
WPF layout for complex card game

As my first WPF project, I am attempting to build an application to play a card game similar to Magic the Gathering. It is not clear to me how to lay out the main play area. You can see some examples that are similar to what I am attempting by looking at example 1 or example 2. The chat/info areas on the right would be separate user c...

Modifier System C#

I am trying to figure out a system that can easily modify objects on the fly. here is an example, Lets say I have an Entity2D that inherits from Entity. Entity2D has a Position property. Now I have a class called ModifyPosition that inherits from Modifier. Here is some code public class Entity { /// <summary> /// Applies the modifier...

Normalizing this database: what would be ideal in this scenario?

I'm designing a game where a character has many items and those items can be of many types. There is a character table, and twelve different tables of possible items broken down by type (such as weapons, armors, and various other item types). I want to make a table to hold instances of these item types (basically a characters' items ta...

Practical Books on game development in C++?

Is there some books that teaches the game structure: How to create UI, menu, game flow (for e.g. What happen when you proceed to next phase of the game? What are the changes to the main loop?) and also I would like the books that really show a working complete game code/structure with explanation, because most of the books I found co...

Character lurches when moving as if snapping into grid? is the URL to a test of what I was doing, all my code is there too. I want the movement of the blue box to be fluid, not so lurchy as if it's snapping into a grid, but I want him to be moving very fast. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. I wrote a gameSpeed variable but when increasing it the movement of the b...

Any benefits of learning 3d software rasterization & theory before jumping into OpenGL/Direct3D?

I came across a very interesting book. I have done some 2d games but 3D is a whole new ballpark for me. I just need to know if there any benefits of learning 3d software rasterization & theory before jumping into OpenGL/Direct3D? Any reason why to either approach? Thanks in advanced! ...

I'm an experienced C++ developer - how can I enter the gaming industry?

I've been working in C++ in embedded environments for a number of years, developing navigation applications. There is a gaming company in my hometown that I like the look of, but I don't have game development experience. You could consider a navigation app as a type of game, depending on who you are running from. My question is, what ...

Keyboard input in games (for GLUT)

Almost every game use keyboard as input. I have been searching for 2 days on this topic and found quite much about it. Keyboards have many disadvantages, but main problems I found are different layouts and second that if you are pressing 3 keys at time, it can lead to corruption (row-column error). If you don't know what I'm talking abou...

What is the best way to set up menus with cocos2d?

I'm new to development and I have played around with a few tutorials. I wonder what the best way to set up a menu for a game with cocos2d? I want a MainMenu with a Startbutton, SettingsButton, HighScoresButton and a little info/creditsButton in the corner. How should I set this up? Should I have the MainMenu as a Scene and the others ...

Recommended setup to develop games (2D/3D) on a Mac?

What tools, SDKs, applications etc are recommended to develop 2D/3D games on a Mac (and which will target Mac)? ...

Android 2d canvas game: FPS Jitter problem

I based my game off of the lunar lander demo, although heavily modified, and I can get around 40-50fps but the problem is it fluctuates between 40-50fps so much that it causes the moving graphics to jitter! Its very annoying and makes my game look really shitty when in fact its running at a good frame rate. I tried setting the thread pr...

Creating a Custom Media Library - Loading Images for Rendering (

OK, I'm working on a project right now and I need to create a graphic library. The game I'm experimenting with is an RPG; this project is expected to contain many big graphic files to use and I would prefer not to load everything into memory at once, like I've done before with other smaller projects. So, does anyone have experience wit...

What is the best language for a game?

Hi, I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but what, in your opinion, is the best language to write a 2d puzzler in, and the best language for a 3d puzzler. Even the best language for both if you think there is one! Thanks. The platform would be Windows desktop application By best, I think easiest, fastest, most effective, and I suppose...

Why is c++ that powerful concerning game development?

I was just wondering why c++ ist that powerful and performant for developing games. I wrote a lot of games in c# and delphi, always using the timer component to make objects "move". Another option for the movement were loops, but they are definitely not performant. So what technique does c++ use that users can develop performant games? ...

A board game in javascript, both server and client side

Hi all, I will probably use javascript to develop an online board/card game. My approach will be to have a client that will be able to work in standalone mode, so it must enforce rules. That means for example, if a player can't play a card, he or she shouldn't even be able to play it. This is to enhance the user experience. The idea he...

Why does my my gravity work in this? I can't figure out a smart way to get gravity. Now with this it detects which block the character is over but it does't drop to that block! Is there a better way to do gravity? I'd like to do this without a game library. ...

What is an open free to use radio / music streaming service I can access via java

Hey guys. I am looking for a free to use radio or music streaming service which I can access using java. I am making a game and instead of creating our own music - there must be a better alternative and hoping this coughs up with something pretty good. Would be cool to have different music streamed to the game whilst you are playing. ...

VB.NET - Snake? Game - Development

I am currently in the process of making a snake game using VB.NET... I was just wanting to gather ideas on how to do the body of the snake... Currently I have a class called SnakeBody which contains the following code: Public Class SnakeBody Dim yCoord As Integer Dim xCoord As Integer Dim body As PictureBox End Class I g...

How do I animate clouds?

I have 3 nice and puffy clouds I made in Photoshop, all the same size, now I would like to animate them so they appear like they were moving in the background. I want this animation to be the base background in all my scenes (menu,settings, score, game). I'm using cocos2d, I have setup the menus and the buttons so the work but how do I ...

Openfeint Multiplayer Tutorial?

I think it's GREAT that Openfeint has offered Multiplayer service now. But their documentation is really lacking. Does anyone know of any simple, step - by - step tutorial on how to use it, and what is needed to add to your app? I saw the article the developer wrote about adding it to his Artifice app, but without knowing what was there...