
MUD (game) design concept question about timed events.

I'm trying my hand at building a MUD (multiplayer interactive-fiction game) I'm in the design/conceptualizing phase and I've run into a problem that I can't come up with a solution for. I'm hoping some more experienced programmers will have some advice. Here's the problem as best I can explain it. When the player decides to perform a...

A* (A-star) implementation in AS3

Hey, I am putting together a project for a class that requires me to put AI in a top down Tactical Strategy game in Flash AS3. I decided that I would use a node based path finding approach because the game is based on a circular movement scheme. When a player moves a unit he essentially draws a series of line segments that connect that...

Open Source Turn-Based Strategy Game Engine?

Is anyone aware of a turn-based based strategy game engine that is open source? ...

Looking forward to a programming future but confused where to start.

Hi there, I am very new to this site and to programming. I started doing some basic programming with python a few weeks ago and recently, messing around with Java basics. My main problem is that I am completely overwhelmed and haven't got the slightest clue where I should be starting. I want to learn programming because I really enjoy ...

Calculating collision for a moving circle, without overlapping the boundaries

Let's say I have circle bouncing around inside a rectangular area. At some point this circle will collide with one of the surfaces of the rectangle and reflect back. The usual way I'd do this would be to let the circle overlap that boundary and then reflect the velocity vector. The fact that the circle actually overlaps the boundary isn'...

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'indices' was corrupted.

well I think I know what the problem is. I am just having a hard time debugging it. I am working with the directx api and I am trying to generate a plane along the x and z axis according to a book I have. The problem is when I am creating my indices. I think I am setting values out of the bounds of the indices array. I am just having a ...

What are the benefits of learning a new language, as a game developer?

I'm an independant game developer/designer, and I'm wondering what specific benefits are there to learning a new programming language. I do my programming in C++ currently, and I want to know if there are any tangible benefits to learning a different language, as in, benefits to writing a game x in language y versus game w in language z...

Any good tutorials or resources for learning how to design a scalable and "component" based game 'framework'?

In short I'm creating a 2D mmorpg and unlike my last "mmo" I started developing I want to make sure that this one will scale well and work well when I want to add new in-game features or modify existing ones. With my last attempt with an avatar chat within the first few thousand lines of code and just getting basic features added into t...

Game Key Events: Event or Method Overload?

If you were going to develop a game in say, Ruby, and you were provided with a game framework, would you rather act on key up/down events by overloading a method on the main window like so: class MyGameWindow < Framework::GameWindow def button_down(id) case id when UpArrow do_something ...

Access violation writing location, in my loop

The exact error I am getting is First-chance exception at 0x0096234a in chp2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x002b0000. Windows has triggered a breakpoint in chp2.exe. And the breakpoint stops here for(DWORD i = 0; i < m; ++i) { //we are start at the top of z float z = halfDepth - i*dx; for(DWORD j = ...

DirectX: Game loop order, draw first and then handle input?

I was just reading through the DirectX documentation and encountered something interesting in the page for IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene : To enable maximal parallelism between the CPU and the graphics accelerator, it is advantageous to call IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene as far ahead of calling present as possible. I've been ac...

Seperation of game- and rendering logic

What is the best way to seperate rendering code from the actually game engine/logic code? And is it even a good idea to seperate those? Let's assume we have a game object called Knight. The Knight has to be rendered on the screen for the user to see. We're now left with two choices. Either we give the Knight a Render/Draw method that we...

Android card based game, need help to start

Hello, I'm just setting out in android development. I want to make a kind of card based game. I'm just looking for suggestions really on how I might start it. I know I have to make the menu layout and view, then use an Intent from that to get to the main game view. My sticking points are: -There's going to be a deck of cards. It's goi...

starting flash game development

where to begin ? i want to create multiplayer flash games using Union (any experience?) but which IDE and prerequisites do i need to begin ? also, what does Flex mean ? thank you. p.s. what is the best way to purchase Game assets ? ex) 2d sprites...i've given up trying to design my own. i need to outsource (any dedicated place for fi...

DrawPrimitive with alpha

I'm trying to draw a line with the DrawPrimitive function in Direct3D. Can I draw tranparent line with the function? If I can, how to design it? ...

Which Ipod touch generation should I buy? 2nd or 3rd?

I want to create games for Iphone/Ipod touch. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of money so I can buy only one device. Ipod is cheaper than Iphone, so I decided to bought Ipod touch. But I am afraid of buying 3rd generation - because it has more memory, more faster CPU, etc. And I think if I post my app on appstore - people with 2nd gener...

Dot Game and Dynamic Programming

I'm trying to solve a variant of the dot game with dynamic programming. The regular dot game is played with a line of dots. Each player takes either one or two dots at their respective end of the line and the person who is left with no dots to take wins. In this version of the game, each dot has a different value. Each player takes a...

What kind of socket server protocol is efficient?

When I was writing a simple server for a simple client <> server multiplayer game, I thought of the following text-based protocol using a translation library. Basically, each command had a certain meaning, eg: 1 = character starts turning right 2 = character starts turning left 3 = character stops turning 4 = character starts moving for...

[Physics] Why is Verlet integration better than Euler integration?

Hello! Can someone explain me why Verlet integration is better than Euler integration? And why RK4 better than Verlet? I don't understand why it is a better method :/ ...

Can't get my object to point at the mouse.

I'm using a combination of SDL and OpenGL in a sort of crash course project to teach myself how this all works. I'm really only interested in OpenGL as a way to use acceleration in 2D games so I just need this to work in a 2D plane. I have been having a lot of problems today with my current issue, I would like an object to point toward...