
Cost much memory when creating serveral vertex and index buffer

Hi, guys, I met a very weird issue. When I create some very simple VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer in D3D, the memory comsuption reported from TaskManager is huge. I created 60000 index buffer via D3D CreateIndexBuffer method. Each index buffer contains 6 index (int) which represents two triangles. So, one index buffer will occupy 24 bytes...

Do randomly generated 2D points clump together, and how do I stop it?

Say you have a 2D area and you want to generate random points within it, by setting x = random() * width y = random() * height do the points clump around the centre of the area? I remember reading something saying they would, but I can't quite figure out why, and how to prevent it. ...

Developing A Simple Game without using Game Engines???

I am trying to develop a simple soccer game including penalty kicks in which i have to animate a ball from player to the goal post...earlier i have been using simple animations using a timer to add to the axis of ball image so that it moves from 1 point to another..but i did not have the desired result as animations were not that smooth....

Starter flash book to understand basics of flash games and how they communicate with backend servers

I'm looking for a starter flash book to understand basics of flash games and how they communicate with backend servers. Any recommendation? ...

Object under mouse?

My little game engine basically has a 3D array Cubes[x][y][z] (its actually a big 1D array but I'v done some overloading). I know which cube in X Y Z that the player is standing on. The player will be able to shoot a cube to destroy it which is why I need to figure out how to find the Cube that the mouse is under. I found some OpenGL doc...

Cocos2D on Windows with what programming languages?

I was under the impression that the Cocos2D game framework was just for the iPhone. Now I see that they have a separate project supporting OS/X, Linux, and Windows. It isn't immediately obvious from their web site what languages are options for developing with the framework on these various platforms. There is an installation requirem...

Which has higher performance java or javascript?

Since now javascript gets compiled to machine code by browsers. I was wondering which programming language gets better performance between java and javascript. I'm thinking of writing a 3d browser FPS or MMO and am trying to decide between the two. Also what are thoughts on compatibility? It seems like with java and opengl I could ...

Is HTML5 canvas capable of rich complex games like Flash?

Also, since it takes so long for a standard to come out for things like HTML, is it possible that the <canvas> in HTML5, though it may not be replaced in specs, will be updated often in the browser so that it can get better and better like Flash did/does in its various iterations? In other words, we may have <canvas> ten years from no...

Where to start learning math for game programming for a math newbie?

I'm not new to programming, but I am new to game programming. It was always my dream to create games, and since I'm 21 today, I think better start now than later. In the past I had no problems with math, but I did have the constant feeling that I could solve the problems but not understand what was happening. "Why am I doing this and w...

Text-Based Java Game

I need to make a text-based RPG game with java. The first part of the assignment is super simple. we just use vertical lines and underscores to make a little rectangle and then add symbols inside the rectangle as things move, act, die, etc. I've never done this before, so I want to run my idea by you: What do you think about doing some...

What is state abstraction?

What is state abstraction in game programming ? ...

Best games/physics engines to use?

Hi there Looking for games/physics engines to use for mobile game development. iPhone there is Cocos2D Android I've found RokonAndroid Just wondering if there are any others (better ones) that anyone knows of? Or any that are more cross-compatible? Thanks Tom ...

How to see scaling matrices from a geometric perspective

I'm using XNA but it doesn't matter too much for this example. So let's say I have a sprite. I then apply a scaling matrix before anything. Is the scaling matrix applied scaling the local axis of the sprite or just moving the points down? In other words, is applying a scaling matrix of 0.5f in the world space to my sprite at the world or...

Graphically speaking, Isn't what really makes a game "rich," the artwork?

I've been thinking about flash and html5 and though each of them can draw circles, rectangles, curves, and do things with images, doesn't it really come down to the artwork? Game play aside (I know ugly games can be fun), all the talk about which looks best canvas or flash or something else, kind of moot? Don't the great games, graphic...

designing a game c++

ok im gonna be using directx maybe 9. I have designed two other games they were too simple im asking how game is designed like they make one file that includes menu codes and the all level codes......... thanks ...

how MVC Pattern can be realized in RMI multiuser application ?

Hi! i am trying to create framework/library /API for creating small multiuser games, in which the goal is to achieve 'decoupling' between the server, client and business logic. The server in my case is kind of registering the clients and sent that list to business logic, clients are registering with the server, and the business log...

Smooth Path traversing in C#

Hello. I'm looking for a C# implementation of a Spline, not to draw it, but to traverse it. Basically I have a 2D game and I want an object to move on a predefined path. Any ideas how to implement this ? Thanks, SW ...

Box Based 3D terrain generation algorthms? (procedural generation)

I have been looking at this game called Minecraft and was intrigued by how it can dynamically generate random maps that look and feel right. What types of algorithms are used to generate terrains based on cubes like this? Thanks ...

Approach for Creating background in games

What are the best (considered by professionals) approaches while creating a platformer based game for Creating game levels & background (static ones). Create a single background and scale it? or Display it on-the-fly by loading objects (probably repeating them often). If the first one is the choice then it would become essential to c...

Making Asteroids Game In C#

So I am currently trying to make the game Asteroids for a class. The problem is, I haven't done any coding for about 3/4ths of a year since the last time I had the class and forgot almost everything I learned. I need to move the ship using thrust/acceleration but also cap it, and have friction so that when the thrust stops, the ship slow...