
how to make a private game server?

i have always wanted to make a private server but i don't know how i would do this. i know how a private server works, the game sends data packets to the server. the server will take the data and process it and send data to the other games connected. my questions are, how do you edit the game so it will go to your server/change game...

iPhone Deck Game interface

Hello I wrote the code of a card game .. but now it's time todo the graphic and Interface What's the best approach to represent a card ?? a) CALayer b) UIView c) UIButton Which one is best to animate and receive user touches??? What do you recommend?? Thanks in advance ...

SceneGraph traversal in Haskell

I want to implement a simple SceneGraph in Haskell using Data.Tree consisting of Transform and Shape nodes. In a SceneGraph the spatial transformation is accumulated while traversing and applied to the shape for rendering. type Transform = Vector2 Double data Shape = Circle Double | Square Double data SceneNode = XFormNode Transform...

Advice on collision detection APIs

I have been trying out bullet SDK for collision detection in games in my spare time but I have found it hard to learn since there are scarce examples to learn from on the Internet. Question: What alternatives do I have for collision detection in terms of: Ease of use Support Availability of tutorials online And, preferably, an open-s...

Game with no levels possible?

Does a game need to have levels? Does having no levels put people off? I am working on a game where levels shouldn't be necessary, just the resources you have should put (reasonable) constraints. I used to play simcity and it purported to be open ended. However it has some arbitrary conditions forcing you to acquire some things before ...

What's the best way to move from developing Cocoa apps to Cocoa games?

I've created several Cocoa applications now, but I'm unsure of basic concepts of game development. I've written apps using very few custom interface elements and only very simple graphics work, and I'm looking to write a pretty basic 2D game to get started (but in realtime, not checkers or something (which I think I could handle already ...

Python access parent object instances

I'm currently trying to write a multiple-file Python (2.6.5) game using PyGame. The problem is that one of the files, "", needs to be able to call methods on instances of other objects imported by the primary file, "". The problem is that I have a list in the main file to hold instances of all of the game objects (pl...

Is it possible make scroll invisible in facebook when we are playing a game?

Hi, we are coding an application for facebook. it´s a game with diferent kind of levels, and in on level we use the navigation keyboad, and when we press down key or up... the page move because the scroll, so we wanna make the scroll invisible, is this possible? we don´t wanna make it invible in all levels, just in someones. thanks :) ...

Libraries vs Original Code?

I'm working on an LGPL game engine library and I prefer to code without dependencies. So far I have windowing code using Xlib and OpenGL code. But I'm worried that eventually I'll need to use libraries anyway. This may be the case, I can write my own image loading stuff and much more, but I can't write audio code or networking code. Now...

How to make a client/server game using Google App Engine

I'm trying to do my first client/server game using Google Apps Engine as my back end (specification requirement.) I've done the tutorials (Java), but that all seems highly browser-centric. Basically, I'd like my (mobile, not that it matters) app to: Allow the user to create a game-account (NOT their Google account!) Log-in with that ...

Unblock Me Level Generator?

A rather specific question, does anyone know an existing piece of code on how to generate solvable levels for the game unblock me? OR what would the best approach to writing my own be? Typically how would you go about writing an algorithm to test and generate solvability and such? ...

Functional Reactive F# - Storing States in Games

I am a student currently learning about Functional Reactive paradigm using F#. It's radically new viewpoint for me. Yesterday I learned about creating a simple ping-pong game using this paradigm. The idea I grasp so far is : we think values as functions of time. On its pure form, it's stateless. However, I need to remember the position o...

Which protocol to choose for a turn-based game server

I am writing a game server for a turn-based game in Java. These are the facts: The speed of the game is slow, so clients need to send data let's say every 8 seconds, and that data is most of the time only a small incremental update (a few dozen bytes), aside from situations like join of the game or list available games etc. The server ...

How can I get voice recognition features into the Unity Game Engine?

How can I get voice recognition features into the Unity Game Engine? Is there a plugin or a framework (hopefully freeware) that I could use? If so, any ideas on how to install it? Also, how much of a problem would there be with background noises in the game interfering with the voice inputs into the game? Are there any examples of games ...

Is there an RPG Dialogue plugin available for the Unity Game Engine?

Is there an RPG Dialogue plugin available for the Unity Game Engine? Or maybe an RPG starter kit? My Unity game needs a dialogue engine of some kind. I'd rather not have to make it from scratch if I can avoid it. ...

Noob question (Java): problem with simple battleship game

Hello. I have a problem with this code: import java.util.Random; public class DotComObjects { public int[][] setBarcos(int tablero[][]) { boolean repetido; //Variable booleana para comprobar si una casilla ya esta ocupada por otro barco do { repetido = false; //Suponesmos que no esta ocupada ninguna de las casillas Rand...

Loading tiles for a 2D game

Hi Im trying to make an 2D online game (with Z positions), and currently im working with loading a map from a txt file. I have three different map files. One contains an int for each tile saying what kind of floor there is, one saying what kind of decoration there is, and one saying what might be covering the tile. The problem is that t...

How can I make a Playstation 3 Game card?

Hi there... I want to make a ps3 card like this one: using the data from the ps3 network site, this one but I want to make something different, something that show only the name of the person and the games that the person ...

Why is C++ favored, given more attention, over C in game development?

I'm looking at game dev., primarily for *nix and thought I'd go through learning C before I go through learning C++. When I go look up info on game development on youtube and google a lot of the results are C++ game development tutorials. I've found that most/all(?) game consoles use C++ for development and know that C# probably helps...

Modeling an RTS or how Blizzard was able to put together Starcraft 1 & 2?

Not sure if this question is related to software development, but I hope someone can at least point me in the right direction(no, not that direction..) I am very curious as to how Blizzard achieve such a balance of strategic/tactic forces in their games? If you look at Starcraft 1 or now 2, each race have unique features that sort of cou...