
First Java Program/Game - Help with Class Composition.

So I'm making a game where an @-symbol jumps from "roof" to "roof." The roofs are made up of _ and |. Can you check my overall structure of the program. This is what I have so far. I can post the code if it helps. App Class - This holds the main file, asks for the players name, and creates/passes a Player object to the Game class. Pla...

Identify which object on screen clicked in html5 canvas javascript?

I'm making a game in html5 canvas. I'm using jquery so I can get the click event and the clicks x,y coordinates. I have an array of unit objects and a tiled terrain (also an array). The unit objects have bounding box information, their position, and their type. What is the most effecient way to map this click event to one of the unit...

Getting the position of an object in a game

I recently started making simple 2D games, and came across a dilemma - to use or not to use getter and setter methods for the x and y positions of an object. It would look clearer if i wouldn't use methods, but access the variables directly instead, and also, many method calls on the object would hurt performance. Also getting and settin...

Cocos2d schedule method in NSObject

Hey Guys, It's me again with a Cocos2D problem. :-D I create the main character of my upcoming game as a sublclass of NSObject. This class has a property for the Sprite, Spritesheet and all that stuff. But now I have the following problem. I want to schedule a method for animating the sprite. That action which should be scheduled ever...

A container for accessing contents by 2d/3d coordinates

There are a lot of games that can generally be viewed as a bunch of objects spread out through space, and a very common operation is to pick all objects in a sub-area. The typical example would be a game with tons of units across a large map, and an explosion that affects units in a certain radius. This requires picking every unit in the...

Culling techniques for rendering lots of cubes

I am working on a personal learning project to make a Minecraft clone. It is working very well aside from one thing. Similar to Minecraft, my terrain has lots of cubes stacked on the Y so you can dig down. Although I do frustum culling, this still means that I uselessly draw all the layers of cubes below me. The cubes are X, Y and Z orde...

Conceptual iPhone 2d game dev question. Quartz? Cocos2d? Chipmunk? Box2d?

Hello, I am new to iPhone dev and would like to write a game that involves 2d collisions. Would somebody give me a conceptual overview on how the various frameworks interact in a typical 2d collision game? The candidates I see mentioned so far are 2d packages such as quartz and cocos2d and physics engines such as chipmunk and box2d. Wh...

Can I delete scores posted on leaderboard in Game Center?

It seems that there is no admin page in Game Center. Is there any way to delete scores on leaderboards? ...

Isometric Screen to Map

I'm trying to figure out how I can get the correct "active" tile under the mouse when I have "ramp" and +1 height tiles (see picture below). When my world is flat, everything works no problem. Once I add a tile with a height of say +1, along with a ramp going back to +0, my screen -> map routine is still looking as if everything is ...

SDL: FPS problems with simple bitmap

I am currently working on a game in SDL which has destructible terrain. At the moment the terrain is one large (5000*500, for testing) bitmap which is randomly generated. Each frame the main surface is cleared and the terrain bitmap is blitted into it. The current resolution is 1200 * 700, so when I was testing 1200 * 500 pixels were vi...

browser game map storage and implementation

I'm writing a simple browser based game with a 2d tile map. I'm implementing this map as an HTML table (ok, you can yell at me for using tables later, but it works) with background images. The map could be very very large, but it won't change much, if at all. I could eventually make more maps though. The map cells will not only have a b...

How do I make a 3D game in my spare time?

I'm looking for a new project to fill the evenings and I wish to make a 3d game. I have mediocre experience in Pascal,and VB but realise that neither of these may be best for the job. I realize I may have to spend some time reading some books and maybe learning a new language but I don't actually know what would be needed? Would learnin...

How to validate a Rummikub combination with Jokers

In the game of Rummikub, for those who don't know it, you have tiles in 4 colours and with 13 different numbers on them (so 4 x 13 = 52 unique tiles) which you must use to make groups. There are two kinds of groups: Different colours, same numbers (e.g. R1-B1-G1) Same colours, sequence of numbers (e.g. G6-G7-G8) I'm writing code that...

Bluetooth concurrent connections

For a fest at my college, we are planning a quiz contest. For the buzzer round, I was thinking of writing 2 app for android (we have a few handsets), one for the quiz master and the other for the contestants The contestants will be connected to the quiz master through bluetooth. After reading the question, the quiz-master clicks a butt...

Android + OpenGL ES pixel question

Hello i have been trying to create some simple games lately using the Canvas drawing methods for 2D graphics. Now i want to start programming with OpenGL, i have created the GLSurfaceView but i'm having much trouble understanding the layout and how your moving around the screen with floats. My easiest option would be to make some kind ...

game programmer portfolio

hello, i want to work as a programmer in a game modification team. Most teams require a portfolio to show. I haven't any previous experience with game programming and I would like to know what I should program and include in the portfolio Thank you ...

Java real time strategy game development

I'm coming to the end of my first year of CS and I thought a great way to consolidate all the things I've learnt this year would be a personal game project. I would like to implement a 2D based rts, I'm thinking along the lines of starcraft I, warcraft II or even command and conquer. I will have about 3 months without interruptions to i...

Are there any Android multiplayer game libraries?

Are there any good libraries or tools available for adding wifi multiplayer functionality to an Android game? The amount of work and cost involved for getting even the simplest of turn based multiplayer features into our games is somewhat daunting. Doesn't have to be free. ...

Moving a player with Box2D

What is the proper way of moving a player in Box2D setting Player->ApplyForce() kind of feels like it lacks flexibility and control. What other ways might there be to do this? Thanks ...

Livegamer usage for virtual money transactions into the online applications

Hi, Would like to know about Livegamer (virtaul money microtrasactions) implementation in java. Require urgently!!! Thanks! Kind Regards' Hari ...