
What research methods have you used for user interface development?

I'm after experience of professionals who want reproducible results, and take a scientific approach to get it. I really just want to know if any validated HCI/CHI research methods are used in industry. I'll mention (and tag) game development, given the huge investment in novel interfaces, and Apple given they seem to get some design de...

How to implement semi-randomized level in iPhone game?

I want to create a game with a level structure similar to iCopter or Canabalt, where each level has a randomized floor (and roof), but the height of the floor is never impossible to reach from the previous one. I am also unsure on how to continually increase difficulty. I have searched far and wide for a tutorial or something like that, ...

How to make a game in Javascript?

I know object oriented PHP and Java, and I can code Javascript fairly well at the moment. However for the life of me I'm not sure how Google's made a game in JavaScript. It seems to be compressed (the code) so I can't really see what's going on. I thought javascript it was only single threaded too, making game development even harder...

Which .NET APIs should I use to implement a turn-based game server that will respond to an iPad client app?

I've done a search on SO for this topic and have found similar questions, though none seem to address my specific concerns. I'd like to experiment with building a turn-based, eight-person multiplayer iPad game. For this, I'll need to build a game server that manages all the different games being played at any given time. The backend f...

Position of intersection of a 3d vector and a cube

I am having a total mind blank on this at the moment. I have a cube (voxel) that is defined by a centre point and a width, height and depth of 1. If I have a vector with an origin from the centre of the box (E.g. (-0.7,-0.7, -0.7)) how do I calculate the point at which the vector intersects the outside of the box? EDIT: The box is alwa...

which dbms is suitable for a mmorpg game server?

which dbms is suitable for a mmo rpg game server? ...

How to implement a static graph in C

Hello, I need to store a graph for the map of a game inside a game server written in C. The graph has ~200 nodes and 3 kinds of edges that can connect two nodes (these three kind can also overlap: a node can be connected by 2 edges of two different types for example). The maximum degree of a node is something like 5-6 nodes. What I wou...

Looking for an open-source paint-style program to act as base for a game editor

I am looking for an open-source project, written in C#/Java, that does vectorial graphical manipulation, a-la Illustrator. I don't need anything terribly complex or fully-featured. I intend to use it as a base for creating a 2D-game level editor, where I will be manipulating paths to create some geometry for the level. I figured that wh...

Flash game data storage

I'm storing a variety of variables containing statistics, items weapons, etc in a flash based game. Currently I'm using PHP and AMFPHP as a backend, calling services to pull the data. This is fine for my own machine, even my own website, however if I want to deploy the game to a site such as Kongregate or ArmorGames, what storage metho...

Collision Detection in OpenGL ES on the iPhone

I seem to be having a strange issue with a 2D game I'm working on. In order to determine if my playable character sprite lands on a platform I first do an if statement checking CGRectIntersectsRect and once I've determined that the player sprite and platform sprite have intersected, I then check to make sure that the center point (plus h...

Developing an AI system to pick a fantasy football team

I'm looking to build an AI system to "pick" a fantasy football team. I have only basic knowledge of AI techniques (especially when it comes to game theory), so I am looking for advice on what techniques could be used to accomplish this and pointers to some reading materials. I am aware that this may be a very difficult or maybe even imp...

Best way to manage things like bullets in a game?

I've been starting to get into game development; I've done some tutorials and read lots of articles but one thing I'm not sure about is what is the best way to manage large numbers of temporary objects, e.g. bullets. Should each entity manage its own bullets, should I have a global bullet manager or should I create each bullet as a new ...

iPhone Game Center iOS4 support my game? How?

I'm currently building a multiplayer game for the iOS4 and I am trying to understand how I can make it support Game Center when it is released? Is there ANY documentation on it? I can't find it anywhere I'm using cocos2d to build my game and am currently not finished, but would like to be able to code directly in hopes of the game bein...

Scanning LAN game servers using winsock

I'm trying to figure out how to use winsockets to be able to turn my game into a LAN-playable game. I've read some winsockets documentation but I can't figure out how a client can get all the games that were created on LAN. Does it have to try to 'connect' to each IP on LAN, like trying to connect to, then, etc? ...

resources for making a 2d sprite?

Hello everybody I am making a 2d game, can you post link- tutorials for making a 2d game sprites?, and tutorial for browser game development? I will be really helpfull Thanks to all ...

Game engine design with dynamic properties

I am currently developing a C# .net XNA game engine. I had a question about the design of the engine. First of all I would like to have my engine be able to incorporate my own scripting language. To do so I was thinking I would have to be able to access to all the properties of all the objects in the game, or just the ones I would like...

C# delegate performance in xna game

I am currently developing a C# .net xna game engine. I have been trying to figure out a way to have an update manager / scheduler / event system. I currently am using delegates to provide a way to create dynamic scheduled tasks and events. I have recently read that delegates can be slow. The delegates in my game are being invoked every...

Java - Better way to block tiles (Login prob)

Ok so I have this 2D Tile RPG I am making.... here is a live applet: The code is also at Anyway, if you examine the code, it seems the I can only block tile 24 (which are the walls)... Do any of you awesome wise java experts see any way I can have MULTIPLE tiles that are blocked? I h...

How would I implement COMET for my (Flash) browser-based game?

Hi eveyrone, I am currently trying to write a browser-based game that allows multiple users to navigate in a 2D map. It's RPG based and requires COMET as a technique for two users appearing and interacting on one screen, should they happen to appear in the same frame. Also, in the game, I am embedding the maps within the SWF file, but ...

Ballistic curve problem

Ok i know this is quite off-topic for programmers but still I need this for app, so here it is: Ballistic curve (without wind or any other conditions) is specified by these 2 lines: So, there is a problem that you got 3 unknown values: x,y and time t, but only 2 equations. You can't really compute all 3 with just these values, I go...