
Game Server Language Selection

I am planning to make a online-multiplayer game with my friends. The game is a browser card game (so, players act in turns) and players could host rooms in a lobby. Flex + actionscript will be used to write for the client side. We are discussing what should be used for the server side. I suggested C#/Java and my friend suggested PHP. I...

SilverLight: game programming for kids

Hi, Is it possible for kids with only HTML/CSS programming experience to do game programming in SilverLight 4.0? They are using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express edition. Do they have to learn c# or any other language since they are just starting out? Thanks ...

Drag and Drop and identify locations with java

I'm trying to do something quite simple, but I'm having a hard time finding good examples on the net to what I want specifically. I'd like to somehing very similer to what it's here: Dao It's a simple game called DAO and I just need to have a background image with 16 squares (4x4) and drag and drop the images (pieces) on each square to...

JLabel withing another JLabel

I want to do a very simple thing with java swing and I'm not being able to. I added a jLabel as it is the only object using java swing that can hold an image (using the icon property) least I wasn't able to set an image using other objects. Now I want to add another jlabel in top of the first one with another image so it can be "...

Find optimal/good-enough strategy and AI for the game 'Proximity'?

'Proximity' is a strategy game of territorial domination similar to Othello, Go and Risk. Two players, uses a 10x12 hex grid. Game invented by Brian Cable in 2007. Seems to be a worthy game for discussing a) optimal algorithm then b) how to build an AI. Strategies are going to be probabilistic or heuristic-based, due to the randomness f...

Help with game development. Render loop?

Hello, I'm working on a simple game, this is my first game project. Most of the samples I find have a Render Loop where all the game logic is made too and I just don't like this. Let's say I have a ball with X=0, and a wall in X=10 and in a slow machine, the first loop places the ball in X=7 and in a second loop, it places the ball in X...

Does HTML5 make Javascript gaming safer (more secure)?

I know that Javascript is an incredibly unsecure way of programming a persistent game, where for instance you are doing battle calculations in an RPG and then award XP through linking to a PHP page when they win that adds XP to a database (since the player could make their own javascript to always win or just look at the PHP page that yo...

Is Flash/Actionscript any safer than Javascript for persistent online game?

I'm finding lately how unsecure Javascript is when programming a game (I'm trying to do a turn based RPG and currently the battle calculations are done through Javascript which any player can cheat with of course giving themselves as much XP as they want), so I'm wondering if I were to move my battle screen to flash if this would be any ...

Representing robot's elbow angle in 3-D

I am given coordinates of two points in 3-D viz. shoulder point and object point(to which I am supposed to reach). I am also given the length from my shoulder-to-elbow arm and the length of my forearm. I am trying to solve for the unknown position(the position of the joint elbow). I am using cosine rule to find out the elbow angle. Here ...

SET game odds simulation (MATLAB)

I have recently found the great card came - SET. Briefly, there are 81 cards with the four features: symbol (oval, squiggle or diamond), color (red, purple or green), number (one, two or three) and shading (solid, striped or open). The task is to locate (from selected 12 cards) a SET of 3 cards, in which each of the four features is eith...

Software for composing iPhone game background music

I want to compose some basic background music for an iPhone game. What's a good program for OS X (10.5.8)? I'd like to save the audio files in a compressed format that's compatible w/ AVAudioPlayer (aif, aiff, caf, mp3, aac, m4a, mp4, wav). Perhaps something like Logic Studio Express? Cheers! ...

One-liner to determine who wins in Rock, Paper, Scissors

So I am writing a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game in C (it's for an assignment by the way, though the main thing is to learn sockets. Also, I suspect it will be due before I get a good answer). I have it setup as Rock=0, Paper=1, and Scissors=2. Is there an easy one-liner to determine who wins? I tried playing around with it on pap...

Developing for Mac, without a Mac.

Hello I am a "lone wolf" C++ game developer, and games sell more on Mac (because noone make Mac games... bizarre), so I need to make Mac games. My problem is: I don't own a Mac, and I have no way to get one (unless someone donate one to me...), I don't have money even to upgrade my crappy 3 year old PC, or buy a netbook... So, how I d...

Issues with HLSL and lighting

I am trying figure out whats going on with my HLSL code but I have no way of debugging it cause C++ gives off no errors. The application just closes when I run it. I am trying to add lighting to a 3d plane I made. below is my HLSL. The problem consist when my Pixel shader method returns the struct "outColor" . If I change the return valu...

iPhone game where user can choose background music

I've noticed some games in the app store that allow the user to choose background music from their music library (iTunes). As a developer how can I add this functionality to my game? (Just a link to a tutorial would be great... I've tried searching about 10 times and no luck) ...

windows keydown listeners in C

I am having a very hard time finding resources that talk about the windows message system. Mainly the keydown constant variables. I need to know what const varibles I need to listen for all keypress especially the arrow keys for C ...

Cross-platform game development: ease of development vs security

Hi, I'm a member and contributor of the Argentum Online (AO) community, the first MMORPG from Argentina, which is Free Software; which, although it's not 3D, it's really addictive and has some dozens of thousands of users. Really unluckily AO was developed in Visual Basic (yes, you can laugh) but the former community, so imagine, the c...

passing a float as a pointer to a matrix

Honestly, I couldnt think of a better title for this issue because I am having 2 problems and I don't know the cause. The first problem I have is this //global declaration float g_posX = 0.0f; ............. //if keydown happens g_posX += 0.03f; &m_mtxView._41 = g_posX; I get this error cannot convert from 'float' to 'float *' ...

Algorithm for finding the best routes for food distribution in game

Hello, I'm designing a city building game and got into a problem. Imagine Sierra's Caesar III game mechanics: you have many city districts with one market each. There are several granaries over the distance connected with a directed weighted graph. The difference: people (here cars) are units that form traffic jams (here goes the graph...

creating 2d sprites for games ?

i am pretty new to developing games...i thought i would begin by making a simple 2d game.... curious what tools are commonly used to transform images to pixel sprites ? or is this done by hand, if so what tools are used ? even better, is there a marketplace where i can purchase game sprites and other game assets ? ...