
Excel Matching problem with logic expression

(I understand Excel is only borderline programming) I have a block of data that represents the steps in a process and the possible errors: ProcessStep Status FeesPaid OK FormRecvd OK RoleAssigned OK CheckedIn Not Checked In. ReadyToStart Not Ready for Start I want to find the first Status that is not "OK". I have a...

Difference between "+" and "-" before function name in Objective-C

Hello Everyone, What is the difference between "+" and "-" before the function name interface declaration in an Objective-C program. Example: - (void)continueSpeaking; + (NSArray *)availableVoices; What's the difference? ...

Return value from nested function in Javascript

I have a function that is set up as follows function mainFunction() { function subFunction() { var str = "foo"; return str; } } var test = mainFunction(); alert(test); To my logic, that alert should return 'foo', but instead it returns undefined. What am I doing wrong? UPDATE: Here's my actual co...

Does anyone know if WordPress has builtin PHP validation functions?

Hi everyone, I am trying to build a form in WordPress and taking advantage of all its built-in functions but I am hard pressed to find any functions that do form validation. I figure those kinds of functions have to exist in WordPress but I couldn't find any because its documentation is sparse and spread out in some respects. Would anyo...

function prototype declarations

I am practice the function in c and come across to the program .... #include<stdio.h> int main() { float a=15.5; char ch ='C'; printit(a,ch); return 0; } printit(a,ch) { printf("%f\n%c",a,ch); } I want to know that why the above program compile and not give the error as i understood so for is ... The function i...

Does this mimic perfectly a function template specialization?

Since the function template in the following code is a member of a class template, it can't be specialized without specializing the enclosing class. But if the compiler's full optimizations are on (assume Visual Studio 2010), will the if-else-statement in the following code get optimized out? And if it does, wouldn't it mean that for ...

jQuery plugin, return value from function

Hello there, Markup: <input type="text" name="email" /> Code: $(':text').focusout(function(){ $(this).validate(function(){ $(this).attr('name'); }); }); Plugin: (function($){ $.fn.validate = function(type) { return this.each(function(type) { if (type == 'email') { matc...

Why am I getting 'Argument count mismatch' error here?

I have a Document class, Intro class and Nav class. The Intro class runs first, then sends a custom dispatch event to run the Nav class, but I'm getting this error: removed Intro ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on com.secrettowriting.StanPlayer.ui::Navigation/addNav(). Expected 0, got 1. at

Question about function returning array data

var grossBrackets = new Array( '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900', '1000' ); function bracketSort( itemToSort ) { for( index = 0 ; index < grossBrackets.length ; index++ ) { if ( itemToSort < grossBrackets[index] ) { bracketData[index]++; } else if ( itemToSort > grossBracke...

How to use include within a function ?

I have a large function that I wish to load only when it is needed. So I assume using include is the way to go. But I need several support functions as well -only used in go_do_it(). If they are in the included file I get a redeclare error. See example A If I place the support functions in an include_once it works fine, see Example B. ...

Lua - Reflection - Get list of functions/fields on an object?

I'm new to Lua and dealing with Lua as a scripting language in an alpha release of a program. The developer is unresponsive and I need to get a list of functions provided by some C++ objects which are accessible from the Lua code. Is there any easy way to see what fields and functions these objects expose? ...

Calling methods or functions with Jquery

So I can call a php page using jquery $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "refresh_news_image.php", data: "name=" + name, success: function(html) { alert(html) $('div.imageHolder').html(html); } }); However this getting a bit messy, I have a few .php files that only really preform very simple tas...

Is it bad practice to have a long initialization method?

Many people have argued about function size. They say that functions in general should be pretty short. Opinions vary from something like 15 lines to "about one screen", which today is probably about 40-80 lines. Also, functions should always fulfill one task only. However, there is one kind of function that frequently fails in both cri...

A python random function acts differently when assigned to a list or called directly...

I have a python function that randomize a dictionary representing a position specific scoring matrix. for example: mat = { 'A' : [ 0.53, 0.66, 0.67, 0.05, 0.01, 0.86, 0.03, 0.97, 0.33, 0.41, 0.26 ] 'C' : [ 0.14, 0.04, 0.13, 0.92, 0.99, 0.04, 0.94, 0.00, 0.07, 0.23, 0.35 ] 'T' : [ 0.25, 0.07, 0.01, 0.01, 0.00, 0.04, ...

Cakephp Function in mode not executing

I have a function in my Comic Model as such: <?php class Comic extends AppModel { var $name = "Comic"; // Methods for retriving information. function testFunc(){ $mr = $this->find('all'); return $mr; } } ?> And I am calling it in my controller as such: <?php class ComicController extends AppController...

How can multiple variables be passed to a function cleanly in C?

I am working on an embedded system that has different output capabilities (digital out, serial, analog, etc). I am trying to figure out a clean way to pass many of the variables that will control those functions. I don't need to pass ALL of them too often, but I was hoping to have a function that would read the input data (in this case...

Running exec inside function

How can you use the python exec keyword inside functions? ...

How To Pass Class As Params to Function

How can I pass the Parameter to a function. for example public void GridViewColumns(params ClassName[] pinputparamter) { } and Class is as given below public Class ClassName { public string Name{get;set;} public int RecordID{get;set;} } can anyone has idea? ...

Why javascript getTime() is not a function?

I used the following function, function datediff() { var dat1 = document.getElementById('date1').value; alert(dat1);//i get 2010-04-01 var dat2 = document.getElementById('date2').value; alert(dat2);// i get 2010-04-13 var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds var diffDays = Math.abs((dat1.getTime() - dat2.get...

macro function for printing

Hi, if for example i have : #define PRINT(x) fprintf(stderr, x); and in code i append it : PRINT(("print this")) output is : [print this] if i append it : PRINT(("print %s", "this")) output is : [this] could someone explain me why it receives just the "this" argument and not the whole string ? ...