
Choosing a scripting language for game and implementing it

Hello, I am currently developing a 3D Action/RPG game in C++, and I would like some advice in choosing a scripting language to program the AI of the game. My team comes from a modding background, and in fact we are still finishing work on a mod of the game Gothic. In that game (which we also got our inspiration from) the language DAEDALU...

Refactor C++ code to use a scripting language?

Background: I have been working on a platformer game written in C++ for a few months. The game is currently written entirely in C++, though I am intrigued by the possibility of using Lua for enemy AI and possibly some other logic. However, the project was designed without Lua in mind, and I have already written working C++ code for m...

difference in using virtual and not using virtual

Possible Duplicate: Overriding vs Virtual In C++, whether you choose to use virtual or not, you can still override the base class function. The following compiles just fine... class Enemy { public: void SelectAnimation(); void RunAI(); void Interact() { cout<<"Hi I am a regular Enemy"; } private:...

What's the proper approach for writing multi-path "story" flows?

Hi, I wonder if you can help me. I'm writing a game (2d) which allows players to take multiple routes, some of which branch/merge - perhaps even loop. Each section of the game will decide which section is loaded next. I'm calling each section an IStoryElement - And I'm wondering how best to link these elements up in a way that is easi...

Using open source SNES emulator code to turn a rom file into a self-contained executable game

Would it be possible to take the source code from a SNES emulator (or any other game system emulator for that matter) and a game ROM for the system, and somehow create a single self-contained executable that lets you play that particular ROM without needing either the individual rom or the emulator itself to play? Would it be difficult, ...

Retro video games programming

I just watched the Super Mario Bros. -1 World glitch in youtube and I really began wondering about the code behind those games. Which language was used? What about the OS for the video games consoles? Are there any website with resources about this subject? (I am a 90s video gamer so I am particularly interested about the programming beh...

Is Quartz 2D the right choice for iPad Game

I need to make a game with a tool bar of shapes that can be dragged on screen with the following functionality shapes can be copied shapes can be stretched and resized shapes can be rotated shape color can change shapes can be cut in half and each half is now its own shape is Quartz 2D the right way to approach this? ...

Cocos2d on iPad at native res and not inside box

Hello all, So I can't seem to get my cocos2D app to run at native resolution on the iPad. All it does it run in the little box as if it's an iphone application. I have the latest version of cocos2D inside my app and used the templates to create the project. Any ideas? Cheers ...

Best of both worlds: browser and desktop game?

When considering a platform for a game, I've decided on multi-platform (Win/Lin/Mac) but can't make up my mind as far as browser vs. desktop. As I'm not all too far in development, and now having second thoughts, I'd like your opinion! Browser-based games using Java applets: market penetration is reasonably high (for version 6, it's...

What technologies exist for app level clustering?

Let's say I have an application that is guaranteed to overwhelm one server even after optimizations. Is there a technology that allows a web application to be split over multiple servers while maintaining its state? Take for example a multiple player online game. Usually in World of War craft there are multiple servers with each one hav...

Vertical circular motion : time(x/y) versus velocity equation

Hi, I wanted to simulate the following through animation : A ball starts with a certain velocity at the bottom most point of a vertical circular loop and keeps rolling in it until its velocity permits. For this, I wanted to find velocity/x/y vs. time equation. For e.g. if the ball had mass : 5Kg, radius of the circular loop = 10m, and...

MVC for non-casual game, or another Design Pattern?

Would using MVC to write a serious game be good design and a smart move, or is there another Design Pattern that makes more sense when dealing with this kind of software. And has anyone done a non-casual game using MVC? What was your experience? I'm designing a game engine in objective-c w/Cocoa and it won't use any of the Cocoa UI co...

How can I generate an "unlimited" world?

I would like to create a game with an endless (in reality an extremely large) world in which the player can move about. Whether or not I will ever get around to implement the game is one matter, but I find the idea interesting and would like some input on how to do it. The point is to have a world where all data is generated randomly o...

As3 City Simulation Game Engine

I am planning to create a Flash AS3 game that is like SimCity. Or something like the Facebook game Youtopia. Any good AS3 game engines?? I do not plan to create multiplayer games, just single player ones, and the player can load and save the city. The player has to meet a certain objective within a ti...

Opinions on platform game actor/background collision resolving

Imagine the following scenario: I have a level whose physical structure is built up from a collection of bounding rectangles, combined with prerendered bitmap backgrounds. My actors, including the player character, all have their own bounding rectangle. If an actor manages to get stuck inside a level block, partially or otherwise, it'll ...

Problem decrementing in Java with '-='

I'm making a scrolling game on Android and am having a hard time figuring out why the code below does not decrement past 0. Objects start at the end of the screen (so the x position is equal to the width of the screen) the objects move accross the screen by decrementing their x positions. I want them to scroll off of the screen, but whe...

What's a good file format to use for storing player saved files?

I'm making a game in Java, and I need a good file format to store the player's saved data. Any suggestions? Feel free to give examples in code if you want. EDIT: I don't want it human-readable and this is a server-client game, so the saved data will be on the server's machine. Also, I don't want to use Serialization. ...

Java side scrolling game on android

I'm trying to make an easy side scrolling game just to learn the ropes of game programming on android. I came up with a solution of how to make it but I don't really think it is the most elegant solution. I wanted to get some different ideas on how to implement my game, as I really have no other solution right now. Here is a quick expla...

Conceptually, how does replay work in a game?

I was kind of curious as to how replay might be implemented in a game. Initially, I thought that there would be just a command list of every player/ai action that was taken in the game, and it then 're-plays' the game and lets the engine render as usual. However, I have looked at replays in FPS/RTS games, and upon careful inspection ev...

How would one use Cocos2d to create a game like this.;ign-mpt=uo%3D6 So I am getting started with this all game dev thing on iphone and I decided that I will start playing with Cocos2d as my starting engine. Now just so i have a goal in mind, I picked angry birds as my initial target of what sort of game play would I like to...