
Why are most computer games no more than 16v16?

From a programming/network point of view, what are the reasons why there are very few/no larger scale games than 16v16? There are some 32v32 games but these are seeming exceptions to the rule. ...

In GWT, how do I get a keypress?

I'm making a game and would like to know how I get a keypress event. All the examples I have seen are using textboxes to register a key handler but I don't think I need to do that. I just want to get key events for up,down,left,right to move a character. ...

Is C still being widely used in game engines ?

The title is a bit of a misnomer, what I mean really is "C with classes". Let me explain, recently I bought the book ShaderX7 which came with a lite (and old) copy of the Unigine engine for one of the articles about shadow mapping techniques. I was dabbling through the code when I realized that, while the author was using C++ and inher...

dbgrptt.c dbghook.c Iterator Error?

Okay, so long weekend away with Macbook I started making an asset loader for 2D game platforms, its working fine in xcode, but when I got home and tried and load it up on Windows I get a debug error. Essentially what is happening is that the first call to the iterator works? the second doesn't, but only on the second attempt at calling ...

Fast software rendering on iOS.

Bad news everyone! I'm trying to port old Windows game to iPad and I have a problem. Much of all graphics written without hardware acceleration. On Windows it uses LockRect() call from IDirect3DSurface8 class to get colorbuffer from backbuffer and write some graphics data. After this it uses UnlockRect to send our pixel color data to v...

How does one become a "sound programmer"? (in video games or other industries)

Question: What languages/platforms/technologies would one have to learn in order to be qualified to apply for various "sound" or "audio" programmer positions available at video game and other industry companies? Is this position more of a low-level programmer, in which you implement concepts completely designed by a developer, or does i...

Database to choose for game

I'm working on a game (something like chess) where every move needs to be saved into a database per move. Since it's very important that both reads and writes are fast, and I don't need complex queries, I'm probably going to go with a NoSQL solution. Which one though? I'm thinking about MongoDB but will its durability be an issue? It'...

How to imitate a player in an online game

I'd like to write an application, which would imitate a player in an online game. About the game: it is a strategy, where you can: train your army (you have to have enough resources, then click on a unit, click train) build buildings (mines, armories, houses,...) attack enemies (select a unit, select an enemy, click attack) transport ...

2D platform game camera in c++

I was wondering how exactly cameras are programmed in a 2D platform game. How is it programmed only to render whats in the view of the camera without rendering the whole map? Also, whats the proper way to do this? ...

OpenGL - ortho Projection matrix, glViewport

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how these work. First, in a 2d game the projection matrix should be set up as ortho with left, right, top, bottom matching the window, right? But when the window resizes, should I just change glViewport, not the projection matrix? And how do I keep the aspect ratio? Could someone explain the pu...

BSD lincese-like music repository?

I am developing an iPhone game and is sourcing for some in-game background music. It's a puzzle game and so music for meditation or yoga are probably suitable too. So my question is where to look for such open source-like music repository, just like source code on github and artworks on deviantart ... ? Thanks! ...

Cube on Cube collision detection algorithm?

I'm trying to find the most efficient way to check if 2 arbitrarily sized cubes collide with each other. The sides of the cubes are not necessarily all equal in length (a box is possible). Given these constraints, how could I efficiently check if they collide? (each box has 24 verticies) Thanks They are axis alligned ...

What is the best template to use in C# Visual Studio 2008 for a 2D game?

Is it WPF? WFA? A custom template? I currently use WFA, and it just doesn't seem anywhere near optimal. And no, I'm not asking for a referral to DirectX, or another language. Thanks. ...

Best Framework for RPG/RTS Platform Dev?

Just starting off on iPhone development and I'm looking for some input as to the best platform/framework upon which to build at the moment. I've looked at various options a year or so ago such as cocos2d, unity, and others, however I'm looking for some more current input from those in the trenches. I am starting on an RTS Diablo-esque ...

What is the best location to find tutorials on physics in game development?

I'm very new to game development (iPhone/iPad specifically, if that matters at all) and am having a tough time with working with the physics part of animation. Specifically I'm trying to give several balls (circular UIImageView or CG circles) physical properties (gravity, weight, friction, etc). Are there any really good tutorials on ge...

Source codes of Famous Games

Hi! There are many hit games, that are out-of-date, and have their code released to the public. Such code would be of great interest for the programmer, wishing to see some good (and often creative) principles of game design, but not the theory (as in many books), but the real deal. So, do you know of any sites, providing lists of (no...

Minimum and maximum of a box?

Given the, width, height and depth of a box and its center point, how could I find the minimum, x, y, and z coordinate and the maximum x, y and z coordinate without bruteforcing through each vertex? its an AABB box. Thanks from a top view --------------- | | | | | c | | | |-------------...

Asteroids Game Movement In C#

I am trying to make the game Asteroids. My issue I have right now, is if you press the UP Arrow key, it will move the "ship" 10 pixels up. And if you hit the LEFT Arrow key, it will turn the "ship" 5 degrees to the left, the issue I have comes into play when you turn left, or right. And then try to move up. It won't move into the turned ...

Finding object under mouse

I'm developing a game that basically has its entire terrain made out of AABB boxes. I know the verticies, minimum, and maximum of each box. I also set up my camera like this: glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glRotatef(Camera.rotx,1,0,0); glRotatef(Camera.roty,0,1,0); glRotatef(Camera.rotz,0,0,1); glTranslatef(-Camera.x,-C...

Framework for iPhone / iOS asynchronous multiplayer gaming?

I'm curious if anyone knows of any frameworks that enable asynchronous multiplayer gaming in iOS? I know GameKit/Game Center eases synchronous (realtime) multiplayer gaming - I'm thinking of something more like Words With Friends. There would obviously need to be a server-side element that I'd have to provide, to store game state and s...