
how costly are call backs ??

I am creating a Rendering Engine. And theres 2 ways of me creating a task management system. Creating my own custom call backs that get called before and after render, Or implementing a task management system in which I would have to derive a class from a parent TaskClass and then throw it into queue. Honestly I feel creating callbacks ...

Video lectures on game programminng

Hi, Can anyone tell from where i can download video lectures on game programming areas: 3D Math Game Design Physics for Game programmer AI for for Game programmer DirectX, OpenGL Regards, picarodevosio ...

cocos2d and box2d .. creating map and worlds

So my question is really about creating different levels in my game. I am using cocos2d and box2d and right now I have a lot of code that actually constructs my world and I can't do pane or stuff like that coz honestly i don't know how.. So any tips and pointers for beginner to create world with static object and then I can add my own ...

Rendering a 2D Map in a Game - Cropping and Scrolling

OK. I'm in essense trying to make my own interpretation of the NES hardware, so I can make a game that ideally would resemble what a NES game would look like. I'm currently stuck with how to adjust how to draw the playfield to the video memory (back buffer). BACKBUFFER The NES had restrictions on the nametable, or backbuffer. For my ...

Best way to handle graphics on iPhone game

I will be writing a game and a friend will be doing all the graphics. What is the best way to handle the graphics in the game? We dont want to draw things, we will have all the images done before the time. Which is the best way to have these images displayed? I have read and looked at tutorials on opengl es and see that they are all...

iphone MVC game design question

Hi, I've got a question about the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern for iphone games. Let's say I have a simple game that uses a ViewController. So this view controller has an associated window/view and takes player inputs of buttons sliders, etc.. on this view. Now I also have a subview of the ViewController's main window/vie...

Multiplayer game with Javascript backend and frontend. What are the best practices?

I'm thinking of creating a web multiplayer game in Node.js. This means I'll be using the same language in the backend and in the frontend. It would be in realtime and about 20 people max in each 'room', so I have a few thoughts: How do I compensate for the delay among all users so that everyone sees the same thing the same time? I'm th...

Game event scripting engine - different approaches?

I'm looking for different approaches to an "event scripting" engine for use in a game. I'm talking about capability along the lines of Z-machine (Infocom) or Maniac Mansion's SCUMM or engines used in something like a MUD/MUSH or more modern examples let's say NWN. I'm not familiar with what's behind the scenes of these, but the end res...

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.

So I am making a simple brick breaking game in c#/wpf. I am running into an issue using timers, I feel like it is probably a simple fix but here is whats happening. Whenever t_Elapsed is fired it attempts to call Update() but when it does its like OMG Im not in the right thread so I cant do that sir. How do I invoke the method from the G...

Silverlight Object Binary Serialization to Database

Right now I am programming a multiplayer card game in Silverlight I am wondering how to store a object best binary in a sql database. I have a GameState Object which contains the current state of a game between two players. I want to store this object in a sql database that both player can access and change it anytime. How would you d...

It's possible to make a program that shows FPS (frame per second) in Python?

I was wondering... It's possible to do it? A simple console command based program that shows how are your FPS, for your currently running game/program? ...

Threading Model for a Game Engine

I'm interested in getting threading into the small engine I'm working on in my spare time, but I'm curious over what the best approuch is. I'm curious about the recommended way to sync the physics thread with the rest of the engine, similar to ThisGuy. I'm working with the Bullet Physics SDK, which already use the data copy method he was...

Game Development: How to limit FPS?

Hi, I'm writing a game, and I saw the FPS algorithm doesn't work correctly (when he have to calculate more, he sleeps longer...) So, the question is very simple: how to calculate the sleeptime for having correct FPS? I know how long it took to update the game one frame in microseconds and of course the FPS I want to reach. I'm searchi...

Code vs. configuration for game object library

I'm working on a small online game where there is a need to store a reasonable amount of information about many (100+) different kinds of game objects. I'm trying to decide whether to have this data generated by code or stored in some configuration file. Data generation approach would be something like (in java-ish pseudo code): (wit...

Intersection of line segment with axis-aligned box in C#

I'm looking for an algorithm that determines the near and far intersection points between a line segment and an axis-aligned box. Here is my method definition: public static Point3D[] IntersectionOfLineSegmentWithAxisAlignedBox( Point3D rayBegin, Point3D rayEnd, Point3D boxCenter, Size3D boxSize) If the line segment doesn't inter...

Any good java 2d ui's for a custom cms that aren't generally known about?

I am looking for a general java ui that specializes in a cms system that is open source. My main target is just creating a system that children K through 12 can log in, play games, take quizzes, and submit scores to teachers. ...

DirectX, Managed DX, XNA, which one to use?

What happened to unmanaged DX, using Win32 and C++? Is it dead or dying? Will it lose support/development like MDX? Is XNA just a fad for hobbyists? Top games these days are still made with unmanaged DX, right? ...

Box2D: How to manually render a body

Hi, I'm getting crazy... I succeed installing box2d into my project. But how can I draw a body? Of course I need an engine to draw with, but that doesn't matter now (SDL). I just want to reach that I can get all the coordinates of the points that represent the body-polygon, to draw it with the engine. (Not relevant for circles) If you ...

Recommendations on multiple types of games server

Hi, I've already developed some online games (like chess, checkers, risk clone) using server side programming (PHP and C++) and Flash (for the GUI). Now, I'd like to develop some kind of game portal (like In order to do so, I must decide what is a good way to structure my server logic. At first I thought in programming...

Cocos2D iPad Vector Sprites/Spritesheet creation

Hello everyone, Is there a way to load vector graphics into the iPad using cocos(or some other method) as sprites or sprite sheets but leaving the images as vectors and not textures? The reason being is we have an animation that is just way way too big to load in as a texture so we want to scale it down using a vector image. If this is...