
(C++) Using map for inventory system

Is there any practical way to get objects to work with maps? (I don't really know much about maps so sorry if this is a bad question). I'm interested in using a map for an inventory system that will contain item objects. An item object has a name, description, and money value. The key would be the item's name, and the linking variable wo...

Making a Sprite unmovable...[Chipmunk & Cocos2D]

Hi all... Im using Chipmunk with Cocos2d to make a gravity based puzzle game, however I have reached a part of my project whereby I need a sprite that once drawn does not move and cannot be moved by the other sprites within the environment. In essence... Can I create a static (non moving) sprite that is not affected by in game gravity...

How do I build a game in C with actors programmed in Lua?

I want to build a strategy game using C and Lua. C++ is also an option. I would like to create an environment where a player can move around. In the same environment, other actors (programmed in Lua) should be able to move around. Their Lua code should control how they move. It sounds simple enough, but I wonder what would be a good de...

Is there a need to code a new 3D engine?

Coding a new 3D engine is fascinating but I there are so many out there. Is it sane for a programmer to start a new one? Are there industry sections in need? ...

Random Sprite Destinations

Hello again, I was able to make the targets spawn randomly along the top of the screen and dissappear at the bottom of the screen. The only problem is that the targets only move to one fixed point every time. I want them to move to a random point on the bottom of the screen. Any ideas? Thanks. Here is the code: -(void)addTarget { ...

ps3 applications development.

Possible Duplicate: PlayStation3 application development hi everybody,these forums said that the only way to develop ps3 games is through linux,can anyone tell about this elaborately,ie what tools needed for the developement. thanks. ...

ps3 applications development.

Possible Duplicates: PlayStation3 application development ps3 applications development. After we install Linux on a PS3, what tools are needed to develop applications (or) games on Linux? Can someone please clarify this? ...

Building Constructors for RPG game in Objective C

I have a character model class which has this structure: @interface CharacterModel : NSObject { // parent of this character CharacterModel *parentChar; // basic details NSString *fname, *sname, *nick; NSString *char_type; // categories of characters: dwarf, etc // health int health; // cash double...

ps3 applications development.

hi,can anyone tell what to do develop ps3 applications (or) games after we install linux on ps3. and other thing is that can we develop ps3 games on window platform for that what tools needed,its little bit of confusing. can anyone clarify this? ...

Game engine or graphics library?

Should I use a game engine or a graphics library? I was just thinking of making a simple game to start out with, but what about when you get to higher-end stuff and high poly models? Which would be faster? Also, should I choose Xith3D or JMonkeyEngine? Or if I were to go with a graphics library should I go with JOGL, LWJGL, or the new J...

Are questions about video-games valid interview questions (and does anyone actually use them)?

In a recent discussion with a group of like minded software developers, we realized that, amongst other things, we all shared a similar depth of knowledge when it comes to video-games - both in terms of judging quality, and in terms of awareness of the landscape. While we may not agree on our own personal favorites, we were incredibly co...

OpenGL Shaders?

I'm writing a game in Java, LJGWL (OpenGL). I'm using a library that handles a lot of messy details for me, but need to find a lot faster way to do this. Basically I want to set every pixel on the screen to say a random color as fast a possible. The "random colors" is just an Array [][] that gets updated every 2-3 seconds. I've trie...

How to build an HTML5 game

Hi. I'm tasked with building an educational game for 6 - 10 year-old children using HTML5 for a non-profit organization. I've used HTML5/CSS3/jQuery to build a new site but have no experience building games. This project will have to be completed in about 2 months. A few questions for the experts here: Is this doable in 2 months? Do I...

Is there a good physics engine for web browsers?

I am using JavaScript with images, SVG, canvas or pure HTML and CSS. ...

Basic design of a multithreaded game server?

How are multithreaded game servers written? If there are 4 threads, is there one thread running the game loop, and 3 accepting and processing requests? Also: is information sent from the thread running the game loop? ...

Accelerometer Movement acting strange

Hello, Right now, I am trying to make my sprite move left when the device is tilting left and move right when the device is tilted right. There is no Y axis movement at all.(Which is good) The code I am using seems to be working just fine, except that when tilted left, the sprite only moves about a 3rd of the way across the screen ins...

Rails tutorial for the dumbest person in the world (me)?

It is very difficult for me to find Rails tutorials (or books are also great) for my requirements: Stupidity Ruby 1.9 or lastest 1.8 MySQL A Game (simple roll play) JQuery front Thanks you! ...

What are good JS libraries for game dev? (HTML5)

If i decide to write a simple game both text and graphical (2d) what libs may i use? Assuming we are using a HTML5 compatible browser. The main things i can think of Rendering text on screen Animating sprites (using images/css) Input (capturing the arrow keys and getting relative mouse positions) Perhaps some preloading resource or dy...

simple python connect 4 game. why doesnt this test work?

Everything about this code seems to work perfectly, except the tests for diagonal wins. The tests for vertical and horizontal wins seem to be exactly the same concept, and they work perfectly. The comments should mostly explain it, but the test should basically iterate through the board and check for x's in the bottom left hand corner ...

Logic to move an item in the circular boundary only

I'm newbie to Game programming. I'm trying to develp a simple shooting game. The game ground which I'm trying is a circular one. The game has one shooter and 5 driods. The shooter and the driods have to move with-in the circular area only. Following is the code snippet i tried. I tried implementing the game using the State design patter...