
Java Game - Easiest way to draw buildings.

It's my first time doing Java GUI stuff, and I have a few questions. I'm making a simple side-scrolling game - planning it out, specifically. The window is going to be 800x800. There's going to be buildings drawn as the game scrolls (every 40 px or so). I'm thinking that I'll make one 900px black rectangle, and then set copies of it at...

Any documents on game-developing using wpf/silverlight/remoting

Hi guys, I'm going to start developing a card game using wpf at my spare time, so that I can play it with my friends in other cities. I suppose there is a game-server, and players can play this game via their browsers(silverlight) or install a client(wpf). But I'm not familiar with the game-server programming. Maybe .net remoting is used...

Math me - 2d video games.

I'm a hobbyist game programmer. I only do 2d games, no 3d stuff. I don't have a math background and lots of things are tripping me up like bullet projections and angles. I took two college level Algebra courses at the local community college, but really disappointed. I got As in both, but really don't feel like I'm using any of it in...

Occlusion with octrees

I just started learning opengl and writing a first person shooter but I'm getting horrible framerates when I draw 5000 cubes. So now I'm attempting to perform occlusion and culling using an octree. What I'm confused about is where to cast the rays from. Do I only cast them from the fustrum near plane? It seems like I would miss part ...

Building online game with Flash, or any other suggestions.

I want to build some online educational games such as learning chinese characters and such. From what I've seen Flash seems to be a very popular way to do this. Anyone use Flash to build games or any suggestions for building web based games? ...

How to program a scrolling game camera in android?

Hello, I am currently trying to write a simple shoot them up game with top down perspective. I am using SurfaceView and Canvas to draw the graphics on the screen, but I cannot find out how to make the "camera" scrollable. The player character is always in the center of the screen and the camera(SurfaceView's canvas essentially) is suppo...

Benchmarking math.h square root and Quake square root.

Okay so I was board and wondered how fast math.h square root was in comparison to the one with the magic number in it (made famous by Quake but made by SGI). But this has ended up in a world of hurt for me. I first tried this on the Mac where the math.h would win hands down every time then on Windows where the magic number always won, ...

What is a quant?

I am experimenting with gamestudio A8 and the unit used in the 3d world is quant. My question is. how many quants is a meter? I want to make some models in sketchup and I use meters there. I can convert the models to mdl. The problem is. When animating and moving objects. I need to know how many quants there are in one meter. I also ...

Ideal choice for this game, XNA or SlimDX (DirectX 10)?

I'm looking to develop a multitouch rhythm game in C#. So far, I've decided on several requirements for the game that must absolutely be present: 1) Unicode text display, without the characters being known beforehand (i.e. the displayed strings are not known at compile time, but entered in by the user). 2) Support for display of all t...

Generating 2D regions

Are there any good approaches to generating regions for a 2D map? Suppose you have a world map and would like to create country or province borders with a somewhat realistic look. ...

Unix - Problems with Game Speed After Transfer

I created a Java game application in Eclipse yesterday. I transferred the files over to my school Unix account with Filezilla. Today, I'm in the school lab testing the game inside my unix account. Here's the problem: everything ran fast and fine when I was on my laptop and in Eclipse. Now: 1) The frame rate is about 1 per second. Even ...

How do I rotate a canvas without disturbing the coordinate system in Android?

I am trying to rotate a canvas with canvas.rotate and move an object on it at the same time. The problem is that with the rotation, the coordinate system of the canvas rotates as well, so I get cases when my object is supposed to be moving along the y axis, but the y axis is rotated on place of the x axis. It is a mess. Is there a way to...

Data Structure for Levels in Games

I am creating a platform game in JavaScript using canvas which is entirely tile-based. What is the best method of storing the blocks of items in the game (walls, floors, items)? The thing is every tile can be destroyed or created. Currently I have a 2D array so I am able to quickly check if an item is at a specific X & Y position. The ...

PlayStation3 application development

Hi, is it possible to create PS3 applications on the Windows platform, if yes what tools are needed, can you clarify this please. ...

Garena working (tunnels or something else)

I want to work on lan gaming software called garena. I dont know what is going behind the scenes of garena. May be a simple tunnel is used to assign 192.168.1.x ip address. Can anyone suggest me any good how-to or whatever, which can help me to work on it. ...

2D Game Design and Optimization tips and tricks

I can see how this might not be a good enough question but I have just embarked on a journey to build the first decent Game Engine for HTML5 canvas that is cross browser and most of all fast. The only problem is I am very new to game design and don't know many tricks of the trade that will help me. The game I am currently implementing f...

Find the closest tile along a path

I have a tile based game and I need to find the closest tile within a 32px radius. So say a user is at 400, 200 and the user clicks at 500, 400. I need to create a path or line from the player to the mouse position on click and the closest tile that is underneath the path within 32px (or 2 tiles) must be chosen. The map is tiled at 16px....

Unit testing a method with random behaviour

I am writing unit test cases for a game I am working on. When the game starts, the player is positioned randomly, and I have two problems with that: Since the player is positioned randomly, I cannot be sure that a test case that passes once will pass again. For example, it could pass most of the time, but fail if the player happens to ...

What's the best way to approach this simple problem of TicTacToe?

Everything is working up to here, I just need to create the method that checks whether someone has won. Any suggestions on how to tackle this problem effectively? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windo...

Platform for web-based multi-player game?

I'm developing a web-based fantasy football game. Most of the game is a straight-forward web application built on top of Linux/Apache/Php/MySQL. I'm trying to figure out how to implement the draft application. The draft date and time will be scheduled in advance by each league's owner. Up to 32 users may be logged on for a given le...