
Coding interactions in a text adventure

EDIT: If you can't be bothered to read this mammoth question, I've put a summary at the bottom. I'm currently working on a sort of "framework" for a text adventure I am going to make in C#, as a coding excercise. In this framework, possible actions are defined by an "Interaction" class. The potential "Actionable" objects are Inventory ...

How would I add networked multiplayer support to an iPhone game?

I am looking to extend an iPhone game by adding support for networked multiplayer capabilities (preferably over WiFi). How would you suggest I add this functionality to this application? ...

Opensource simple card game/solitaire engine example needed.

I am looking forward to write a card solitaire game, including AI (if this simple can be called so) playing algorithm. No multiplayer facilities needed. I suppose there are some wheels I need not to invent myself in this project (as deck/cards/table object model, deck shuffling algorithms, etc, and, especially, cards visualisation stuff)...

where can i download OolongEngine?

I have searched the web, but have been unable to find the to download (ie. a link that actually works). Can anyone help? ...

Simple balls physics implementation not working.

Dear experts, I wanted to implement ball physics and as i m newbie, i adapt the code in tutorial . i try to follow that as i much as i can, but i m not able to apply all physical phenomenon in code, can somebody please tell me, where i m mistaken or i m still doing some...

Flight game AI algorithm ?

Greetings all, I am in the designing phase of one of my hobby project.I am going to develop an 3D air-combat game . (inspired by HAWX). But I am wondering how the AI works for enemy crafts ? I guess ,they do not move along a path (path finding on a graph)as in FPS games . What kind of algorithms can I use for enemy craft movement? Are t...

HTML5 + LLVM = Win? Or not existent?

I tried a simple breakout clone in a browser and saw it take 25% of my CPU. Sad. I was wondering if LLVM can hook into HTML5 and take advantage of canvus, SVG and etc. If not does LLVM have its own multimedia layer? I ran my version of chrome with --enable-nacl and it looks like it is enabled (half of the native client demos ran http://...

iPhone Game center reconnect

I got a four player pong game and when one player disconnects (because of any reason, incomming call, bored, catch a bus) the other players can continue playing. However I want that person to be able to reconnect after his call is finished, does anyone have an idea how I can pull that off? When two players were evolved I would just rein...

Looking for the Nibbles game rewritten in C#

I am writing a console app that would be kicking off long running processes. So rather than let the user stare at the screen for several minutes, I'd love to throw my processing on a background thread and let the user play a game meanwhile. If you are my age, you definitely remember the Nibbles game written in QBasic that shipped wit...

2D Bounding box collission

Hi, i'm having some problems with collission in a small 2D game i'm writing. I'm currently working on a function that i want to find if the player character collides with a block, and which side of the block he collided with. Currently i have something like (psuedo-code): if(PLAYER_BOX IS WITHIN THE BLOCKS Y_RANGE) { if(PLAYER_BOX_...

Java - How to access/share data in game with JPanels.

I made a simple java game last week. At that time, one class extended Jframe and held the data (which comprised three other class, through composition) Now, I'm trying to make the same game, but with several JPanels. One panel will be the game graphics (basically the old JFrame shrunk into one panel). And there will be buttons and text ...

Calculating the angle (of the line) between two points on a wrapping plane

OK, so I have a play field of 512x512 which wraps around, -32 becomes 512 for both x and y. Now I need to calculate the angle between two entities, I have the following code as a kind of workaround, it works most of the time, but sometimes it still fails: Shooter.getAngle = function(a, b) { var ax = a.x; var bx = b.x; if ...

Progress Counter in Cocos2D

Hello, I need a counter that updates a CCLabel every second. I want it so the user can see how long they survived. I'm not totally sure how to explain this so let me know if I can make things clearer. ...

Which book should I read to learn how to use OpenGL for game development?

I'm planning on learning some game development using OpenGL (I'm on Mac OS X and Ubuntu machines most of the time, so DirectX obviously won't do.) and I'd like to know which book would be best for learning OpenGL, and what version I should learn. I have good knowledge of various programming languages, including C/C++ and Objective-C, so...

How can I reorganize my code into classes in C#?

I'm working on a project in C# w/ XNA, and I want to reorganize it and divide parts of it into classes. At present, it's just one game.cs file, but I want to clean it up a bit. Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with classes. Perhaps someone can help me figure out how to do this, or direct me to some tutorial of some sort? ...

Game Center Finding a Match Programmatically

I just can't figure out how this works. What I am trying to do is let two players play a game if a third player joins it can instantly join the game, if the fourth and last player joins it can also instantly join the game. They can also leave the game at anytime for whatever reason, if that happens there should be a space open for anothe...

DND source code?

I loved a game DND by Daniel Lawrence and wonder if there is a "modern" (it is text-based so not very modern in every case) version including source code? Thank you ...

what can I use to create a game for iphone like DOODLE LAUNCH???

Hey, I just downloaded this game doodle launch today and I think its pretty cool, I would like to make a similar game using some sort of engine? it has physics and it uses the iPhone tilt controls... any suggestions?? This is the link in case you want to check it out...: ...

Where to buy 3d model collection for game

Hi Guys, I would like to make some iPhone game but I need 3d models characters. I am looking for low polygon models and sort of cartoon theme (think about Warcraft 3 theme) Here is the example that I found in the net: By the way, I do not mind to buy the models as long as it is low poly ...

How do I find artists for a project?

I have been designing a web game for the past decade and I'm finally ready to start the implementation. I'm a professional software developer, I make web applications on the job all day long, so I know that I can turn my ideas into running code, no sweat. On the other hand, I have no talent whatsoever when it comes to graphics design, ...