
Vb2010 - Snake Game Issue

I currently making a "Snake" game in VB2010. I am using picture boxes to create the snake. The snake moves fine and it picks up the apples fine. But when I turn the snake Left or Up it only displays the first 5 segments of the snake. When the snake travels Right or Down it displays the entire snake. I am completely stumped on what is h...

Game engine development

I am going to be re-creating a game engine I created awhile back. This time I want to do it right, so I did some research into design patterns and tried to put pieces together to accomplish my goal. The idea of the game engine is simplicity, but at the same time I don't want to sacrifice usability. Here is a blueprint of what I am think...

Should app crash or continue on normally while noting the problem?

Options: 1) When there is bad input, the app crashes and prints a message to the console saying what happened 2) When there is bad input, the app throws away the input and continues on as if nothing happened (though nothing the problem in a separate log file). While 2 may seem like the obvious solution, the app is an engine and framew...

How to perform an action after a moving UIImage reaches a specific point

i am trying out a pong game to start out developing games on the the iphone and i've got everything moving but i need to implement the scoring and make the ball return to the center of the screen this is the code i have currently in the touchesBegan method: if( >=444) { computerScore=computerScore+1; compute...

Cocoa Touch - Timing button presses

I'm making a reaction type game and I needed some help implementing a way to define who touched it first. So I can compare and know who is the winner and award points correctly. I have no idea how im gonna implement this... Any Ideas? ...

Java guessing game

Hello, I am trying to write a program in Java that takes a random number from 1-1000 and then as the guess it the background color changes to blue(cold) or red(warm) if they are in the number. I am new to java GUI, but I think the rest of the logic is right, not sure. It compiles, but the guess button doesn't work. Any guidance will be a...

How to make a physics character moving without rotating

Hello guys, currently I'm developing a simple game which uses physics engine (Farseer for XNA). I would like to ask how can I make the character so that he can walking on the ground, jumping on platform without rotating itself. Because I need to update the body position and rotation, because it is a physics object so it will response l...

Effective way to calculate the up vector for gluLookAt which points up the y-axis the most?

Hello, I need to create an up vector for when the camera looks at any angle (except directly down or up because the up vector would be perpendicular to the y-axis). The up vector has to be perpendicular to the line of sight of-course. When the line of sight isn't along the y-axis, you can imagine a circle around the eye and the line of ...

jQuery controlled interactive "game" with CSS sprites

Hey, I was wondering if I could make the header on my page ( interactive by having a little mini-game of sorts occur upon clicking on a part of the image. It would have Mario, only Mario, on top of the text, making the rest of the characters vanish upon the start of the "mini-game". Then, the...

How do I make a BattleShips Iphone game?

How do I make a Battleships game for the Iphone? I'm new to programming, I've done some tutorials and I feel I'm making progress with this but I would like to make a full game like battleships. Can anyone help me out with this? I'm trying to learn cocos2d-Iphone so I would like to use that if possible. David ...

Web Game Pre-Production

So I have this idea that I've had since I started programming. I wanted to do it justice and finish it when I knew what I was doing. It would be a web game. Static graphics, HTML CSS and Php (no Javascript though). This would be my first web developing endeavor but thats not the point of this. Instead of blindly running into the game I...

Game Design: Data structures for Stackable Attributes (DFP, HP, MP, etc) in an RPG (VB.Net)

I'm wrangling with issues regarding how character equipment and attributes are stored within my game. My characters and equippable items have 22 different total attributes (HP, MP, ATP, DFP). A character has their base-statistics and can equip up to four items at one time. For example: BASE ATP: 55 WEAPON ATP: 45 ARMOR1 ATP: -10...

Does anyone here have experience with TurtleGraphics?

I am currently trying to make a pacman version of space wars(pacman will be the ship and shoot mini pacmans towards blue ghosts) I am currently having a few issues though. Does anyone have the coding of a similar game so I can see what I am doing wrong? Or does anyone have a useful guide for TG? ...

collision in j2me game

How to find collision in j2me game for 3d view object. ...

How safe is "the future of browser gaming"?

HTML5 will be widely adopted as a way to design games, is the prediction. But I have my questions about this: how can an online HTML5 game ever be secure? Let me give you an example: imagine this platform game where you gain badges when you win, for example, an extremely hard level. When you have actually won this badge, a request is ma...

Plotting points for a projectile before a force is applied.

For example in Peggle or Apple Jack, the user can move around a curve showing where the ball (or the washing machine / panda or whatever) is about to go before the user has requested that the projectile is launched. I know i need to use an equation to plot the points but I'm no mathematician (anymore :(). Can anybody be so kind as to p...

Form and movement representation of a hexagonal plane.

The most basic way of representing a quadrile plane (a bunch of squares) is to use a two-dimensional array. In C# we declare this as int[,] and can make our plane as big as we want: string[3,3] => tic-tac-toe board (or similar) string[8,8] => chess or checkers board To "move" an item on the plane, we would just asign it toa new "posi...

Is JMS suitable for an online game?

I'd like to throw together a small game and put it online. It would be multiplayer (ideally it would be MMO, but it's a side project, so I'll settle for MO hehe), the content is rather unimportant. I'm planning on writing the game (server and client) in Java. I'm considering options I have for getting information around reliably. Will J...

Class Hierarchy - Data design in an RPG Game (VB.Net)

I'm having troubles wrapping my head around how to organize the classes within my RPG project that I'm making. I've tried to implement a battle system but I am not comfortable with my initial results. This is the basic layout I currently have for my classes. clsCharacter > clsTeam > clsBattle clsCharacter contains statistics pertai...

Need help creating a 24 minute day clock

Hello. I need help with some code that i am writing for a small text rpg. Its basically a clock that simulates a day, which will be 24 minutes instead of 24 hours. 1 second will equal one minute, and 1 minute will equal one hour. The clock will start from 12:00 and go to 12:00. I need ideas on how to write this code. This is code that i ...