
iPhone OS: implementing your own achievements, how do I do it?

I'm working on a game where really the only game part is (at least right now) that the user can unlock achievements as she does various things throughout the game. I have a database that can keep track of certain user actions and record how many times a user does something but I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to architect the...

SDL side-scroller scrolls inconsistantly

So I'm working on an upgrade from my previous project (that I posted here for code review) this time implementing a repeating background (like what is used on cartoons) so that SDL doesn't have to load really big images for a level. There's a strange inconsistency in the program, however: the first time the user scrolls all the way to th...

Game Programming - GUIs

I've been coding for a while now and would like to start looking into programming games. I know the industry's standard language is C++, for 3D graphics the main choice is between Direct 3D and OpenGL, but what is the most widely used GUI framework? I'm currently on a Mac so if native Windows API is the answer, then what is the cross pla...

C CLI game concept

So I just wanted to get some opinions on the overall structure of a game I have to build for a programming class. Essentially - I'm building two programs - a client and a server for a battleships game. I've already written the actual program which plays the battleships game. The program I've written is where a map and rules file is read...

What is the best choiche of multiplayer game server engines for iPhone?

You know, I just want to create a game with lobby, chat, rooms, registration, etc. I've just googled it, and found only SmartFox. Seems promising, but is there any other? ...

Is there a faster alternative to using textures in XNA?

I am writing a map editing program for a 2D game using XNA. To create a Texture2D for all of the tiles that a map requires takes too long. Are there any alternatives to using textures for drawing with XNA? I attempted to create just one texture per tile set instead of a texture for every tile in a tile set, but there is a limit to the...

car race game collision condition.

in this how can rotate car when it goes to collied with the track side. package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import; import; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import Math; /** * ... * @author Ashok */ public class F1race extends MovieClip { publ...

How to check if aspect ratio auto adjustment is enabled in monitor

Game application is written in C++ and uses DirectX 8. I am getting a maximum monitor resolution to calculate it's aspect ratio. Then I use this value to fix game rendering (scale and set clipping to receive normal 4:3 image with black borders on wide screen monitors). How can I check if monitor is using aspect ratio auto adjustment no...

Rush Hour - Solving the game

Rush Hour if you're not familiar with it, the game consists of a collection of cars of varying sizes, set either horizontally or vertically, on a NxM grid that has a single exit. Each car can move forward/backward in the directions it's set in, as long as another car is not blocking it. You can never change the direction of a car. There ...

How to efficiently render different things at different times in a game?

Sorry for the ambiguous title. What I am wondering is what is an efficient way to alternate rendering between lets say a main menu, options menu, and "in the game." The only two ways I've come up with so far are to have 1 render function, with code for each part (menu, ...) and a variable to control what gets drawn, or to have multiple...

Per pixel collision detection in Javascript/Jquery/Gamequery

I am trying to program a web game in Jquery with the GameQuery plugin, problem is the GameQuery plugin has no support for per pixel collision detection only collision detection with bounding boxes. Is it possible to implement per pixel collision detection in javascript/Jquery? I have a world map with countries and a player which is mov...

how to create numbers(images) in twitter format?

Hi, I am developing a list of buttons for a puzzle game where i want to place images on these buttons with good texture on it like what we see just like in twitter it possible to do this? if so how? Thanks, ...

My Android game runs out of memory when it is closed and opened and couple times.

I have an Android game that has an activity for the menu, and then another activity for the game that creates a SurfaceView and Thread to deal with canvas drawing and game logic. When you exit the game and start it up again too much or if you open and close the keyboard (thus restarting the activity), the game runs out of memory, usually...

Where to start game programming for Android

Hi, I'm new to game programming. But I'v got an ide for what I think would be a fun game for the Android platform. My question is, where do I start? Anyone got some good sites to recommend or perhaps a book or two. I'v got medium skills when it come to programming but i'v got a masters of science degree in computer engineering so i'm ...

Mobile Silverlight Applications

Hi, Have You got any tutorials, books, any good resources to start creating mobile games using silverlight ? Maybe any good resource on writing 2d games in silverlight for pc? Ay way do You think that its worth learning it or any other technology would be better and have probably shinier future ? ...

where should damage logic go Game Engine or Character Class

I am making a game and I am trying to decide what is the best practice for exchanging damage between two objects on the screen. Should the damage be passed directly between the two objects or should it be pass through a central game engine that decides the damage and different criteria's such as hit or miss or amount dealt. So overall w...

How to store the path of a game pawn in a turn based game ?

Hello, I have a square grid, for a turn based game ( grid is similar to the chess board ), but the moves in the games are different based on whether you have lapped your opponent pawn at least once or not. i.e if you have not lapped (beaten any of the opponents pawns) in the outer most grid as below if you have lapped your opponen...

Reason for monolithic data files

Primarily this seems to be a technique used by games, where they have all the sounds in one file, textures in another etc. With these files commonly reaching the GB size. What is the reason behind doing this over maintaining it all in subdirectories as small files - one per texture which many small games use this, with the monolithic sy...

QuadTrees - how to update when internal items are moving

I've implemented a working QuadTree. It subdivides 2-d space in order to accomodate items, identified by their bounding box (x,y,width,height) on the smallest possible quad (up to a minimum area). My code is based on this implementation (mine is in Lua instead of C#) : I've been able ...

2D Spaceship movement math

Hi, I'm new here. I'm trying to make a top-down spaceship game and I want the movement to somewhat realistic. 360 degrees with inertia, gravity, etc. My problem is I can make the ship move 360° with inertia with no problem, but what I need to do is impose a limit for how fast the engines can go while not limiting other forces pushing/p...