * 3600 + extract(minute FROM ( t1.times_stamp - t2.times_stamp)) * 60 + extract(second FROM ( t1.times_stamp - t2.times_stamp)) ) ) div, COUNT(*) tot_count FROM tab1...

jQuery - Need help stopping animation on click command.

With a few of your help I was able to get the jquery I wanted to work flawlessly, except for one thing.. the animation doesn't stop when i click on the buttons. Scenario: I have an Image, and 3 buttons underneath labeled "1","2", and "3". The jquery will automate the click function every 4500ms and switch from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3 and co...

reference function from another function

I forgot how to reference another function into a function in C++? In python it is declare as a class so that I can use it. double footInches(double foot) { double inches = (1.0/12.00) * foot; return inches; } double inchMeter(double inch) { double meter = 39.37 * (footInches(inch)); return meter; } I want to reference footInches...