
Looking for Android Development Java Game Script

Hello everyone. I'm working on developing a game in Java for android phones and I was wondering if there was a place to view a complete game script so I could see all the components and how it's setup? Kind of like a dissection self-tutorial. Either a developer or website that offers game scripts in their entirety for android phones? I'm...

Does anyone know of any sprite collections?

I am making a 2D Java game. I want the game to look nice, so I need good sprites, but I want to focus on the coding of the game, not the graphics design. This project has a time constraint so having premade sprites would be very helpful. Does anyone know of any good sprite collections? ...

math examples for games, not for 3-D or visual/rendering, but for levels or outcomes of events etc.

Are there any tutorials on how to calculate 'outcomes' for events in a game, based on inputs like character strength, weapers, etc. Also, how do you go about making things progresively harder and challenging. I'm not looking for math for things like graphic rendering, visual objects moving around etc. This is for figuring out if e.g. ...

Online multiplayer Qbasic Gorillas?

I want to play that Qbasic Gorillas game with someone that lives in Florida. Here's the flash version online Gorillas This link is to someone's post about the remake he programmed - there is a link to the game above in there and also his source code for it If possible, how can I modify the code so that I can play against...

Class Hierarchy - Data design in an RPG game where classes overlap (VB.Net)

This is a followup to the question I asked here: I understand the answer in the post above, which is absolutely amazing, by the way. It's about implementing interfaces with a class. However, what if a class needs to share features with anot...

Problems with making the root prim filter the child prims by name, than change only the child prims with a certen name. Help please

I need some help. I am working a script that will listen to a channel, take the message and use it as a texture command (this part i have), than change only the child prims that have the right name (this part i can not figure out). I know it is possible to do, but for the life of me i can not figure out how to filter by name than send th...

Stop a Method taking to long.

I'm sure I've seen this somewhere but can't remember where and it might have been in C# anyway. I have a bunch of game-objects that get looped through each being updated. Is it possible to break an update method if its taking to long? For instance if a programmer adds a bunch of code that takes to longer to do during 1 update cycle can...

Best way to make sure Android games run at the same speed on any device

I have a game out on Android, and it runs in a single thread. Performs the work in run() and the draws in onDraw(). Pretty simple. However, on a Droid it runs much faster than on a G1. What is a best practice for ensuring that the game runs at the same speed regardless of the device? ...

Problem with terminated paths in simple recursive algorithm

First of all: this is not a homework assignment, it's for a hobby project of mine. Background: For my Java puzzle game I use a very simple recursive algorithm to check if certain spaces on the 'map' have become isolated after a piece is placed. Isolated in this case means: where no pieces can be placed in. Current Algorithm: public i...

Double buffer for Silverlight game

Hello, I start learning Silverlight and would like to create some simple game. I am using CompositionTarget.Rendering event for my animation But animation is not smooth, I developed games before and I used double buffer to avoid such problems, but I can't find if it possible with Silverlight. Does anybody know how to create smooth a...

How to start the game program in iPhone?

Hi, everyone, I want to ask some question about the objective C. I want to read some simple game in the iPhone, but I don't have any experience on the game program. Can anyone suggest some website or tutorial for me to learn about it? Thank you very much. ...

iPhone saving game using P-Lists

Hello! I am currently using a P-List to save data in a game I'm developing. I'm curious about something though. Maybe this is a stupid question: but each time I write to the P-List, is it overwritten? If that is the case, and it just doesn't automatically ADD (i.e. appending) values to it, then that would be perfect. Thank you for you...

Configurable level editor

Hi! I am looking after a level editor easy to use and configurable, so I can use for my own application/engine. Is there something like that? ...

How do I produce a collection of game entities from another collection without producing garbage?

I've been playing around with XNA a lot lately and I've also been reading quite a bit about garbage collection in games. I think I've done a reasonable job of reducing the amount of garbage by using pooling and avoiding a dependence on foreach. Right now I have my base game entities stored in a KeyedCollection that allows me to iterate ...

Box2d - Bike Game - Terrain

I'm using Box2d for a Bike Physics Game, Box2d lets you have fixtures that are convex polygons with 8 points or less, would anyone know of an easier way have a complicated concave terrain, other that just making a whole bunch of fixtures? Or is than the only way? Any ideas, pointers, suggestions... Thanks in advance! (any language is OK...

How to make a selective RNG for a game in Python?

This is almost certainly a very novice question, but being as I am a complete novice, I'm fine with that. To put it simply, I'd like to know how to make a loot drop system in a simple game, where when you achieve a certain objective, you have a chance of getting certain objects more than others. If there are any open-source python game...

In Pacman do the ghosts choose paths independently for finding pacman?

So I have been playing a lot of pacman on my cell lately and am wondering how do the ghosts seem to work independent of each other. I was thinking about how it would have been programmed. One option that I thought of was threads. All 4 ghosts are running in their own threads and somehow find pacman's position. But it seems a bit to muc...

Cannot implicitly convert 'bool' to 'int' - collision detection

Hi I am trying to make a simple collision detection class for a soccer game. Here is the code: int Collision(int x1, int y1, int radius1, int x2, int y2, int radius2) { int dx = x2 - x1; int dy = y2 - y1; int radii = radius1 + radius2; if ((dx*dy)+(dy*dy)< radii * radii) { return true; } ...

how do i know if a game is copyrighted

Hi , I want to remake an old arcade game, it has been published over the years with many different versions and actually there are about 500 versions of this game on iphone store alone. However i have been asked by partners to check the legal side of using the game idea in our game , where and how can i check weather the game is copyri...

Fast algorithm for line of sight calculation in an RTS game

I'm making a simple RTS game. I want it to run very fast because it should work with thousands of units and 8 players. Everything seems to work flawlessly but it seems the line of sight calculation is a bottleneck. It's simple: if an enemy unit is closer than any of my unit's LOS range it will be visible. Currently I use a quite naive ...