
Game programming

I would like to learn game programming. Just to give you a background I am a programmer and understand the concepts of programming and am very object oriented. I have worked with languages such as php, javascript, flash, java, and a little c++. Now from my understanding most of game programming is done in either python or c++. Now I hav...

Obstacle path detection for 2D game

Hey I'm pretty much working on a platformer and still starting out so I was curious about best practices/algorithms. I have in my background just a castle and about 200px high at the bottom some grass which slightly curves up and down. In the middle (which is part of the background png) I have a rounded rectangle rock. So nothing is its...

Good example of XNA 4.0 to save game data?

I am trying to work my way through the XNA MSDN documentation on saving and reading game data, and I am not having much luck. In essence I have a manager class which keeps track multiple instance of of base classes. I want to be able to save the state of the entire list of objects that the manager is keeping track of then then load the...

Creating a high and low game in python and need a lot of help!

Here is the Pseudocode Print instructions to the user Start with the variables high = 1000, low = 1, and tries = 1 While high is greater than low Guess the average of high and low Ask the user to respond to the guess Handle the four possible outcomes: If the guess was right, print a message that tries guesses were required and quit th...

3D Game Programming in 2010 - Where to begin again?

Hi, I dabbled in some game programming a few years back. I got up to using Windows Xp, C++, Ogre3d, Visual Studio, and Blender. I started to make an RTS but then real life happened. Anyway, I'm looking to get back into it and I am wondering if there are any worthy alternatives to C++, now that Ruby,Python, and C# have become popular. I...

How to manage textures

Hello, I'm writing a simple 3D engine based on OpenGL (I know there are plenty of them out there but for some reasons I want to learn how to do this myself). I am pretty happy with my current approach of a scene graph and stuff like that but I'm very unhappy with texture handling. So I wonder how to do this properly. When I look at exa...

Where to obtain royalty-free assets that can be used in Android/iPhone games?

I would like to create some Android and iPhone games in my spare time, but I'm not an artist. Where would you suggest I go to find royalty free graphics, music and sounds that can be used as part of a game? ...

Programming Books

I am wanting to purchase some books to get me started in game development. I was hoping that I could find some books that were actually used at game programming colleges but cant seem to find a place to find them. If anyone attends a game programming college and can provide me with the books required to take the courses that would be gre...

How to divide players into divisions?

Lets say we have a two players game, where one player always wins (there can't be draw). The question is: How to divide n players into k divisions if we don't know anything about their skills? Each division should consist of the same number of players, and the best players players should be in first division, worst players in last divis...

What is the best way to store area data for a text adventure?

I'm developing a "Zork" style text adventure in C#, and it's going to have a fairly large number of different areas with descriptions and environmental modifiers. I don't want to have a database, ideally, unless it really is the best way of doing it. I need advice on the best way to store/load this data. It will include: Area descrip...

How can I parse two subjects from a string?

This is fairly difficult to explain. I am working on a text adventure at the moment and I am parsing input from a player. When a player enters input, there can be two possible subjects (let's call them subject1 and subject2). For example, in the following: "hit door with stick", subject1 is "door" and subject2 is "stick". In this case,...

Cocos2d Accelerometer Movement

Hello, I was wondering how you would move a CCSprite right and left by tilting the device right and left. Like in the falling balls app. Thanks in advance, John ...

I'd like to begin learning game programming, where to start?

Possible Duplicate: Learning game programming I'm fairly fluent in C/C++ and ObjC languages and would like to venture into game programming. I've always sort of wanted to do this but never really had the time, but now I do and I'm ready to learn! My goal is to start out and make a simple 2D game on the iPhone (Doesn't have to ...

Separating Model from View in game development

As an application developer by day, I spend a lot of my time worrying about separating business logic from the user interface / view. But I've noticed that in game development, this seems to be less of a concern. I'll often see View/Screen/Scene classes filled with game logic, or Player/SpaceShip/etc. classes containing Draw methods. ...

How would you call a method from all instances of a class?

I am writing a basic game engine and have an abstract class that represents any object that can be drawn in the 3D world, however inside this class is an abstract method Render() which I would like called automatically by the engine on each draw phase. How could I implement this so that every class extending from my abstract class will a...

Should I develop my game idea in text mode first?

I recently came up with an idea for a simulation/strategy game. I've been sketching out a lot of my ideas on paper about the game mechanics as well as have a few of the basic classes and objects working. (I'm writing this in C# using XNA). One thing that is painfully obvious to me though is that I am not a graphic artist and trying to...

Storing large tile based maps for an online multiplayer game

Hi All, I'm currently making a tile based mmorpg and am trying to find a good way to store a large 2d game world (at least 1000 squared tiles, but hopefully more like a few thousand squared). The idea is to encourage people to make their own cities on the shared map and users will be able to build houses and shops ingame so the tiles wou...

Set screen resolution in game programming

I have to make a multiplayer game and give the users(on different) an option to change their screen resolution in order to sustain their hardware requirements.Similar to counterstrike. How can I implement this in c ? how can I give the users sitting on different computers an option to change their screen resolution ? ...

site for uploading our code of our games

Hi Is there any site for uploading our code of the games which have written by ourselves? thanks ps: also it is better that the site send some feedback! ...

Suggest me a good Open Source Game Engine

Hello i want to develop some game and i am at a beginner level. so when i searched it on Google a long list of various game engines (like Delta 3D,Panda 3D) comes and when i looked at wikipedia it also showed a very large list so i am confused that from where i start. So suggest me a good game engine and some good tutorial or a ...