
How to find angle of reflected Ray to match a Point

this is for a Tank game I am making Please see pic for a clear idea :link text I want to precompute the exacte angle to hit Point T2. T1:point start T2:point Target V1(a,b):line reflect point : this is what I m looking for :) Edit:it would be cool to see some "Code" :p ...

How to begin creating 3D (Game-) GUIs for Android Applications (e.g. with OpenGL)?

I am new to Android Development. What I want is to know how I have to begin thinking to program a neat, sexy GUI. I guess the android.opengl API is a good starting point. Let's say we wanna create something like a simplified 3D-Pool-Billard-Game: You see the table from the top and you have on the table the balls. You want to make them r...

Game Engine for Smart Device(Mobile Phone)

I am looking for 3d game engine which is suited for mobile(not iPhone). Is there any good well known 3d game engine like that? It has to be actively underdevelopment, easy to use and should support a wide variety of devices. ...

SFML Input GetMouseX and GetMouseY not catching on to mouse movement

I'm programming a GUI in my app and I noticed that button presses weren't being registered very quickly. I did some lazy debugging (send coordinates of mouse to output) and I noticed that Input's GetMouseX and GetMouseY weren't responding nearly fast enough to when the mouse moved somewhere. This small tidbit should be able to reproduce...

Thread issue in Android

I'm making a simple 2d game for the android platform, which works perfectly from version 2.0 and above, but when testing it on a 1.6 device, it crashes immediately. On running the debugger, it seems that I'm getting a null pointer exception in the thread class. I was just wondering if anybody has any ideas as to where the problem might b...

Blog detailing software behind games (" of game development")

I've written a browser-based RPG before, and am now thinking about making an experimental desktop game (like Diablo II). Do you know of any any site/blog that describes the software behind popular games? If 2+ people think this should be community wiki, I'll do that, since this is a bit off-topic. ...

Problem with Threads in MFC project

Mabye someone over here can explain to me what am i doing wrong...This is after reading a lot of articles over the net and doing what say said over there...and not working.... My problem is that i am developing a nice little game with a background music and explosion sound, for the explosion i know i need to use threads or my music stop...

Models for 3d game programming?

I'm a beginner in game development and game programming. I have experience in computer graphics - mainly OpenGL In those days Finally, I have some spare time to polish my game coding skills. But when coming to program a simple 3d game, I couldn't find any good resource for free textures and models for 3d graphics (for 2d game for exampl...

game server management for windows open source :D

hey, I was thinking of starting to develop a gaming server manager type thing similar to but for windows as I haven't found anything in the open source community. Has anyone? some ideas i had: release it under some open source license ... haven't quite decided Multi level user authentication + authorizati...

AI for a Final fantasy tactics-like game.

I am implementing a small grid based, turn based strategy in the lines of Final Fantasy tactics. Do you have any ideas on how i can approach the target selection, movement and skill selection process? I am considering having the decisions disconnected, but all these 3 decisions are largely coupled. (eg. i can't decide where to move un...

Best logic for creating a (true) random labyrinth

I've been trying to make a little simple game just to test my logics, and it's a simple labyrinth, it's ugly, and so far sucky. The engine works pretty well, given that the labyrinth already exists (a matrix), it could be even enjoyable, but I have no intention on drawing a bunch of maps, which might be setting values on 400 (20x20) fie...

Multiplayer online Flash games, is it possible?

Some time ago I tought that using the right click and giving it a real function wans't even possible in Flash world, 3 days ago I found out that via javascript is perfectly possible, and doable So, is it possible to make a Flash game that acts like a multiplayer pc game?, I mean, real online games, no delay, no lag. I heard that the ne...

On what is game time based? Real time or frames?

Hello, I'm designing a game for the first time, but I wonder on what game time is based. Is it based on the clock or does it rely on frames? (Note: I'm not sure if 'game time' is the right word here, correct me if it isn't) To be more clear, imagine these scenarios: Computer 1 is fast, up to 60fps Computer 2 is slow, not more than 30...

Effective data structure for overlapping spatial areas

I'm writing a game where a large number of objects will have "area effects" over a region of a tiled 2D map. Required features: Several of these area effects may overlap and affect the same tile It must be possible to very efficiently access the list of effects for any given tile The area effects can have arbitrary shapes but will u...

Ideas for alternative context menu layouts

I'm trying to, find / come up with, a cool alternative to the old trusty rectangle-list-o-buttons context menu. I have seen some suggesting laying the item out circles in a circle, and they call it a pie-menu. And as you click a circle, it expands to have items around it etc. (

Integrating online games to the website

Is there any 3rd party programs/websites we can integrate to provide fun & games online to the website users. ...

How the game will search for other online users and will display the list of all users ?

Hi all , I am asking this question as a small part of my question series regarding game programming . Refer this question as the main one . Now suppose I want to develop one small board game on iphone that is multiplayer . so how it will handle how many users are online and displaying them . Suppose it is an online multiplayer casin...

How one can I request someone to join the game and then visible to other users?

Hi all, I am asking this question as a small part of my question series regarding game programming. Refer this question as the main one. Now suppose I want to develop a game on iphone - a simple multiplayer board game. Suppose its a casino table and there is a table which is currently on (players are playing on) and someone wants to jo...

what type of network programming is necessary in iPhone online multiplayer game ?

Hi all , I am asking this question as a small part of my question series regarding game programming . Refer this question as the main one . Now suppose I want to develop a game on iphone - a simple online multiplayer board game. Suppose its a casino table. In the main question ChrisF has tell me of sort of Client - Server architectu...

2D game development basics

Hi, I would like to write some simple Mario-like game from scratch using language C. But honestly I have no idea how to do so, and I can´t find any good tutorial for this, which is for free. But to the actuall question, I have only written WinAPI programs so far, so all event handling and user input was handled by OS, with minimum work,...