
Choosing design method for ladder-like word game.

I'm trying to build a simple application, with the finished program looking like this : I will also have to implement two different GUI layouts for this. Now I'm trying to figure out the best method to perform this task. My professor told me to introduce Element class with 4 states : - empty - invisible (used in GridLayout) - first le...

Bouncing a ball off a surface

Hi all, I'm currently in the middle of writing a game like Breakout, and I was wondering how I could properly bounce a ball off a surface. I went with the naive way of rotating the velocity by 90 degrees, which was: [vx, vy] -> [-vy, vx] Which (unsurprisingly) didn't work so well. If I know the position and veocity of the ball, as we...

What are the general strategies for the server of an FPS multiplayer game to update its clients?

A friend and I were having a discussion about how a FPS server updates the clients connected to it. We watched a video of a guy cheating in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and saw how it highlighted the position of enemies on the screen and it got us thinking. His contention was that the server only updates the client with information that i...

OpenGL: Easiest way to make shadow and light Volumes?

Hello! I want to ask what is the easiest way to make shadow and light volume ? How can I bring to scene more realism? Do you know any nice tricks ? I hear that to make shadow i must use stencil buffer, but I don't know how:/ I can't find any super simple example how to make it. ...

Android: How to invalidate multiple parts of screen

I need to be able to selectively invalidate multiple (about 20) rectangles on the screen for performance reasons, so tried the following: Vector<Rect> myRects = new Vector<Rect>(); // ... add some Rects to myRects for (Rect r : myRects) { invalidate(r); } However this seems to invalidates a union of all the Rect's, forming one l...

How do web browser games access temporary files

There is a web game that I play and I used fiddler to see what temporary files it downloaded. While I was playing I deleted all those temporary files including the sounds and flash files. But it didn't affect the game at all. Why is that? I checked in fiddler and it doesn't look like the files were redownloaded. ...

GUI system architecture?

I'm designing GUI (graphical user interface) system for a game engine (C++). Idea is to create a heirarchy of GUI controllers like Focusable, Hoverable, Dragable etc. Every GUI component can attach multiple controllers, they modify component's behaviour. I think it gives flexible system and protects from code duplication. Different ins...

How online-game clients are able to exchange data through internet so fast?

Hello, Let's imagine really simple game... We have a labirinth and two players trying to find out exit in real time through internet. On every move game client should send player's coordinates to server and accept current coordinates of another client. How is it possible to make this exchange so fast (as all modern games do). Ok, we ...

Modelling deterministic and nondeterministic data separately

I'm working with the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework for a game project. Following the advice of other posters on SO, I'm considering modelling deterministic and nondeterministic data separately. The idea for this came from a discussion on multiplayer games, but it seemed to make sense in a single-player scenario as well. Determinist...

DirectX 9 HLSL vs. DirectX 10 HLSL: syntax the same?

For the past month or so, I have been busting my behind trying to learn DirectX. So I've been mixing back back and forth between DirectX 9 and 10. One of the major changes I've seen in the two is how to process vectors in the graphics card. One of the drastic changes I notice is how you get the GPU to recognize your structs. In DirectX ...

Using Effect For Fog of War

I'm trying to apply fog of war to areas on the screen not currently visible to the player. I do this by rendering the game content in one RenderTarget and the the fog of war into another, and then I merge them with an effect file that takes the color from the game RenderTarget and the alpha from the fog of war render target. The FOW Rend...

Real time soft shadows without stencil buffers

I'm really curious how the following is done They seem to achieve real time softish shadows on the iphone which does not have a stencil buffer available. It seems to run pretty fluid here Anyone has an idea? ...

Good code architecture for this problem?

I am developing a space shooter game with customizable ships. You can increase the strength of any number of properties of the ship via a pair of radar charts*. Internally, i represent each ship as a subclassed SpaceObject class, which holds a ShipInfo that describes various properties of that ship. I want to develop a relatively simple...

How to prevent overdrawing?

This is a difficult question to search in Google since it has other meaning in finance. Of course, what I mean here is "Drawing" as in .. computer graphics.. not money.. I am interested in preventing overdrawing for both 3D Drawing and 2D Drawing. (should I make them into two different questions?) I realize that this might be a very b...

XCode: Capturing swipe gesture and creating a moving object

Newbie in XCode & IPhone development. I'm trying to create a game, where throwing an object (using a swipe gesture) will move the object to the direction requested and will continue with momentum until the border of the view. Anyone has some code snippets (or links) I can look into for examples? Thanks. ...

3d / 2.5d game library for iphone and pc

I'm trying to make a 2d shooter game with 3d background. The player and enemies are essentially just quads with textures. The background will be simple 3d polygons with textures and some fog and light. Therefore, I don't need a really powerful 3d library. I tried Unity3D and Torque2D, but I don't like to use their GUI editors. I pref...

Making a Game Without Graphics?

Is it possible or even constructive to make a game without any graphics (but is intended to become graphical) I'm not good with graphics at all, so I'd like to write the skeleton for the game then have a graphics programmer/artist fill in the rest. I could write up all the major classes, and their interactions, and all the major functio...

How do I learn Flash Game Development?

I'm currently a PHP programmer and one of my childhood dreams is to create a game. The problem is I don't know Flash. I'm not great at drawing stuff or even artistic. I could program a little with JavaScript and I could consider myself intermediate with JQuery. Question How do I get started with Flash Game development? What books do I...

OO vs Simplicity when it comes to user interaction

Firstly, sorry if this question is rather vague but it's something I'd really like an answer to. As a project over summer while I have some downtime from Uni I am going to build a monopoly game. This question is more about the general idea of the problem however, rather than the specific task I'm trying to carry out. I decided to build...

Best way to implement game loop without freezing UI thread

I'm trying to make a simple 2D game in Java. So far I have a JFrame, with a menubar, and a class which extends JPanel and overrides it's paint method. Now, I need to get a game loop going, where I will update the position of images and so on. However, I'm stuck at how best to achieve this. Should I use multi-threading, because surely, i...