
Store 3d models in game, the best way

What is the best method to store 3d models in game ? I store in vectors: vector triangles (each triangle contain number of texcords, numer of vertex and number of normal), vector points; vector normals; vector texCords; ...

C#: How to programmatically compile a DLL with certain XML content in the resources of the DLL?

More specifically, I'm wanting to compile the XML required by Microsoft to create a GDF.dll file, in order to add a game to the Games Explorer in Windows 7. I found this KB article that explains how to programmatically compile source into a DLL or EXE, but I'm unsure how to properly compile a DLL that contains XML. ...

C++: Platform independent game lib?

Hi, I want to write a serious 2D game, and it would be nice if I have a version for Linux and one for Windows (and eventually OSX). Java is fantastic because it is platform independent. But Java is too slow to write a serious game. So, I thought to write it in C++. But C++ isn't very cross-platform friendly. I can find game libraries fo...

Could you please provide me with comments on a Java game of mine?

Hello there. I have marked this question as community wiki, so no rep points are thrown around. I made this game, Forest Defender, a proof-of-feasibility little project, which I would like to share with you and collect your constructive comments, first impressions, etc. It is a the first playable (and enjoyable) game I have released to...

How to launch game using a 'Launch' button in the website?

It is an online game, I need to develop a 'Launch' button on the game site to launch the client side game. I have seen this in several online games like this one. How can this be done? Note: I am using ASP.NET to develop the website. ...

Actionscript 2.0 Functions problem and somewhat "global" variable

I have two problems. The first problem is with the following functions; when I call the function in (enterFrame), it doesn't work: onClipEvent (load) { function failwhale(levelNum) { _root.gotoAndStop("fail"); failFrom = levelNum; } function guardSightCollision(guardName, guardSightName) { if (_root.guardName.guardSightName....

How to count time securely in a Flash game?

Hello. I'm developing a Flash game in ActionScript 2, and the issue if that this game has to count the time securely. It can't count the time from the Date class because the Flash Player takes the time from the local computer, and the user can change the local time so the time reported would be fake. I haven't considerend to take the ...

Ray-triangle intersetion

Hello! How can I test intersesion ray and triangle, and if it exist how to get distance from ray origin to intersection point?? What optimization I can use, if in my program I've got to check 1 ray to ~10000 triangles ?? ...

What are the 'best' XNA developed games for PC?

I've had a quick google, but can't find anything obvious that answers the question. What are the best games developed using XNA for PC? Any flagship games, original games.. etc? Obviously 'best' is pretty subjective, but I'm sure they'll be a common consensus on some of the good ones. (I don't own an XBox (if that matters...)) ...

Adding a JPanel to another JPanel having TableLayout

I am trying to develop a map editor in Java using TableLayout. My map window receives as a constructor a Map object. From that map object i am able to retrieve the Grid and every item in the grid along with other getters and setters. The problem is that even though the Mapping extends JComponent, when I place it in a panel it is not pain...

Detecting object-mouse collisions in JGame

In JGame, how do you detect a collision between an object and the mouse? For example, change the object animation if the mouse is on the object. Edit: Resolved. How to delete this question? ...

Animation not playing

Hello again, I didn't say this last time but I am relatively new to iPhone programming and extremely new to iPhone game development so bear with me. In my game, when I tilt the device, the character moves and faces the correct direction, but does not animate. I am using an animated UIImageView. Here is the code: float newX = characte...

How do you make a character jump, both on objects and just normal jump?

Hi, I'm kind of a beginner when it comes to java programming, and I have a project in school where I'm going to create a game much like Icy Tower. And my question is, how am I going to write to make the character stand on the ground and be able to jump up on objects? Here's my code so far: Part one package Sprites; import java.awt.Im...

What do the ddx and ddy values do in this AABB ray intersect algorithm?

Does anyone know what the ddx and ddy values do in the AABB ray intersect algorithm? Taken from the following site (show below). Local txmin#,txmax#,tymin#,tymax# // rox, rdx are the ray origin on the x axis, and ray delta on the x axis ... y-axis is roy and rdy Local ddx# =1.0...

How to automatically execute python script when Maya first loaded

Hi, I am new to Maya and trying to figure out how to use Python in Maya. I wanted to create a shelf in Maya and when I click that shelf, it will execute a file containing python code. First thing, I figured out that we can't simply "source" python script. I followed tutorial from

flash as3, fade in/out layering problem

Ok, what im trying to do is make a day to night cycle behind my landscape. There is a sun and a moon, they rotate in a circle on opposite sides. (i.e. the sun is up when the moon is down and vice versa) when the sun is coming up it should fade from the night movieclip to the dawn movieclip, then when the sun is up a little bit more, fade...

How did this programmer achieve this calculator inside of a game?

Link here: YouTube Video I'm curious and thinking for a long time now I have no idea how this man pulled it off. I just see levers and thread going and coming into cogs at random so it seems. Can someone shed some light for us curious geeks. :) ...

Need help with implementing collision detection using the Separating Axis Theorem

So, after hours of Googling and reading, I've found that the basic process of detecting a collision using SAT is: for each edge of poly A project A and B onto the normal for this edge if intervals do not overlap, return false end for for each edge of poly B project A and B onto the normal for this edge if intervals do n...

2d terrain generation in real time

Hey, I'm trying to create a game similar to this (Note:When you click 'play', there are SFX in the game which you can't seem to turn off, so you may want to check volume). In particular, I'm interested in knowing how the 'infinite' landscape is generated. Are there any tutorials/articles describing this? I came across procedural genera...

What language to use for developing a tiled map editor?

Hello. I'm working on a 2D tiles-based games mixing 3D models, which I achieved using OpenGL and C++. I would like to know what language should I use for creating a map editor, it needs to be easy-to-use and with a form designer or something alike, and with an easily embedded rendering engine. If you would say I should use a language, I ...