
A simple way to implement pathfinding using bullet physics - iPhone SDK

Hi, I have bullet physics set up and working on the iPhone but now I want to implement some sort of path finding with it. The problem is I have no idea where to start, the level is pretty simple just a lot of pillars that I want the 'bad guys' to navigate around to get to the player character. Do you have any suggestions or are there ...

online lobby system - games list

Hi! Been reading a bit about the subject, and out of curiosity, online games which maintain a "lobby" system that lists games; How do they keep each client synchronized with the current games list state? I'm talking in a "client asks for the games list update" terms and not in event driven terms (game's state changes and immediately br...

Emulating old-school sprite flickering (theory and concept)

I'm trying to develop an oldschool NES-style video game, with sprite flickering and graphical slowdown. I've been thinking of what type of logic I should use to enable such effects. I have to consider the following restrictions if I want to go old-school NES style: No more than 64 sprites on the screen at a time No more than 8 sprite...

Cocos2D installation?

Hello, I am trying to install cocos2D but when I put it into terminal, I get the error: Error: This script must be run as root in order to copy templates to /Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance, Tate EDIT 1: I installed cocos2D and the project template show up but all of th...

GameQuery Collision Detection

I am having a problem with GameQuery (jQuery) collision detection Tthey just never seem to fire?!? I have checked all the .arrow's exist and the same for the .bot's but it just never seems to call the function I have the below code in my main callback: $(".bot").each(function(){ $(this).collision(".arrow").each(function(){ alert("T...

Loading material parameteres from FBX in XNA

I've got some material parameters stored in the FBX file (DiffuseFactor, ShininessExponent, SpecularFactor and others), but I can't get to them using Effect.Parameters nor BasicEffect (they've got only the basic stuff - like EmmisiveColor or alpha). I know, that I can try to write a Effect-derived class, but is there any other way? A bui...

Level of Detail for 3D terrains/models in Mobile Devices (Android / XNA )

I am planning to develop for WP7 and Android. What is the better way to display (and traverse) 3D scene/models in term of LoD? The data is planned to be island-wide (Singapore). 1) Real-Time Dynamic Level of Detail Terrain Rendering 2) Discrete LoD 3) Others? And please advice some considerations/algorithms/resources/source codes. som...

If I wanted to make a Pac-Man Game?

I am immediately placing this as a community wiki thing. I don't want to ask for help in programming yet or have even a specific question about programming, but rather the process and the resources needed to make such a game. To put it simply: My college friend and I decided to give ourselves a really big challenge to further our skill...

How to program game of Go, Baduk, Weiqi in java

I am a beginner in java, so I would like to know if there are any java skeletons for the board game of Go. ...

Read -> change -> save. Thread safe.

This code should automatically connect players when they enter a game. But the problem is when two users try to connect at the same time - in this case 2nd user can easily overwrite changes made by 1st user ('room_1' variable). How could I make it thread safe? def join(userId): users = memcache.get('room_1') users.append(user...

Any high-level languages that can use c libraries?

I know this question could be in vain, but it's just out of curiosity, and I'm still much a newb^^ Anyways I've been loving python for some time while learning it. My problem is obviously speed issues. I'd like to get into indie game creation, and for the short future, 2d and pygame will work. But I'd eventually like to branch into the ...

Offline Mapping API

Are there any services available that allow me to manipulate maps in an offline setting? I am working on a project that requires me to take a map and based on features on the map, generate a game world. I have looked at a few of the API's for different providers: Google, ms, etc. The API's I looked seem to be strictly showing a user a ma...

Movement in game programming

This question may have been asked before, but I'm starting to get into game programming on the Android. I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to move an object. To put it simply, lets say I have a bitmap located on 0,0 and i want to move it across the screen. The obvious way to do it would be to simply increment the X positio...

iPhone RPG scrolling text for dialogue

Hello! I have an RPG in development, but I'm still confused about the best way to display dialogue. I want there to be a text box with text that scrolls (like any RPG), but what is the best way to accomplish this using X-Code? Thanks! ...

Is there any limit to recursion in lisp?

I enjoy using recursion whenever I can, it seems like a much more natural way to loop over something then actual loops. I was wondering if there is any limit to recursion in lisp? Like there is in python where it freaks out after like 1000 loops? Could you use it for say, a game loop? Testing it out now, simple counting recursive functi...

How should I manage/declare dependencies between open source C# projects?

I've got a game (a roguelike to be specific) in C# that I'm in the process of cleaning up to open source. One step I'd like to take is splitting it into three distinct pieces: A simple package of utility classes, things like 2D arrays, vectors, etc. A terminal UI package that gives you a curses-like display. It depends on 1. The actual...

Game/Application menu as a central part of the game/application

I am developing a Java application, well, it's actually a small game. I want to build up the application as follows: when it starts, a window should appear which has a menu with four choices: 'Start game', 'Options', 'Highscores' and 'Quit'. If you then click game, the game starts, preferrably in the same window, if you click options, we...

Game Development: How do you make a story game?

Hi, I made already a few simple games: enter a level, get up to the end, continue to the next level. But I'm still wondering how "real" game developers create games with a story. Here are a few things what a story game has (and where I'm wondering about how they make it) : A sequence of places the player have to visit and do there th...

How do game companies handle programming for multiple platforms?

You often see that a new game will be released on Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows PC. How do gaming companies do this? Is it a common source code compiled using different compilers? Are actual different source codes required? example news article announcing this:

What's wrong with the architecture of a game object drawing and updating itself?

What are the reasons for and against a game object drawing and updating itself? For example, if you have a game where the player has a position on screen, why not have an all-encompassing class: public class Player { private int x, y, xVelocity, yVelocity; private Sprite s; //... public Player() { // load the sp...