
What is the right process to get compatibility or at least a workaround for the 'Threaded optimization' feature of NVIDIA?

It's peculiar this issue is not well understood on NVIDIA forums and project forums. For example, the well known ioquake3 project based on id tech 3 requires to force 'Threaded optimization' off on the NVIDIA settings or there are severe FPS drops. Do you know what a programmer has to do to acquire compatibility with the feature or at ...

Can anyone recommend a language for making a parody/remake of the original Oregon Trail?

My brother and I have been playing the original Oregon Trail on an Apple II emulator, it's so fun. We want to make a clone of it that is sort of a parody but still the same concept and similar engine, we also want to maintain the classic retro charm by using a very similar resolution and the same style of low color bitmap graphics (examp...

Designing a Non-Specific Language Application, e.g. planning for localization

Made this community wiki :3 I'm developing a basic RPG, and one of my goals from the beginning is to make sure that my program is language non-specific. Basically, before I design or start programming any menus, I want to make sure that I can load and display them out of supported languages so I am not hard-coding in values. (It would...

usage of clutter for game development

I'm a relatively new developer, and I'm looking to learn C++. I've had experience coding in java, javascript, actionscript, and python, but I want something fast enough to do some high performance 2D and 3D games. When I eventually learn the basics (control structures, classes, etc) I'd like to develop a 2D game. I've explored various l...

Django strategy card game structure

Hey guys, I'm doing a multi-player text based card game for fun in Django where each card allows each player to make some standard actions (Draw more cards, get gold, get points etc.) and maybe some other abilities (Like destroy a card from an opponents hand, give an opponent minus points and many more). I have created a Card class: c...

How can I implement a 2D skeletal animation system in my game?

Hey. I want to be able to create a system for skeletal animation in my game. I'm using panda3d as my game engine. I'd like to be able to make simple bone structures and skin them with my sprites. I would prefer to do this with straight code and algorithms, but if I have to use a 3D modeler or something, then I can try to (I didn't do a g...

What's the algorithm behind minesweeper generation

Well I have been through many sites teaching on how to solve it, but was wondering how to create it. I am not interested much in the coding aspects of it, but wanted to know more on the algorithms behind it. For example, when the grid is generated with 10 mines or so, I would use any random function to distribute itself across the grid,...

Is it possible to have a http client open another connection to the server or other users?

I would like to make a browser based game with multiple gamers in the same environment. So if I did a first person shooter type of game would a client be able to open a udp connection with the server? ...

OpenGL lights limit

As I was reading RedBook I stayed quite confused, that openGL can have maximum 8 lights in scene (number depending on implementation, but should be arround 8). But I can imagine number of situations that would need more lights, so I think there's a trick arround this in game dev. For example, you have very long street with 50 strretl...

What application has mouse control?

One way users can cheat with games (desktop or web) is by having "robots" monitor the screen and move the mouse for them. Is there a way (of course with transparency and user permission) to monitor if an application is controlling the mouse? I am primarily interested in a windows app, but if there is a way for other OS's that would be us...

Where to find PHP games apps?

where can I find an running exemple of game developed in PHP? I'm just finding game engines, and pages that says "php games" but running under flash... ...

Finding a random WxH rectangle fitting in a MxN array region, where array[x][y] == number

I'm programming a game where a random map is generated whenever a new game is started. The game field is a MxN boolean array (true=ground, false=air.) From that array I calculate each connected free (air) regions, generating a new MxN int array where the int value is 0 if there's is ground, or the region number if it's free space (each f...

How to fix a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget " error on android

Hi all, I've seen this question asked many times but none of the answers really made sense in what I'm doing... I have an android game (see source at google source control) It's a card game, and I've used a method that redraws each hand every round - that might be wasteful but I couldnt think of a better way to do it. Here is the code fo...

XNA and Matrices

So thanks to many of the replies from this board, I have a much better understanding of some of what's under the hood but I just need this little bit more to get a firm understanding. So I am reading through part of Riemer's tutorials here: I'll use th...

In C, would XML be a good format to use internally for a RPG engine?

I am a novice C coder who would like to write a role playing game resolution library. What I mean by this is that this program would only deal with resolving those conflicts which is piped into it. For example, when informed that Captain Amazing uses his Blasto eye beams at medium distance with his d8 Shooting Skill costing 3 Power Poi...

Integrating Lua to build my GameEntities in my Game Engine?

I really want to add Lua Scripting to my Game Engine. I am working with Lua and bound it to C++ using luabind, but I need help to design the way I will construct my Game Entities using Lua. Engine Information: Component Oriented, basically each GameEntity is a list of components that are updated in a delta T interval. Basically Game Sc...

Algorithms to play Game of Go ?

What is the state of the art of algorithms to play the game of Go ? Which articles (describing algorithms) are best to read ? There is a StackExachge site devoted to Go, but not enough people commited to ask the question there. ...

Java word game query

Hi Im coding a small app more or less like a word game. There is a requirement to validate a word that the user may create to check if it is a valid english word or not. I have thought of some ways to implement this -- 1) Have a hashmap with every english word as a key and a boolean as value. this way i could search for the key at the ...

2D game on Android SurfaceView runs slowly on touch

I am building a 2D game with Android SurfaceView. When I touch the screen the game animation runs slowly. Why, and how can I avoid this? The touch events are stubs just like onTouchEvents(MotionEvents ev){ empty };. All of the game logic and graphics draw code are in run() in an extends Thread class. ...

Ultra symmetrical line algorithm?

I ran into special case where I need to produce ultra symmetrical line or ray in 2D grid in order from (x0, y0) through (x1, y1) like this: void drawSymmetricalLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { // loop and handle each (x, y)... } The actual problem lies in points where popular line drawing algorithms does NOT draw both coordi...