
How do I display Numbers and Text in C# with XNA?

I am working on a pong clone, and i want to display the player scores onscreen. I don't know how to display it. ...

Several second computation in a game while maintaining 60 FPS

I've got an algorithm that takes more than several seconds to complete. I'm trying to implement it into a 60fps flash game i'm creating. I am wondering if there is some provision in ActionScript3 to interrupt a computation in order to update the frame and continue the computation afterwards. There probably isn't, so I'm assuming the best...

How to tell whether an OpenGL context is hardware accelerated?

I know that if the openGl implementation does not find a suitable driver it happily falls back and render everything in software mode. It's good for graphics applications but it is not acceptable for computer games. I know many users using Windows XP and if the user does not install the video card driver for his GPU then the OpenGL won'...

Given a bounding box and a line (two points), detemine if the line intersects the box

Title basically says it all. Given a bounding box, with definitions like bounds.min.(x/y/z), bounds.max.(x/y/z), and two points in 3D space (expressed as Vector3 objects), how can I determine if the line made by the two points intersects the bounding box? The language is C#, v2.0. ...

Game GUI design for building new units

I'm developing a multiplayer strategy wargame based on a hexagonal grid, and trying to make the user interface as intuitive and simple as possible. The basic interaction is "select unit then select action by clicking on a target". For example, when you click on a unit all the potential actions for the unit are highlighted. This is conte...

Sound format for a Java-based game

I'm developing a Java game and want to bundle and play a number of sampled sound effects. I'm planning to use the standard javax.sound.sampled functionality to play them. What format is best for these kind of samples? I'm looking for a blend of good compression, decent quality and convenience for programmatic use within Java. ...

Can Ironpython be used to run multiple Python Virtual Machine Instances in parallel?

Inspired from the game GunTactyx, where you write programs controlling fighting robots. Guntactyx used the Small language, that later is called Pawn. I am looking into using Python as the scripting language. My concerns are: Interfacing to C# The scripts should interface into C# through simple functions, doing stuff like scanning fo...

C++ Game State System.

Okay: I'm fairly new to C++ and static languages on a whole. Coming from years of ruby (and other dynamic languages) I don't know if this is possible. I've been making a game state system for... well a game. I want to make the system easy for me to cut and paste into other games without any (or very few) changes. The two things I am wa...

Generating random points within a hexagon for procedural game content

I'm using procedural techniques to generate graphics for a game I am writing. To generate some woods I would like to scatter trees randomly within a regular hexagonal area centred at <0,0>. What is the best way to generate these points in a uniform way? ...

How to avoid code duplication when defining many objects with various characteristics?

I think this must be a very common problem in game programming where you have lots of characters with various capabilities. I am using protocols to define actions for characters wherever feasible and inheritance when I need objects to share large blocks of code. The problem with protocols is that they only define the interface, so impl...

Problems designing Bejeweled game

I am trying to do the design of a Bejeweled game. I have basically 3 classes. The Game class, which is what is going to be used by the player, a Board class, that represents the board, and a SwitchController class that is responsible for checking if the wanted switch on the board is valid, making the switch, counting the number of possib...

Good 2D Collision Response References

Hey, I'm currently looking for various methods of implementing collision response in 2D video games, something similar to this tutorial Metanet has: N Tutorial I'm looking to implement something in XNA, but any language would be fine. I'm more interested in implementing programmatically than actual theory. I'd prefer more beginner frien...

debug output of game objects in Haskell/Yampa and HOOD

I'm stuck with generating debug output for my game objects using Haskell/Yampa (=Arrows) (with HOOD). My engine basically runs a list of game objects which produce Output states (line, circle) which are then rendered. data Output = Circle Position2 Double | Line Vector2 output :: [Output] -> IO () output oos = mapM render oos render ...

Use and parse a text file in C# to initialize a component based game model

I have a text file that should initialize my objects, which are built around a component based model, it is my first time trying to use a data driven approach and i'm not sure if i am heading in the right direction here. The file i have currently in mind looks like this EliteGoblin.txt @Goblin.txt [general] hp += 20 strength = 12 de...

What are the technologies behind Quake Live?

What technologies are used to power Quake Live? Specifically, how do you create a web application that makes such extensive use of 3D in the browser? The service requires you to download and install a plug-in in order to play. How do you create such a plug-in, and how does it interact with the web site? ...

XMPP for exchanging game info between two iPad via Wi-Fi, good approach?

Hi all: Just got my iPad yesterday and I wanna start programming a distributed game between iPads for a little community across the globe, so no blue-tooth. I've heard of the XMPP protocol to enable data exchange between two PCs, such like this thread on SO Basically, the approach is a decentralized solution, once a valid connection ...

iPhone Deck Game Loop

Hello everyone can anyone tell the best approach to run game loop like Uno or Herats (Deck Game) [CPU2 turn]; [CPU3 turn]; [User turn]; // Wait to get user input before proceed to [CPU4 turn] [CPU4 turn]; ...

Creating a Basic Formula Editor in JavaScript

I'm working on creating a basic RPG game engine prototype using JavaScript and canvas. I'm still working out some design specs on paper, and I've hit a bit of a problem I'm not quite sure how to tackle. I will have a Character object that will have an array of Attribute objects. Attributes will look something like this: function(name...

Best C++ programming practices in professional game development environments?

I'm well educated in the C++ programming language regarding syntax, STL, etc. I haven't done any true projects with it yet other than some college courses. My goal is to start writing progams but attempt to keep it to industry best practices. One of my main goals is to work in the game industry. A door is opening which lead me to ask the...

A query on how to design a bit of class based code for a text adventure game.

I've been learning C# over the summer and now feel like making a small project out of what I've done so far. I've decided on a sort of text based adventure game. The basic structure of the game will involve having a number of sectors(or rooms). Upon entry into a room, a description will be outputted and a number of actions and such you ...