
XNA - About the relation between world space and the screen space

Edit: Just wanted to make the question I have more clear. I pretty much am having trouble seeing how something like Matrix.CreateTransformationZ works in the context of not only matrix multiplication but more importantly what this does to the screen space/world space so I can get a clearer picture. So maybe someone could alter the code o...

Reverse engineering a game user interface -programming techniques

Hello everyone, I have programmed some user interfaces throughout my career, however they have always been somewhat dull, amateurish, and ugly. I was just playing Starcraft 2 a few minutes ago and was wondering how is something like that implemented? They probably use OpenGL for the spaceship to do the 3-d but what do they use for the...

Collision Detection Implementation

Hi I have a collision detection class that works by finding the distance between the centres and whether that distance is small enough to be a collision (see Collision Detection error). My problem is trying to make this actually work, with ellipses colliding. I will explain more if necessary. Thx ...

Treat multiple objects like one - WPF

Hi I am making a WPF soccer game using C#, and was wondering if it was possible to, say, put players in a class and when the ball hits them the same collision properties apply to all. And when you get the bounds for a bunch of objects, it gets the bounds for all in one sweep. Anyway, is it possible to treat multiple, identical but sepa...

Need an easy to use 3d game engine.

I'm looking for a VERY easy to use 3d game engine. I want to program only the logic of the game, and don't want to have to concern myself with graphics. I just want to be able to download a model, put it in the game, and start programming the logic. I would preferable want to program in a scripting language like Python. I just want to ...

Why do game companies look for only C/C++?

Most of the requirements for a game programming job I've looked at required good C/C++ skills. I agree, most game engines are written in C/C++. But aren't the engines USED in a scripting languages? Don't the companies need scripting programmers to actually code the game from the game engine? Why haven't I ever seen a company that requir...

socket programming - how do multiplayer shooting game servers handle the timing?

How can the shooting game servers handle the timing, for example when a player shoots another, how do they make sure that both players get the message at the exact same time. or on most of them u see every detail that a player makes in every second, and both players see the exact same moves on their client? how do the game servers manag...

Pendulum with moving pivot

I'm making a game which you can see here, if you are on Windows or Linux: If you click and hold your mouse on a bird, you can see I'm just swinging the bird back and forth in pendulum motion. I would like to, instead, implement a more realistic motion, where the movement of your mouse affects the s...

Techniques employed for artstyle of sharp 2D visuals/animation

This is more of an offbeat question I guess but I am curious as to what graphic designers do to make flat images like in Paper Mario, Limbo or Shank so sharp. The extent of my knowledge goes into an intermediate level of Maya and some sprite creation in photoshop but I never understood the process through which they create such visuals. ...

Any good tutorials for building composite patterns?

Hi I'm making a game of soccer in WPF with C#. A composite pattern sounds like a good idea to control multiple players properties, and such. This is nothing to do with event handlers. So if there are any good tutorials that anyone knows of - thanks. ...

c++ sorting by depth using only a matrix. Possible?

If I have a std::vector of objects containing a rotated / translates matrix, is there a way I can use that matrix to calculate a Z position so that I can sort the objects by depth? ...

Should I use multiple classes for game?

I'm considering making a text-based RPG-type program in PHP as both a holiday project and a chance to learn more about PHP and OOP. (Maybe not the best choice in language, I know, but I didn't want to have to learn another language from scratch at the same time as OOP.) Anyway, I'm just beginning the design process and thinking about 'm...

Which programming patterns would be appropriate for a ‘sea battle’-type game?

Hello! I want to improve knowledge of different programming patterns. I want to write a simple game. Which pattern would you suggest for a simple/casual game? edit: The game will be a "sea battle" type game, with simple AI and maybe later i'll add some networking to it. ...

What are the best engines for a 2D indie game?

Just like i asked in the title? What are the best engines for a (small) indie game? I am interested in infos about how much does it take to familiarize with the engine, special functions et cetera. In addition, I would like to know what physics engine I should use for this type of game. Thanks in advance:D ...

Android OpenGL ES and 2D

Hi guys, Well, here's my request. I don't know OpenGL already, and I'm not willing to learn it, I want to learn OpenGL ES directly since I'm targeting my development to android, however. I want to learn openGL ES in order to develop my 2D games, I choosed that for performances purpose (since basic SurfaceView drawing isn't that efficien...

How to create textured wall which continuously updated while player is moving up in opengl?

Hi, I was wondering how to create wall in opengl and it is continuously appears from up and disappers at down screen. I am able to construct wall by GL_QUADS with texture mapping. but do not know how to generate it dynamically whenever player climbs up. ...

what is jat file found in flash web games?

Hi Guys I found many .jat files when i analyse a flash web game with firebug. It maybe a user model.But I don't know how does it make? ...

How can I speed up the compilation speed of Flex?

My Flex project have 6 sub projects . How can I speed up the compilation speed of Flex? ...

Does restricting the frames/s of a game engine (via vertical sync or common throttling), inflict latencies also on audio and input subsystems?

I was contemplating the fact that inflicting frame per second restrictions is not ideal in regards to latency and performance since a monitor still has a chance to show something sooner (assuming no vertical sync which is mainly for stability). However, it occurred to me that process might have ramifications on audio subsystems (or als...

I want to build a online sports management game where do i start?

I want to build a site similar to Hatrick or but im not sure where to begin any tips/ help would be great! cheers ...