
Tilemap - Collision layer necessary?

hey. I'm creating a 2d side scrolling game and have a question regarding the collision. I've been reading various articles and a few of them say that you should have a collision layer, which is exactly the same style as the tile layer but simply stores bits. I understand this logic, but what if my tiles are actually structs that contain...

Beginner Programmer: Is a game a stupid way to try to learn??

So I am starting college very soon as an EE major, but I want to find out if programming is something I would be interesting in studying during college as well. I had an internship this summer that exposed me to a bit of it, but I am still at a very elementary stage. My question for this community is, would making a game be a bad ide...

Bounding rectangle collision test?

I have complex polygons which I know the minimum x, minimum y, maximum x and maximum y. I also have another rectangle which I know the top left and bottom right vertices. Knowing this information, how can I know if these 2 bounding boxes are colliding? Thanks ...

Game Objects setup in cocos2d + box2d

I am having a design issue, this may be due to the fact that i don't fully understand cocos2d and box2d yet. I want to create game objects that have a CCSprite(image data) and a b2Body(physics), Would i be right to make an encapsulating object that contains both? if i did this this would enable me to make changes to the CCSprite OR ...

I'm learning C, and have made up a Tic Tac Toe table. Now, how can I reference the individual cells?

I'm learning C, so decided to try and make a Tic Tac Toe game, using ASCII art as the table. I don't have much yet... #include <stdio.h> #define WIDTH 2; #define HEIGHT 2; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!\n\n"); int width = WIDTH; int height = HEIGHT; // Make grid for (int...

Regex to calculate straight poker hand?

Is there a regex to calculate straight poker hand? I'm using strings to represent the sorted cards, like: AAAAK#sssss = 4 aces and a king, all of spades. A2345#ddddd = straight flush, all of diamonds. In Java, I'm using these regexes: regexPair = Pattern.compile(".*(\\w)\\1.*#.*"); regexTwoPair = Pattern.compile(".*(\\w)\\1.*(\\w)\\...

Can anyone decipher why this OpenGL Hello World draws a black window?

Please excuse the length (and the width; it's for clarity on an IDE) but I thought of showing the full length of the code since the purpose is a simple Hello World in modern VBO and GLSL. It was initially based on The main point is no single error message or wa...

Lua as a web language

Hello, I'm building a new game and I need to build a web app to help manage content generation. The app would consist of a couple simple forms that would tie into a MySQL db. I've been really interested in learning Lua for a long time due to it's large popularity in the video game industry and was wondering how well it works as a serv...

What are the pros and cons of a sprite sheet compared to an image sequence?

Hi, I come from a 2D animation background and so when ever I us an animated sequence I prefer to use a sequence of images. To me this makes a lot of sense because you can easily export the image sequence from your compositing/editing software and easily define the aspect. I am new to game development and am curious about the use of a s...

OpenGL Multisampling Lines

Is there a way to just use multisampling on just lines drawn with OpenGL and not with the entire program? Thanks in advance! ...

Popular games beside WoW that allow addons / extensions / plugins?

I have what I think is a neat idea for a game add-on that I could probably tailor to most genres. The idea isn't a stand-alone game concept, more of an enhancement. As a result, I'm trying to find an existing game that I could try modifying to include it. What'd I'd really like to see is a system like World of Warcraft's for plugins -- ...

A dynamically changeable wpf animation

Hi I'm making a zero-player c# wpf football simulation and I have the field laid out and everything, just no players or ball doing anything at the moment. How could I make the players move, for a start? And for seconds, colliding with the ball imparts the player's velocity on it somehow? C# Express 2010, all help appreciated. Thx ...

What is the current state of the art in HTML canvas JavaScript libraries and frameworks?

I am currently investigating options for working with the canvas in a new HTML 5 application, and was wondering what is the current state of the art in HTML canvas JavaScript libraries and frameworks? In particular, are there frameworks that support the kind of things needed for game development - complex animation, managing scene graph...

Pausing main game thread until an Activity is started, and has finished - Android

Hi there In my game when the user completes a stage, I want the main game thread to pause/sleep/wait and a new activity to be launched called StageClear that displays information about points scored etc. After this has been displayed and the user has pressed continue I want the original game thread to resume where it left off. I have tr...

Apple Game Center api

I'm having trouble finding the GameKit api that contains the Game Center Reference. Apple Game Center is a social networking platform new to iOS. It's described here: [What's New in iOS4][1] The GameKit iOS reference is here:

Why does Firefox mess up page loading if I use a cache manifest?

Hi all. I have developed an html5 game which I also want to play offline, so I decided to add a manifest file. The game is in a subdirectory, e.g. /games/game/ and the manifest is in that directory: /games/game/application.manifest. But the game depends on serval site-common files stored in /js and /css OUTSIDE the game directory!!! The...

Algorithm Help: Building game board, but need to know when square is locked in

I have built a gameboard that consists of a grid, the grid is then randomly assigned, "Walls" to a cell. Once the cells are built, how can I check to see if a certain cell is 'locked in' so that I don't place a player there. I have thought about this and the first ago I came up with check all sides for four walls, but obviously, a ce...

Open-source urban driving simulator

Open-source urban driving simulator needed to build an automated taxi driver. The dream feature-set may include: * easy import of external AI code * other agents, such as cars and pedestrians * simulated programmable traffic and traffic regulations * relatively realistic physics engine I had a look at TORCS, which has most of these fe...

looking python multiplayer game server project

looking for a python multiplayer game server project. just trying to learn more and i love to game ...

[Win32] Lightweight file verification with PKI

I am trying to extend the legacy code of an online game to provide a reasonable assurance that the resource files associated with the game are the latest version, and not tampered with. I'd like to do this without DRM, without going into kernel mode, and without hardware assistance. What I ultimately settle on should ideally be about as ...