
What is wrong with this Jquery function, help

$(function() { $("table.section thead").click(function() { if ($(this).next("table.section tbody").style.display == "block"){ $(this).next("table.section tbody").slideUp("slow"); } if ($(this).next("table.section tbody").style.display == "none"){ $(this).next("table.section tbody").slideDown("slow"...

Strange behaviour on jQuery function.

Why this two functions have the strange behaviour of when I click on thead, the tbody expands and then collapse. On the second function could do some testing adding alerts to the if, else statement but it only gets into the if statement so it would only slideUP. Another thing I notice is that when there is only one row in tbody it work...

PHP-MySQL: Arranging rows from seperate tables together/Expression to determine row origin

I'm new to PHP and have a two part question. I need to take rows from two separate tables, and arrange them in descending order by their date. The rows do not correspond in order or number and have no relationship with each other. ---EDIT--- They each contain updates on a site, one table holds text, links, dates, titles etc. from a bl...

Jquery Two functions to create row problem.

Hi all, I had only one function to Add another row to the table id="tblOtherParties" and i worked fine, but when I added the second function to do the same with the table id="tblHospitalAction" I get the error of unterminated string constant, but I dont see why as its the same as the first function. Any help would be very much appreci...

Get function import path

from pack.mod import f How to get from object f information about import - 'pack.mod' I can get it using f.__module__ but if function def in module where i get this attribute (f.__module__) it return '__main__'. But i need real path here - 'pack.mod' I found this way to get this information: inspect.getmodule(f).__file__ then i ca...

functions in assembler

hi, i have philosophised about the purpose of stack a little bit and after some coding i figured out what is it's strength. The only thing that lies in my stomache is how does it work with functions? I tried to make some easy function for adding two numbers using universal registers but I suppose that's not how does it work in C for exa...

How can I make gcc understand this template syntax?

I'm trying to use a delegate library in gcc but the "preferred syntax" is not recognized by gcc 4.3. I.e. howto make compiler understand the template < RET_TYPE (ARG1, ARG2) > syntax instead of template ?? TIA /Rob ...

How do I return a Vector java

How do I return a vector in a java function. I want to unserialize a vector loaded from a file and return in a function but I get errors. This is what code I currently have. private static Vector<Countries> loadOB(String sFname) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ObjectInputStream oStream = new ObjectInputStream(ne...

How to make a string HTML compatible using PHP?

Let's say I have this string: Hello &, how are you? I'm fine! Is there a function that will convert this to: Hello &amp;, how are you? I'm fine! Also, why does "'" sometimes show up as: � on sites? What am I missing? ...

passing ffmpeg commands to main function, how to?

I heard from post that we can create command line arguments with the options and pass it to ffmpeg main() method. anybody who knows how to do this, pl provide some code. I need this to capture images, encode them and stream from iphone device. Mohan ...

sending parameters to a jquery function

I have the following function which works very well within a $(document).ready(function(){ $('.threadWrapper > .littleme').click(function() { $(this).next().toggle(); $(this).toggle(); $('.littleme').not(this).next().hide(); $('.littleme').not(this).show(); // re-run masonry $('#mainConte...

Vim: Custom Folding function done, custom highlighting required

I have defined a function in vim to properly indent folds. Ie so they look like this: Unfolded this is text also text indented text indented text not indented text folded with default function this is text also text +-- 2 lines: indented text ---------------------------- not indented text folded with my new function th...

When parsing XML with jquery, how can we pass the current node from within each() to another function and vice-versa

Say we have an XML document with many book nodes... When parsing XML with jquery, how can i pass the current node from each() iteration to another function that will do some stuff until something is reached and then go back to the previous function (passing along the current node from this function back to the first function)? Here som...

Using a singleton database class in functions and multiple scripts(PHP) - best use methods

I have a singleton db connection which I get with: $dbConnect = myDatabase::getInstance(); which is easy enough. My question is what is the least rhetorical and legitimate way of using this connection in functions and classes? It seems silly to have to declare the variable global, pass it into every single function, and/or recrea...

a function that takes 3,1,2 and returns 1,2,3 respectively and vice verse

Is there a function that takes 1,2,3 and returns 3,1,2 respectively and vice-verse. eg: f(1)=3 f(2)=1 f(3)=2 This is required to get the cyclic order eg 1 when gone left will be 3 , 2 will be 1 and 3 will be 2. 1 when gone right will be 2 , 2 will be 3 and 3 will be 1. ...

Combine hover and click functions (jQuery) ?

Can hover and click functions be combined into one, so for example: click: $('#target').click(function() { // common operation }); hover: $('#target').hover(function () { // common operation }); can they be combined into one function? Thanks! ...

Creating methods with infinite overloads ? (.NET)

In C# you can do this: foo = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} ...", "aa", "bb", "cc" ...); This method Format() accepts infinite parameters, being the first one how the string should be formatted and the rest are values to be put in the string. Today I've come to a situation where I had to get a set of strings and test them, then I r...

jQuery - how to repeat a function within itself to include nested files

I'm not sure what to call this question, since it involves a variety of things, but we'll start with the first issue... I've been trying to write a simple to use jQuery for includes (similar to php or ssi) on static html sites. Whenever it finds div.jqinclude it gets attr('title') (which is my external html file), then uses load() to i...

MYSQL: How do I set a date (makedate?) with month, day, and year

Hi? I have three columns, y, m, and d (year, month, and day) and want to store this as a date. What function would I use on mySQL to do this? Apparently makedate uses year and day of year (see below), but I have month. I know I can use STR_TO_DATE(str,format), by constructing the string from (y,m,d), but I would guess there is an e...

elisp macro to write function?

hello I have written few functions, which nearly identical, save for names. For example ; x is name, such as function/paragraph/line/etc. (defun my-x-function (interactive) (mark-x) (do-more-stuff) (modify-x)) is there a way to put it automatically to generate function, paragraph, etc. functions? I have a feeling this is what macr...